LHC IRQ cryostat support mechanical performance (original) (raw)
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Liquid and Gaseous Helium are supplied to the superconducting magnets of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), presently being assembled at CERN, by a cryogenic distribution line (QRL). The cryogenic module of the twin-quadrupole Short Straight Section (SSS) is supplied with these cryogens through a jumper connection linking the service module of the QRL and the SSS. The internal as well as external features of the jumper construction allow for relative displacements between the QRL and SSS with sufficient flexibility to reduce the reaction forces responsible for elastic deformations when the SSS is moved for alignment. The SSS is composed of a cold mass and of a vacuum vessel equipped with fiducials posted on the external vacuum vessel reinforcement rings allowing the precise alignment of the machine when the cryostat is finally closed. A deformation of the structure linking the cold mass and the external vacuum vessel resulting from reaction forces induced by relative displacements of the SSS and the QRL, if unpredictable, would result in an unacceptable misalignment of the quadrupole magnetic axis. A unified FE model was generated at RRCAT to study the elastic behavior of the SSS under the conditions of alignment. This model was validated using a 40 meter long dedicated test setup at CERN. Correlations in the matrix form were generated so that all displacements of the cold mass can be related to the corresponding movements done for alignment. This transfer function, linking the action on the SSS external alignment jacks and the position of the cold mass will be used to properly align the machine in operation.
Mechanical dynamic analysis of the LHC arc cryo-magnets
The arcs of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will contain around 1700 main superconducting dipoles and quadrupoles. The long and heavy magnets are placed on fragile composite support posts inside a cryostat to reduce the heat in-leak to the magnets super fluid helium bath. The presence of such fragile components like the support posts, the beam position monitors and the corrector magnets make the cryo-magnets very difficult to handle and transport. Furthermore, keeping the geometry of the cryo-magnets unchanged (in the range of 0.1 mm) throughout the various transports and handling is essential for the good functioning of the future LHC. A detailed dynamic analysis was performed to determine the behavior of the cryo-magnets under all the handling and transport conditions and to choose the related optimum parameters. The results of finite element modal calculations as well as experimental modal analyses are presented and compared. The maximum accelerations admissible during transport with several types of vehicle were computed. The accelerations experienced by both types of cryo-magnets were measured during real transport with different vehicles. The dynamic deformation of the support posts in the cryodipole was also measured. The methodologies of these analyses and their results are reported as well as the resulting specification for the transport during the LHC installation.
Stability of the Horizontal Curvature of the LHC Cryodipoles During Cold Tests
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2006
The LHC will be composed of 1232 horizontally curved, 15 meter long, superconducting dipole magnets cooled at 1.9 K. They are supported within their vacuum vessel by three Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy (GFRE) support posts. Each cryodipole is individually cold tested at CERN before its installation and interconnection in the LHC 27 km circumference tunnel. As the magnet geometry under cryogenic operation is extremely important for the LHC machine aperture, a new method has been developed at CERN in order to monitor the magnet curvature change between warm and cold states. It enabled us to conclude that there is no permanent horizontal curvature change of the LHC dipole magnet between warm and cold states, although a systematic horizontal transient deformation during cool-down was detected. This deformation generates loads in the dipole supporting system; further investigation permitted us to infer this behavior to the asymmetric thermal contraction of the rigid magnet thermal shield during cool-down. Controlling the helium flow rate in the thermal shield of the cryomagnet enabled us to reduce the maximal deformation by a factor of approximately two, thus increasing significantly the mechanical safety margin of the supporting system during the CERN cold tests.
