MPEG-4 Authoring Tool Using Moving Object Segmentation and Tracking in Video Shots (original) (raw)

EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2003:9, 861–877 c ○ 2003 Hindawi Publishing Corporation MPEG-4 Authoring Tool Using Moving Object Segmentation and Tracking in Video Shots


offers numerous capabilities and is expected to be the future standard for multimedia applications. However, the implementation of these capabilities requires a complex authoring process, employing many different competencies from image sequence analysis and encoding of audio/visual/BIFS to the implementation of different delivery scenarios: local access on CD/DVD-ROM, Internet, or broadcast. However powerful the technologies underlying multimedia computing are, the success of these systems depends on their ease of authoring. In this paper, a novel Authoring tool fully exploiting the object-based coding and 3D synthetic functionalities of the MPEG-4 standard is described. It is based upon an open and modular architecture able to progress

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Rupavahini Sameeksha, 2016

mß.Kl iÔùlrKh m% ñ;s .; úh hq ;a f;a wehs @ m% fõYh ñks id hkq ;uka úis ka ols k ;uka g wjYH iEu fohla u ;ud ika ;lfha ;nd .ekS fï wdYdfjka fm<k i;a j fldÜGdYhls ' ;uka leu;s jia ;+ ka úIhka iÔù whq ßka u ;nd.ekS ug ñks id fï jk;= re;a W;a iy orñka is à' fï fya ;= j ks id f,dj fndfyda fofkl= f,djg fndfyda foa odhdo lr we;' wm kj fidhd.ekS u f,i tA jd y`ÿka juq ' wÔù jia ;+ ka mjd iÔù f,i oelS ug;a " hula iÔùj is g wÔù jQ miq kej; th iÔù f,i oel.ekS ug;a " mj;s k iÔù ia jNdjh kej; jrla tA whq ßka u keröug we;s jQ wjYH;djh u; ñks id p,k is ;= ju fiùug jev wrUhs ' jir 4000la muK merKs m% xYfha ,eia flda f,ka Ñ;% j, tA Ys ,a m yrUfha wdrïNl ;;= oels h yel' ;uka fjfik ovhï hq .fha tA is ÿl< l% s hdldrlï iy i;a jhka f.a yeis Íu p,khlg k.ka kg fuka f.k we;s W;a idyh w.fka h' th iodl,a mej;S ug fuka leka jih f,i fhdod .ka fka .,a .= ydj, ì;a ;s hhs ' ñks idf.a mßKduh;a " ñks id m¾K;ùu;a " Tyq jvd M,odhS f,i wjg mßirhiù. iy iïnka Olï jeäÈhq Kq lr .ekS u;a " lghq ;= ld¾hCIuj lr.ekS u ms Ks i kj WmlrK ks mojd .ekS u;a tA jd jeäÈhq Kq lr.ekS u;aiù. ;dCIKh ìys ùu is ÿfjhs ' ;ud úis ka uq ,s ka w;mh fhdodf.k is ÿl, wfka lúo lghq ;= jvd;a myiq fjka is ÿlr .ekS u i`oyd ñks id WmlrK ks mojhs ' Tyq wjg is ák i;= ka f.ka mjd Woõ ,nd.kS ' úfgl ñks id úis ka ñks idu fhdodf.k jevlghq ;= lr.ekS u o wdrïN úh' hq. .Kkdjla miq lrñka wo wm .;lrk ;dCIKs l jYfhka Èhq Kq f,i i,lk kuq ;a ;ju;a b;d ,dnd, wjÈfha miq jk 21 jk is hji ;= < Wla ; ud;Dldj f,i wm l:dlrk iÔùlrK ;dCIKh b;d by, ;;a jhl mj;S ' ud oekg mj;s k ;dCIKh ,dnd, f,i ola jka fka wkd.; f,dj ;= < wm ika ks fõokh i`oyd fhdod.ka kdjq ;dCIKh úoHq ;a udOH fkdjk ks idh' tA ldka ;fhka u th w;s Yh m% N, rgdjla jkq fkdwkq udkh' hï fyhls ka wmg tu wjÈh oelS ug ,enq Kfyd;a th jdikdjls ' flfia fyda ñks id ;uka g kejk kej; oelS ug" ls hùug fyda fmka ùug hula igyka lr ;nd .ekS u wdrïN jka fka wo Bfhl fkdjk nj wm oks uq ' Tyq hï fudfyd;l ix{djla ms <s n`o hï oekq ula jegyS ula ia jhx f,i ,enq jdo" tA fudfydf;a is g fï jk úg tys ix{d;a ul .= Kh iy th jgyd .ekS fï ms <s fj, w;s Yh Èhq Kq ;;a jhlg m;a j we;s nj fyd`Èka u fmfkk lreKls ' tf,i y`ÿkd.ka kd ix{dj l= ula o @ hïls is u`.fmka ùula " fhduq ls Íula " jgyd.ekS ula " flá fyda §¾> wre;la iys ; hï jpkhla fyda jpk fm,la fyda jia ;= jla fyda mq oa .,fhla fyda ms ßila fyda Yíohla fyda .ka Ohla fyda iq j`ola ;s ìh hq ;= h'