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Collection Development policy is essential for every library. It provides planned collection development and helps in growth of qualitative collection. The policy may differ from library to library depending on various factors. The purpose of policy statement is to bring order, logic and common sense to bear on selection and evaluation. This study reveals the Collection Development Policy of the NIFT Institute Libraries in India. The focus is on studying the selection policy, procurement policy, and preservation policy of the Library Resources. From the study it is learned that the policies adopted are well planned and implemented in a systematic manner to achieve the quality in its collection.
Collection Development Practices and Use of Print Books in Academic Libraries of Pakistan
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 2021
Despite the availability of digital content in abundance, academic libraries still maintain print collections and books. This study aimed at bringing into light the print book collection development practices (mainly focusing on acquisition and selection) in college libraries and use patterns of the print book collection. A quantitative research method following a questionnaire-based survey was used to conduct the study. All thirty-eight public sector women colleges of Lahore were the sample to collect data. Key findings of the study showed that the principal of college was the final authority to finalize selection for purchase. Librarians selected books through teachers' recommendations, publishers' catalog, and by visiting book shops. The majority of the libraries had subject books and a few libraries also added fiction, magazines, and newspapers. Libraries got small budgets and few were still deprived of any grants to buy books. There was a little effort in getting books through donations. Users' need assessment regarding book selection was conducted in the majority of colleges through a suggestion box, reviewing educational programs and subjects being taught. The findings depicted that literature, arts and humanities, and religion books Arshad, A., 100 were the most used books within and outside the walls of college libraries. The study findings imply that there should be a defined collection development policy in the college libraries and budget allocation should be according to that defined policy. Librarians should build book collections that meet the needs as well as refines the taste of the youth. The findings of the study may help policy makers in terms of budget allocation and planning the strategies for developing a collection for librarians.
Building Public Library Collection in India: A Study of Book and Non-book Material
India is the second most populous country in the world. It has 29 states and 7 union territories. The state of West Bengal with nineteen districts has a well-established public library system. The present study covers the district of Murshidabad which has 160 public libraries, in total. Significantly, three categories of public libraries namely rural library, town/sub-division library and district library exists in whole district. Covering 21 public libraries with representation of all categories of libraries, the present work aims to study the collection development of material. Data for the present study has been collected through well-structured questionnaire. Study also highlights the various aspects which contributed in building collection in studied libraries. Precisely, these are donation from Member of Legislative Assembly, donation from Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation, complimentary copies from the authors, etc. Findings suggest that no-uniform growth has been witnessed in surveyed libraries.
Collection Development and Management of Smt. Hansa Mehta Library, The M. S University of Baroda
IP Indian Journal of Library Science and Information Technology, 2021
This paper attempts to study the collection development and management of Smt. Hansa Mehta library (SHML), The M. S University of Baroda and also to know its collection development for the past five years. The author has described both the Print and Electronic resources available in the library and also discuss about the collection development policy adopted by the library and list out the issues and challenges in developing library collection, particularly in electronic and digital environment. The author has also pointed out the ways and means to adopt need based collection development policy which best suits for providing effective information services to the user community.
Academic Library system, College Meaning, College Library, Objective of College Library, Functions of college Library, Library resources, Responsibility of Librarian and Staff, Services of college library, Core services, Collection, Use of college library, Processing, Users of college, library, Book selection in college library, Sources if book selection, Tools of book selection, Tools of periodicals selection, Automation in College libraries, Network of libraries, Place of college library in education, Factors that bring vitality to college library. In these days of cut backs and layoffs, many subject specialist librarians have been let go and replaced with book jobber library profiles to provide some resources, so librarians should be encourages to work with those [people in the institute who have great knowledge of the fields being taught-faculty members. Professors do order some of the library collection to support their teaching needs, and must stay current when it comes to the information available in their subject areas. What better source can collections librarians utilize for evaluation? Often, they can pinpoint gaps in the collection which have existed for a long time. Cooperation between faculty and librarians is a very important component and any barriers so it, should be broken down for the common good.
This study presents the collection development, usage of reading materials in GRD College with special reference to Computer Science subject. The books on Computer Science dominates the number of collection of books as the college offers various degree in Computer Science and comparatively the intake in computer science normally higher than the other courses offered in the initial years of this institution. It is found that the GRD college Library is well stacked with the support of the management and encouragement. It still needs effort towards the betterment of the Library regarding its adequacy of the collection, improvised reader services and automating the Library's functions.
DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 2015
Collection development in academic libraries has many challenges and one of them concerns determining the number of copies of some books that are required in multiple copies in the library. In the present study, five major academic libraries in New Delhi were surveyed to understand the prevalent policies and practices on determining the number of copies of books that are required in multiple copies. It was found that there was no consistency in the approach to deciding the number of copies in the libraries studied. Further it was noted that all the libraries arbitrarily decided on the number of copies to be purchased. The paper discusses a method that has been evolved to determine the number of copies. The method has been applied in one of the academic libraries under study which when combined with other measures have been found to be more effective in determining the number of copies required.