Bacterial Taxa That Limit Sulfur Flux from the Ocean (original) (raw)

Identification of putative crustacean neuropeptides using in silico analyses of publicly accessible expressed sequence tags

General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2008

The development of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for crustacean cDNA libraries and their deposition in publicly accessible databases has generated a rich resource for peptide discovery in this commercially and ecologically important arthropod subphylum. Here, we have conducted in silico searches of these databases for unannotated ESTs encoding putative neuropeptide precursors using the BLAST program tblastn, and have predicted the mature forms of the peptides encoded by them. The primary strategy used was to query the database with known decapod prepro-hormone sequences or, in some instances, insect precursor protein sequences. For neuropeptides for which no prepro-hormones are known, the peptides themselves were used as queries. For those peptides expected to originate from a common precursor, the individual sequences were combined, with each peptide flanked by a dibasic processing site and, if amidated, a glycine residue. Using these approaches, 13 unannotated ESTs encoding putative neuropeptide precursors were found. For example, using the first strategy, putative Marsupenaeus japonicus prepro-hormones encoding B-type allatostatins, neuropeptide F (NPF), and orcokinins were identified. Similarly, several Homarus americanus ESTs encoding putative orcokinin precursors were found. In addition to the decapod prepro-hormones, ESTs putatively encoding a NPF isoform and a red pigment concentrating hormone-like peptide were identified from the cladoceran Daphnia magna, as was one EST putatively encoding multiple tachykinin-related peptides from the isopod Eurydice pulchra. Using the second strategy, we identified a Carcinus maenas EST encoding HIGSLYRamide, a peptide recently discovered via mass spectrometry from Cancer productus. Using mass spectral methods we confirmed that this peptide is also present in Carcinus maenas. Collectively over 50 novel crustacean peptides were predicted from the identified ESTs, providing a strong foundation for future investigations of the evolution, regulation and function of these and related molecules in this arthropod taxon.

A combined strategy of neuropeptide predictions and tandem mass spectrometry identifies evolutionarily conserved ancient neuropeptides in the sea anemoneNematostella vectensis


Neuropeptides are a class of bioactive peptides and are responsible for various physiological processes including metabolism, development and reproduction. Although accumulated genome and transcriptome data have reported a number of neuropeptide candidates, it still remains difficult to obtain a comprehensive view of neuropeptide repertoires due to their small and variable nature. Neuropeptide prediction tools usually work only for those peptides for which sequentially related homologs have previously been identified. Recent peptidomics technology has enabled systematic structural identification of neuropeptides by using the combination of liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. However, obtaining reliable identifications of endogenous peptides is still difficult using a conventional tandem mass spectrometry-based peptide identification approach using protein database because a large search space has to be scanned due to the absence of a cleavage enzyme specification. We...

Combining in silico transcriptome mining and biological mass spectrometry for neuropeptide discovery in the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei

Peptides, 2010

The shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei is arguably the most important aquacultured crustacean, being the subject of a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide. To extend our knowledge of peptidergic control in this species, we conducted an investigation combining transcriptomics and mass spectrometry to identify its neuropeptides. Specifically, in silico searches of the L. vannamei EST database were conducted to identify putative prepro-hormone-encoding transcripts, with the mature peptides contained within the deduced precursors predicted via online software programs and homology to known isoforms. MALDI-FT mass spectrometry was used to screen tissue fragments and extracts via accurate mass measurements for the predicted peptides, as well as for known ones from other species. ESI-Q-TOF tandem mass spectrometry was used to de novo sequence peptides from tissue extracts. In total 120 peptides were characterized using this combined approach, including 5 identified both by transcriptomics and by mass spectrometry (e.g. pQTFQYSRGWTNamide, Arg 7 -corazonin, and pQDLDHVFLRFamide, a myosuppressin), 49 predicted via transcriptomics only (e.g. pQIRYHQCYFNPISCF and pQIRYHQCYFIPVSCF, two C-type allatostatins, and RYLPT, authentic proctolin), and 66 identified solely by mass spectrometry (e.g. the orcokinin NFDEIDRAGMGFA). While some of the characterized peptides were known L. vannamei isoforms (e.g. the pyrokinins DFAFSPRLamide and ADFAFNPRLamide), most were novel, either for this

