Lifelong Learning in French Univesities: The State of the Art (original) (raw)

Adult and lifelong education: the European Union, its member states and the world

International Journal of Lifelong Education, 2014

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International Journal of Lifelong Education Adult and lifelong education: the European Union, its member states and the world Introduction Adult and lifelong education: the European Union, its member states and the world


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Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in Europe and Beyond

e chapter presents a theoretical proposal of three analytical models of Adult Learning and Education (ALE) policies. Some analytical categories and the corresponding dimensions are organised according to the ALE rationale which is typical of each social policy model. Historical, cultural and educational features are mentioned in connexion with the different policy models and its interpretative capacity to making sense of policies and practices implemented in Germany, Portugal and Sweden. e analysis includes the states of the art and the official representations of ALE produced by the respective national authorities through national reports which were presented to CONFINTEA VI (2009).

Adult education in retrospective: 60 years of CONFINTEA


There is no shortage of internal UNESCO reports on the individual International Conferences on Adult Education (see esp. Hüfner and Reuther 1996). The number increases with each conference, reaching a peak with the Hamburg conference of 1997. However, there is a shortage of general overviews that identify common themes (see Knoll 1996, 56 ff; 115, which contains a bibliography; for a brief summary see Schemmann 2007, 208f; and in a different context Reuter 1993). 2 The claim on the part of the World Association for Adult Education to represent a reservoir of tradition surfaces repeatedly at the First UNESCO International Conference on Adult Education in Helsingör. For a short history see Knoll 1996, 22 ff.

Editorial: The effects of policies for the education and learning of adults - from ‘adult education’ to ‘lifelong learning’, from ‘emancipation’ to ‘empowerment’

European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 2012

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Adult Education as a Field of University Study


Adult education is as old as human civilisation itself and has served countless individual and collective purposes. Historically, however, it has often emerged in periods of tension and crisis 1. and it is possible to identify two opposing forces which have sustained collective efforts to organise the education of adults. Thus on the one hand adult education has frequently been associated with the efforts of dominant or ruling groups to maintain or extend their hegemony over subordinate peoples and classes. While on the other hand it has also been associated with the efforts of groups to challenge or transform the existing social order. Despite the rhetoric to the contrary, adult education may be used as readily as an instrument to divert subordinate groups from direct action and to legitimate unequal relationships of ownership and control, as it may be an instrument of emancipation and democratization. This is not to suggest that any form or practice of adult education can cursorily be identified as hegemonic or counter-hegemonic. The world of social action is far too complex to be so simply encapsulated. Just as crises and tensions give rise to adult education programmes and movements, so are contradictions and tensions contained within them. It thus becomes necessary to analyse any specific for-m or practice of adult education within its historical and social context in order to identify the often contradictory forces, pressures and ideologies operating upon and within it.