Collective behavior of interacting self-propelled particles

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2000

We discuss biologically inspired, inherently non-equilibrium self-propelled particle models, in which the particles interact with their neighbours by choosing at each time step the local average direction of motion. We summarize some of the results of large scale simulations and theoretical approaches to the problem.

The collective dynamics of self-propelled particles

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2008

We have proposed a method for the dynamic simulation of a collection of self-propelled particles in a viscous Newtonian fluid. We restrict attention to particles whose size and velocity are small enough that the fluid motion is in the creeping flow regime. We have proposed a simple model for a self-propelled particle, and extended the Stokesian Dynamics method to conduct dynamic simulations of a collection of such particles. In our description, each particle is treated as a sphere with an orientation vector tep\te{p}tep, whose locomotion is driven by the action of a force dipole at a point slightly displaced from its centre. In isolation, a self-propelled particle moves at a constant speed in the direction of tep\te{p}tep. When it coexists with many such particles, its hydrodynamic interaction with the other particles alters its velocity and, more importantly, its orientation. As a result, the motion of the particle is chaotic. Our simulations are not restricted to low particle concentration, as we implement the full hydrodynamic interactions between the particles, but we restrict the motion of particles to two dimensions to reduce computation. We report the statistical properties of a suspension of self-propelled particles, such as the distribution of particle velocity, the pair correlation function and the orientation correlation function, for a range of the particle concentration.

Self-organization in systems of self-propelled particles

Physical Review E, 2000

We investigate a discrete model consisting of self-propelled particles that obey simple interaction rules. We show that this model can self-organize and exhibit coherent localized solutions in one-and in two-dimensions. In one-dimension, the self-organized solution is a localized flock of finite extent in which the density abruptly drops to zero at the edges. In two-dimensions, we focus on the vortex solution in which the particles rotate around a common center and show that this solution can be obtained from random initial conditions, even in the absence of a confining boundary. Furthermore, we develop a continuum version of our discrete model and demonstrate that the agreement between the discrete and the continuum model is excellent.

Collective motion of self-propelled particles interacting without cohesion

Physical Review E, 2008

We present a comprehensive study of Vicsek-style self-propelled particle models in two and three space dimensions. The onset of collective motion in such stochastic models with only local alignment interactions is studied in detail and shown to be discontinuous (first-order like). The properties of the ordered, collectively moving phase are investigated. In a large domain of parameter space including the transition region, well-defined high-density and high-order propagating solitary structures are shown to dominate the dynamics. Far enough from the transition region, on the other hand, these objects are not present. A statistically-homogeneous ordered phase is then observed, which is characterized by anomalously-strong density fluctuations, superdiffusion, and strong intermittency.

Simulation of Collective Motion of Self Propelled Particles in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Medium


The concept of self-propelled particles is used to study the collective motion of different organisms such as flocking of birds, swimming of schools of fish or migrating of bacteria. The collective motion of self-propelled particles is investigated in the presence of obstacles and without obstacles. A comparison of the effects of interaction radius, speed and noise on the collective motion of self-propelled particles is conducted. It is found that in the presence of obstacles, mean square displacement of the particles shows large fluctuation, whereas without obstacles fluctuation is less. It is also shown that in the presence of the obstacles, an optimal noise, which maximizes the collective motion of the particles, exists

Hydrodynamics of the Kuramoto–Vicsek Model of Rotating Self-Propelled Particles

Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2014

We consider an Individual-Based Model for self-rotating particles interacting through local alignment and investigate its macroscopic limit. This model describes self-propelled particles moving in the plane and trying to synchronize their rotation motion with their neighbors. It combines the Kuramoto model of synchronization and the Vicsek model of swarm formation. We study the mean-field kinetic and hydrodynamic limits of this system within two different scalings. In the small angular velocity regime, the resulting model is a slight modification of the "Self-Organized Hydrodynamic" model which has been previously introduced by the first author. In the large angular velocity case, a new type of hydrodynamic model is obtained. A preliminary study of the linearized stability is proposed.

Collective dynamics of self-propelled particles with variable speed

Physical Review E, 2012

Understanding the organization of collective motion in biological systems is an ongoing challenge. In this Paper we consider a minimal model of self-propelled particles with variable speed. Inspired by experimental data from schooling fish, we introduce a power-law dependency of the speed of each particle on the degree of polarization order in its neighborhood. We derive analytically a coarsegrained continuous approximation for this model and find that, while the variable speed rule does not change the details of the ordering transition leading to collective motion, it induces an inverse power-law correlation between the speed or the local polarization order and the local density. Using numerical simulations, we verify the range of validity of this continuous description and explore regimes beyond it. We discover, in disordered states close to the transition, a phase-segregated regime where most particles cluster into almost static groups surrounded by isolated high-speed particles. We argue that the mechanism responsible for this regime could be present in a wide range of collective motion dynamics.

Hydrodynamic equations for self-propelled particles: microscopic derivation and stability analysis

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2009

Considering a gas of self-propelled particles with binary interactions, we derive the hydrodynamic equations governing the density and velocity fields from the microscopic dynamics, in the framework of the associated Boltzmann equation. Explicit expressions for the transport coefficients are given, as a function of the microscopic parameters of the model. We show that the homogeneous state with zero hydrodynamic velocity is unstable above a critical density (which depends on the microscopic parameters), signaling the onset of a collective motion. Comparison with numerical simulations on a standard model of self-propelled particles shows that the phase diagram we obtain is robust, in the sense that it depends only slightly on the precise definition of the model. While the homogeneous flow is found to be stable far from the transition line, it becomes unstable with respect to finite-wavelength perturbations close to the transition, implying a non trivial spatio-temporal structure for the resulting flow. We find solitary wave solutions of the hydrodynamic equations, quite similar to the stripes reported in direct numerical simulations of self-propelled particles.

Large-Scale Dynamics of Self-propelled Particles Moving Through Obstacles: Model Derivation and Pattern Formation

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

We model and study the patterns created through the interaction of collectively moving self-propelled particles (SPPs) and elastically tethered obstacles. Simulations of an individual-based model reveal at least three distinct large-scale patterns: travelling bands, trails and moving clusters. This motivates the derivation of a macroscopic partial differential equations model for the interactions between the self-propelled particles and the obstacles, for which we assume large tether stiffness. The result is a coupled system of nonlinear, non-local partial differential equations. Linear stability analysis shows that patterning is expected if the interactions are strong enough and allows for the predictions of pattern size from model parameters. The macroscopic equations reveal that the obstacle interactions induce short-ranged SPP aggregation, irrespective of whether obstacles and SPPs are attractive or repulsive.