The Evolution and Variety of RFamide-Type Neuropeptides: Insights from Deuterostomian Invertebrates

Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2014

Five families of neuropeptides that have a C-terminal RFamide motif have been identified in vertebrates: (1) gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (GnIH), (2) neuropeptide FF (NPFF), (3) pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide (QRFP), (4) prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP), and (5) Kisspeptin. Experimental demonstration of neuropeptide-receptor pairings combined with comprehensive analysis of genomic and/or transcriptomic sequence data indicate that, with the exception of the deuterostomian PrRP system, the evolutionary origins of these neuropeptides can be traced back to the common ancestor of bilaterians. Here, we review the occurrence of homologs of vertebrate RFamide-type neuropeptides and their receptors in deuterostomian invertebrates -urochordates, cephalochordates, hemichordates, and echinoderms. Extending analysis of the occurrence of the RFamide motif in other bilaterian neuropeptide families reveals RFamide-type peptides that have acquired modified C-terminal characteristics in the vertebrate lineage (e.g., NPY/NPF), neuropeptide families where the RFamide motif is unique to protostomian members (e.g., CCK/sulfakinins), and RFamide-type peptides that have been lost in the vertebrate lineage (e.g., luqins). Furthermore, the RFamide motif is also a feature of neuropeptide families with a more restricted phylogenetic distribution (e.g., the prototypical FMRFamide-related neuropeptides in protostomes). Thus, the RFamide motif is both an ancient and a convergent feature of neuropeptides, with conservation, acquisition, or loss of this motif occurring in different branches of the animal kingdom.

In Silico Identification of New Secretory Peptide Genes in Drosophila melanogaster

Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2005

Bioactive peptides play critical roles in regulating most biological processes in animals. The elucidation of the amino acid sequence of these regulatory peptides is crucial for our understanding of animal physiology. Most of the (neuro)peptides currently known were identified by purification and subsequent amino acid sequencing. With the entire genome sequence of some animals now available, it has become possible to predict novel putative peptides. In this way, BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Searching Tool) analysis of the Drosophila melanogaster genome has allowed annotation of 36 secretory peptide genes so far. Peptide precursor genes are, however, poorly predicted by this algorithm, thus prompting an alternative approach described here. With the described searching program we scanned the Drosophila genome for predicted proteins with the structural hallmarks of neuropeptide precursors. As a result, 76 additional putative secretory peptide genes were predicted in addition to the 43 annotated ones. These putative (neuro)peptide genes contain conserved motifs reminiscent of known neuropeptides from other animal species. Peptides that display sequence similarities to the mammalian vasopressin, atrial natriuretic peptide, and prolactin precursors and the invertebrate peptides orcokinin, prothoracicotropic hormones, trypsin modulating oostatic factor, and Drosophila immune induced peptides (DIMs) among others were discovered. Our data hence provide further evidence that many neuropeptide genes were already present in the ancestor of Protostomia and Deuterostomia prior to their divergence. This bioinformatic study opens perspectives for the genome-wide analysis of peptide genes in other eukaryotic model organisms.

A multi-scale strategy for discovery of novel endogenous neuropeptides in the crustacean nervous system

Journal of Proteomics, 2013

The conventional mass spectrometry (MS)-based strategy is often inadequate for the comprehensive characterization of various size neuropeptides without assistance of genomic information. This study evaluated sequence coverage of different size neuropeptides in two crustacean species, blue crab Callinectes sapidus and Jonah crab Cancer borealis using conventional MS methodologies and revealed limitations to mid-and large-size peptide analysis. Herein we attempt to establish a multi-scale strategy for simultaneous and confident sequence elucidation of various sizes of peptides in the crustacean nervous system. Nine novel neuropeptides spanning a wide range of molecular weights (0.9-8.2 kDa) were fully sequenced from a major neuroendocrine organ, the sinus gland of the spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus. These novel neuropeptides included seven allatostatin (A-and B-type) peptides, one crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor-related peptide, and one crustacean hyperglycemic hormone. Highly accurate multi-scale characterization of a collection of varied size neuropeptides was achieved by integrating traditional data-dependent tandem MS, improved bottom-up sequencing, multiple fragmentation technique-enabled top-down sequencing, chemical derivatization, and in silico homology search. Collectively, the ability to characterize a neuropeptidome with vastly differing molecule sizes from a neural tissue extract could find great utility in unraveling complex signaling peptide mixtures employed by other biological systems.

