Poisson algebras of block-upper-triangular bilinear forms and braid group action (original) (raw)
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Poisson algebras and symmetries of block-upper-triangular matrices
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1012.5251, 2010
In this paper we study a quadratic Poisson algebra structure on the space of bilinear forms on C N with the property that for any n, m ∈ N such that nm = N , the restriction of the Poisson algebra to the space of bilinear forms with block-upper-triangular matrix composed from blocks of size m × m is Poisson. We classify all central elements and characterise the Lie algebroid structure compatible with the Poisson algebra. We integrate this algebroid obtaining the corresponding groupoid of morphisms of block-uppertriangular bilinear forms. The groupoid elements automatically preserve the Poisson algebra. We then obtain the braid group action on the Poisson algebra as elementary generators within the groupoid. We discuss the affinisation and quantisation of this Poisson algebra, showing that in the case m = 1 the quantum affine algebra is the twisted q-Yangian for on and for m = 2 is the twisted q-Yangian for sp 2n . We describe the quantum braid group action in these two examples and conjecture the form of this action for any m > 2.
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Quantum and braided-Lie algebras
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 1994
We show that such an object has an enveloping braided-bialgebra U (L). We show that every generic R-matrix leads to such a braided Lie algebra with [ , ] given by structure constants c IJ K determined from R. In this case U (L) = B(R) the braided matrices introduced previously. We also introduce the basic theory of these braided Lie algebras, including the natural right-regular action of a braided-Lie algebra L by braided vector fields, the braided-Killing form and the quadratic Casimir associated to L. These constructions recover the relevant notions for usual, colour and super-Lie algebras as special cases. In addition, the standard quantum deformations U q (g) are understood as the enveloping algebras of such underlying braided Lie algebras with [ , ] on L ⊂ U q (g) given by the quantum adjoint action.
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Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2003
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Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1993
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Classical deformations, Poisson–Lie contractions, and quantization of dual Lie bialgebras
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1995
A Poisson-Hopf algebra of smooth functions is simultaneously constructed on the two dimensional Euclidean, Poincare, and Heisenberg groups by using a classical r-matrix which is invariant under contraction. The quantization for this algebra of functions is developed, and its dual Hopf algebra is also computed. Contractions on these quantum groups are studied. It is shown that, within this setting, classical deformations are transformed into quantum ones by Hopf algebra duality and the quantum Heisenberg algebra is derived by means of a (dual) Poisson-Lie quantization that deforms the standard Moyal-Weyl ah-product. 0 1995 American Institute of Physics.
Quantum groups and cylinder braiding
Forum Mathematicum, 1998
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new structure into the representation theory of quantum groups. The structure is motivated by braid and knot theory. Represen¬ tations of quantum groups associated to classical Lie algebras have an additional symmetry which cannot be seen in the classical limit. We first explain the general formalism of these symmetries (called cylinder forms) in the context of comodules. Basic ingredients are tensor representations of braid groups of type B derived from standard R-matrices associated to socalled four braid pairs. These are applied to the Faddeev-Reshetikhin-Takhtadjian construc¬ tion of bialgebras from R-matrices. As a consequence one obtains four braid pairs on all representations of the quantum group. In the second part of the paper we study in detail the dual situation of modules over the quantum enveloping algebra Uq(sl2). The main result here is the computation of the universal cylinder twist.