Conceptual design of the cryostat for the new high luminosity (HL-LHC) triplet magnets
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is a project to upgrade the LHC collider after 2020-2025 to increase the integrated luminosity by about one order of magnitude and extend the physics production until 2035. An upgrade of the focusing triplets insertion system for the ATLAS and CMS experiments is foreseen using superconducting magnets operating in a pressurised superfluid helium bath at 1.9 K. This will require the design and construction of four continuous cryostats, each about sixty meters in length and one meter in diameter, for the final beam focusing quadrupoles, corrector magnets and beam separation dipoles. The design is constrained by the dimensions of the existing tunnel and accessibility restrictions imposing the integration of cryogenic piping inside the cryostat, thus resulting in a very compact integration. As the alignment and position stability of the magnets is crucial for the luminosity performance of the machine, the magnet support system must be carefully designed in order to cope with parasitic forces and thermo-mechanical load cycles. In this paper, we present the conceptual design of the cryostat and discuss the approach to address the stringent and often conflicting requirements of alignment, integration and thermal aspects.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015
The High Luminosity LHC project (HL-LHC) aims at increasing the luminosity (rate of collisions) in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments by a factor of 10 beyond the original design value (from 300 to 3000 fb-1). It relies on new superconducting magnets, installed close to the interaction points, equipped with new beam screen. This component has to ensure the vacuum performance together with shielding the cold mass from physics debris and screening the cold bore cryogenic system from beam induced heating. The beam screen operates in the range 40-60 K whereas the magnet cold bore temperature is 1.9 K. A tungsten-based material is used to absorb the energy of particles. In this paper, measurements of the mechanical and physical properties of such tungsten material are shown at room and cryogenic temperature. In addition, the design and the thermal mechanical behaviour of the beam screen assembly are presented also. They include the heat transfer from the tungsten absorbers to the cooling pipes and the supporting system that has to minimise the heat inleak into the cold mass. The behaviour during a magnet quench is also presented. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 1994
The reentrant support post currently incorporated in the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) dipole cryostat has been shown to meet the structural and thermal requirements of the cryostat, both in prototype magnet assemblies and through component testing. However, the reentrant post design has two major drawbacks: tight dimensional control on all components, and cost driven by these tolerance constraints and a complex assembly procedure. A single tube support post has been developed as an alternative to the reentrant post design. Several prototype assemblies have been fabricated and subjected to structural testing. Compressive, tensile, and bending forces were applied to each assembly with deflection measured at several locations. A prototype support post has also been thermally evaluated in a heat leak measurement facility. Heat load to 4.2 K was measured with the intermediate post intercept operating at various temperatures while thermometers positioned along the conductive path of the post mapped thermal gradients. Results from these measurements indicate the single tube support post meets the design criteria for the SSC dipole magnet cryostat support system.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2016
Within the scope of the High Luminosity LHC project, the collaboration between CERN and U.S. LARP is developing new low-β quadrupoles using the Nb 3 Sn superconducting technology for the upgrade of the LHC interaction regions. The magnet support structure of the first short model was designed and two units were fabricated and tested at CERN and at LBNL. The structure provides the preload to the collars-coils subassembly by an arrangement of outer aluminum shells pre-tensioned with water-pressurized bladders. For the mechanical qualification of the structure and the assembly procedure, superconducting coils were replaced with solid aluminum "dummy coils", the structure was preloaded at room temperature, and then cooled-down to 77 K. Mechanical behavior of the magnet structure was monitored with the use of strain gauges installed on the aluminum shells, the dummy coils and the axial preload system. This paper reports on the outcome of the assembly and the cool-down tests with dummy coils, which were performed at CERN and at LBNL, and presents the strain gauge measurements compared to the 3D finite element model predictions.
The present thesis is dedicated to the behaviour of austenitic stainless steels at cryogenic temperatures. The plastic strain induced martensitic transformation and ductile damage are taken into account in an elastic-plastic material modelling. The kinetic law of →’ transformation and the evolution laws of kinematic/isotropic mixed hardening are established. Damage issue is analysed by different ways: mesoscopic isotropic or orthotropic model and a microscopic approach. The material parameters are measured from 316L fine gauge sheet at three levels of temperature: 293 K, 77 K and 4.2 K. The model is applied to thin-walled corrugated shell, used in the LHC interconnections. The influence of the material properties on the stability is studied by a modal analysis. The reliability of the components, defined by the Weibull distribution law, is analysed from fatigue tests. The impact on reliability of geometrical imperfections and thermo-mechanical loads is also analysed.