Loss of DNA: A plausible molecular level explanation for crustacean neuropeptide gene evolution

Peptides, 2007

p e p t i d e s 2 8 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 7 6 -8 2 Keywords: Neurohormone origin Crustacean neuropeptides RPCH AKH APGWamide Gene evolution Gene origin a b s t r a c t Alignment of nucleotides of APGWamide, RPCH and AKH genes gives region stretches (common regions) present in all family member variants. Common regions were separated by gap sections in the larger variants of family members. Consensus sequences for single polynucleotides from virtual hybrid molecules of DNA were obtained by joining the common regions of DNA and deleting the extra DNA nucleotides. Conceptual translation of these virtual hybrids resulted in polypeptides similar to APGWamide, RPCH and the AKH pre-propeptide. Virtual polypeptides were also similar to LWamide and RFamide along hydras to mammals. DNA loss probably explains the origin of neuropeptides.

A Hybrid, de Novo Based, Genome-Wide Database Search Approach Applied to the Sea Urchin Neuropeptidome

Journal of Proteome Research, 2010

Peptidomics is the identification and study of the in vivo biologically active peptide profile. A combination of high performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics tools such as database search engines are commonly used to perform the analysis. We report a methodology based on a database system holding the completed translated genome, whereby de novo sequencing and genome-wide database searching are combined. The methodology was applied to the sea urchin neuropeptidome resulting in a 30 percent increase in identification rate.

Characterization of the Carcinus maenas neuropeptidome by mass spectrometry and functional genomics

General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2009

Carcinus maenas, commonly known as the European green crab, is one of the best-known and most successful marine invasive species. While a variety of natural and anthropogenic mechanisms are responsible for the geographic spread of this crab, its ability to adapt physiologically to a broad range of salinities, temperatures and other environmental factors has enabled successful establishment in these new habitats. To extend our understanding of hormonal control in C. maenas, including factors that allow for its extreme adaptability, we have undertaken a mass spectral/functional genomics investigation of the neuropeptides used by this organism. Via a strategy combining MALDI-based high resolution mass profiling, biochemical derivatization, and nanoscale separation coupled to tandem mass spectrometric sequencing, 122 peptide paracrines/hormones were identified from the C. maenas central nervous system and neuroendocrine organs. These peptides include 31 previously described Carcinus neuropeptides (e.g. NSELINSILGLPKVMNDAamide [β-pigment dispersing hormone] and PFCNAFTGCamide [crustacean cardioactive peptide]), 49 peptides only described in species other than the green crab (e.g. pQTFQYSRGWTNamide [Arg 7 -corazonin]), and 42 new peptides de novo sequenced here for the first time (e.g. the pyrokinins TSFAFSPRLamide and DTGFAFSPRLamide). Of particular note are a collection of 25 FMRFamide-like peptides (including 9 new isoforms sequenced de novo) and a collection of 25 A-type allatostatin peptides (including 10 new sequences reported for the first time) in this study. Both peptide families are among the most diverse families, each containing a large number of isoforms in arthropod species. Also of interest was the identification of two SIFamide isoforms, GYRKPPFNGSIFamide and VYRKPPFNGSIFamide, the latter peptide known previously only from members of the astacidean genus Homarus. Using transcriptome analyses, 15 additional peptides were characterized, including an isoform of bursicon β and a neuroparsin-like peptide. Collectively, the data presented in this study not only greatly expand the number of identified C. maenas neuropeptides, but also provide a framework for future investigations of the physiological roles played by these molecules in this highly adaptable species.