Index type invariants for twisted signature complexes and homotopy invariance

Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 2014

For a closed, oriented, odd dimensional manifold X, we define the rho invariant ρ(X,${\cal E}$,H) for the twisted odd signature operator valued in a flat hermitian vector bundle calE{\cal E}calE, where H = ∑ ij+1H2j+1 is an odd-degree closed differential form on X and H2j+1 is a real-valued differential form of degree 2j+1. We show that ρ(X,${\cal E}$,H) is independent of the choice of metrics on X and calE{\cal E}calE and of the representative H in the cohomology class [H]. We establish some basic functorial properties of the twisted rho invariant. We express the twisted eta invariant in terms of spectral flow and the usual eta invariant. In particular, we get a simple expression for it on closed oriented 3-dimensional manifolds with a degree three flux form. A core technique used is our analogue of the Atiyah–Patodi–Singer theorem, which we establish for the twisted signature operator on a compact, oriented manifold with boundary. The homotopy invariance of the rho invariant ρ(X,${\cal E}$,H)...

Invariance under twisting

We establish the so-called Invariance under Twisting Theorems, stating that twisted tensor products built up from different algebras that relate in certain ways are canonically isomorphic. These results generalize (and provide categorical versions of) several well-known results in Hopf algebra theory, such as the invariance of the smash product under Drinfeld twisting, or the isomorphism between the Drinfeld double and a certain smash product for quasitriangular Hopf algebras.

L2-index theorems, KK-theory, and connections


Let M be a compact manifold and D a Dirac type differential operator on M . Let A be a C * -algebra. Given a bundle W (with connection) of A-modules over M , the operator D can be twisted with this bundle. One can then use a trace on A to define numerical indices of this twisted operator. We prove an explicit formula for these indices. Our result does complement the Mishchenko-Fomenko index theorem valid in the same situation. We establish generalizations of these explicit index formulas if the trace is only defined on a dense and holomorphically closed subalgebra B.

The higher twisted index theorem for foliations

Journal of Functional Analysis, 2017

Given a gerbe L, on the holonomy groupoid G of the foliation (M, F), whose pull-back to M is torsion, we construct a Connes Φ-map from the twisted Dupont-Sullivan bicomplex of G to the cyclic complex of the L-projective leafwise smoothing operators on (M, F). Our construction allows to couple the K-theory analytic indices of L-projective leafwise elliptic operators with the twisted cohomology of BG producing scalar higher invariants. Finally by adapting the Bismut-Quillen superconnection approach, we compute these higher twisted indices as integrals over the ambiant manifold of the expected twisted characteristic classes.

More examples of invariance under twisting

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2012

We show that some more results from the literature are particular cases of the so-called "invariance under twisting" for twisted tensor products of algebras, for instance a result of Beattie-Chen-Zhang that implies the Blattner-Montgomery duality theorem. * Research partially supported by the CNCSIS project "Hopf algebras, cyclic homology and monoidal categories", contract nr. 560/2009, CNCSIS code ID−69.

Geometric cycles, index theory and twisted K-homology

Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 2008

We study twisted Spin c-manifolds over a paracompact Hausdorff space X with a twisting˛W X ! K.Z; 3/. We introduce the topological index and the analytical index on the bordism group of˛-twisted Spin c-manifolds over .X;˛/, taking values in topological twisted K-homology and analytical twisted K-homology respectively. The main result of this article is to establish the equality between the topological index and the analytical index for closed smooth manifolds. We also define a notion of geometric twisted K-homology, whose cycles are geometric cycles of .X;˛/ analogous to Baum-Douglas's geometric cycles. As an application of our twisted index theorem, we discuss the twisted longitudinal index theorem for a foliated manifold .X; F / with a twisting˛W X ! K.Z; 3/, which generalizes the Connes-Skandalis index theorem for foliations and the Atiyah-Singer families index theorem to twisted cases.

Uniform homotopy invariance of Roe Index of the signature operator

Geometriae Dedicata

In this paper we study the Roe index of the signature operator of manifolds of bounded geometry. Our main result is the proof of the uniform homotopy invariance of this index. In other words we show that, given an orientation-preserving uniform homotopy equivalence f : (M, g) −→ (N, h) between two oriented manifolds of bounded geometry, we have that f⋆(IndRoeDM) = IndRoe(DN). Moreover we also show that the same result holds considering a group Γ acting on M and N by isometries and assuming that f is Γ-equivariant. The only assumption on the action of Γ is that the quotients are again manifolds of bounded geometry.

Homotopy invariance of Novikov-Shubin invariants and L^ 2 Betti numbers


Abstract. We give short proofs of the Gromov-Shubin theorem on the homotopy invariance of the Novikov-Shubin invariants and of the Dodziuk theorem on the homotopy invariance of the L2 Betti numbers of the universal covering of a closed manifold in this paper. We show ...

The Čech Centennial: A Conference on Homotopy Theory

Contemporary Mathematics, 1995

We discuss a conjecture of Gromov and Lawson, later modified by Rosenberg, concerning the existence of positive scalar curvature metrics. It says that a closed spin manifold M of dimension n ≥ 5 has a positive scalar curvature metric if and only if the index of a suitable "Dirac" operator in KO n (C * (π 1 (M))), the real K-theory of the group C *-algebra of the fundamental group of M, vanishes. It is known that the vanishing of the index is necessary for existence of a positive scalar curvature metric on M, but this is known to be a sufficient condition only if π 1 (M) is the trivial group, Z/2, an odd order cyclic group, or one of a fairly small class of torsion-free groups. We note that the groups KO n (C * (π)) are periodic in n with period 8, whereas there is no obvious periodicity in the original geometric problem. This leads us to introduce a "stable" version of the Gromov-Lawson conjecture, which makes the weaker statement that the product of M with enough copies of the "Bott manifold" B has a positive scalar curvature metric if and only if the index of the Dirac operator on M vanishes. (Here B is a simply connected 8-manifold which represents the periodicity element in KO 8 (pt).) We prove the stable Gromov-Lawson conjecture for all spin manifolds with finite fundamental group and for many spin manifolds with infinite fundamental group.

Twisting L2-invariants with finite-dimensional representations

Journal of Topology and Analysis, 2017

We investigate how one can twist [Formula: see text]-invariants such as [Formula: see text]-Betti numbers and [Formula: see text]-torsion with finite-dimensional representations. As a special case we assign to the universal covering [Formula: see text] of a finite connected [Formula: see text]-complex [Formula: see text] together with an element [Formula: see text] a [Formula: see text]-twisted [Formula: see text]-torsion function [Formula: see text], provided that the fundamental group of [Formula: see text] is residually finite and [Formula: see text] is [Formula: see text]-acyclic.