The NBI matrix model of IIB superstrings (original) (raw)
Related papers
Effective Action and Measure in Matrix Model of IIB Superstrings
Modern Physics Letters A, 1997
We calculate an effective action and measure induced by the integration over the auxiliary field in the matrix model recently proposed to describe IIB superstrings. It is shown that the measure of integration over the auxiliary matrix is uniquely determined by locality and reparametrization invariance of the resulting effective action. The large-N limit of the induced measure for string coordinates is discussed in detail. It is found to be ultralocal and, thus, possibly is irrelevant in the continuum limit. The model of the GKM type is considered in relation to the effective action problem. *
Towards a non-perturbative formulation of IIB superstrings by matrix models
Nuclear Physics B, 1997
We address the problem of a non-perturbative formulation of superstring theory by means of the recently proposed matrix models. For the model by Ishibashi, Kawai, Kitazawa and Tsuchiya (IKKT), we perform one-loop calculation of the interaction between operator-like solutions identified with D-brane configurations of the type IIB superstring (in particular, for parallel moving and rotated static p-branes). Comparing to the superstring calculations, we show that the matrix model reproduces the superstring results only at large distances or small velocities, corresponding to keeping only the lowest mass closed string modes. We propose a modification of the IKKT matrix model introducing an integration over an additional Hermitian matrix required to have positive definite eigenvalues, which is similar to the square root of the metric in the continuum Schild formulation of IIB superstrings. We show that for this new matrix action the Nambu-Goto version of the Green-Schwarz action is reproduced even at quantum level. *
Properties of D-branes in matrix model of IIB superstring
Physics Letters B, 1997
We discuss properties of D-brane configurations in the matrix model of type IIB superstring recently proposed by Ishibashi, Kawai, Kitazawa and Tsuchiya. We calculate central charges in supersymmetry algebra at infinite N and associate them with one-and five-branes present in IIB superstring theory. We consider classical solutions associated with static three-and five-branes and calculate their interactions at one loop in the matrix model. We discuss some aspects of the matrix-model formulation of IIB superstring.
Resurgence of one-point functions in a matrix model for 2D type IIA superstrings
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019
In the previous papers, the authors pointed out correspondence between a supersymmetric double-well matrix model and two-dimensional type IIA superstring theory on a Ramond-Ramond background. This was confirmed by agreement between planar correlation functions in the matrix model and tree-level amplitudes in the superstring theory. Furthermore, in the matrix model we computed one-point functions of single-trace operators to all orders of genus expansion in its double scaling limit, and found that the large-order behavior of this expansion is stringy and not Borel summable. In this paper, we discuss resurgence structure of these one-point functions and see cancellations of ambiguities in their trans-series. More precisely, we compute both series of ambiguities arising in a zero-instanton sector and in a one-instanton sector, and confirm how they cancel each other. In case that the original integration contour is a finite interval not passing through a saddle point, we have to choose ...
Non-critical superstrings: A comparison between continuum and discrete approaches
Nuclear Physics B, 1994
We review the relation between the matrix model and Liouville approaches to twodimensional gravity as elaborated by Moore, Seiberg and Staudacher. Then, based on the supersymmetric Liouville formulation and the discrete eigenvalue model proposed by Alvarez-Gaum e, Itoyama, Mañes and Zadra, we extend the previous relation to the supersymmetric case. The minisuperspace approximation for the supersymmetric case is formulated, and the corresponding wave equation is found.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020
In the previous papers, it is pointed out that a supersymmetric double-well matrix model corresponds to a two-dimensional type IIA superstring theory on a Ramond-Ramond background at the level of correlation functions. This was confirmed by agreement between their planar correlation functions. The supersymmetry in the matrix model corresponds to the target space supersymmetry and it is shown to be spontaneously broken by nonperturbative effect. Furthermore, in the matrix model we computed one-point functions of single-trace operators to all order of genus expansion in its double scaling limit. We found that this expansion is stringy and not Borel summable and hence there arises an ambiguity in applying the Borel resummation technique. We confirmed that resurgence works here, namely this ambiguity in perturbative series in a zero-instanton sector is exactly canceled by another ambiguity in a one-instanton sector obtained by instanton calculation. In this paper we extend this analysis...
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1999
We consider random superstrings of the type IIB in d-dimensional space. The discretized action is constructed from the supersymmetric matrix model, which has been proposed as a constructive definition of superstring theory. Our action is invariant under local N = 2 super transformations, and it does not possess any redundant fermionic degrees of freedom.
Construction of Realistic superstring Standard-like Models
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1993
I discuss the construction of realistic superstring standard-like models in the four dimensional free fermionic formulation. I discuss proton lifetime constraints on superstring models. I discuss the massless spectrum of the superstring standard-like models, the texture of fermion mass matrices in these models and argue that the realistic features of these models are due to the underlying Z 2 × Z 2 orbifold compactification. * This set was first constructed by Nanopoulos, Antoniadis, Hagelin and Ellis (NAHE) in the construction of the flipped SU (5). nahe=pretty, in Hebrew.
The bound state S-matrix for superstring
Nuclear Physics B, 2009
We determine the S-matrix that describes scattering of arbitrary bound states in the light-cone string theory in AdS 5 × S 5 . The corresponding construction relies on the Yangian symmetry and the superspace formalism for the bound state representations. The basic analytic structure supporting the S-matrix entries turns out to be the hypergeometric function 4 F 3 . We show that for particular bound state numbers it reproduces all the scattering matrices previously obtained in the literature. Our findings should be relevant for the TBA and Lüscher approaches to the finite-size spectral problem. They also shed some light on the construction of the universal R-matrix for the centrally-extended psu(2|2) superalgebra.
Supersymmetric double-well matrix model as two-dimensional type IIA superstring on RR background
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014
In the previous paper, the authors pointed out correspondence of a supersymmetric double-well matrix model with two-dimensional type IIA superstring theory on a nontrivial Ramond-Ramond background from the viewpoint of symmetries and spectrum. In this paper we further investigate the correspondence from dynamical aspects by comparing scattering amplitudes in the matrix model and those in the type IIA theory. In the latter, cocycle factors are introduced to vertex operators in order to reproduce correct transformation laws and target-space statistics. By a perturbative treatment of the Ramond-Ramond background as insertions of the corresponding vertex operators, various IIA amplitudes are explicitly computed including quantitatively precise numerical factors. We show that several kinds of amplitudes in both sides indeed have exactly the same dependence on parameters of the theory. Moreover, we have a number of relations among coefficients which connect quantities in the type IIA theory and those in the matrix model. Consistency of the relations convinces us of the validity of the correspondence.