Suitability of Temperate and Tropical Crossbred Dairy Cattle under Peri-urban Production System in Bangladesh (original) (raw)

Milk production performances of crossbred cattle at the villages of Jamalpur district in Bangladesh

Research in Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries

Crossbred dairy cattle Milk production Villages Jamalpur district Bangladesh Data on body measurements like BL (body length), CG (chest girth), WH (wither height) TM (test day milk production), PM (peak milk production), LP (lactation period), CFDC (cost for concentrate feed before test day milk production per cow), GGU (green grass used before test day milk production per cow) and husbandry practices, were collected from a total of 100 dairy cattle at the villages of Islampur upazila under the district of Jamalpur in Bangladesh from January to February 2017. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS software. The highest BL, CG, WH, CFDC and GGU were 175.71±0.42 cm, 161.74±0.24 cm,123.82±0.11 cm 125.54±0.24 bdt/cow/day and 27.29±0.89 kg/cow/day, respectively. The highest amounts of TM, PM and LP were 9.36±0.60 liter/cow, 13.11±0.54 liter/cow and 247.14±1.47 days/cow, respectively. BL, CG and WH increased with increased of the age of crossbred cattle up to 150 months of old. Similarly, CFDC and GGU increased with the increased of the age of crossbred cattle up to 150 months of old. Farmers in the study area were not interested to keep breeding bulls for breeding purpose but they were using artificial insemination system to inseminate their cows and aware about production performance record of the inseminating bull. Farmers took health services from milk vita and sold milk to the same. They believed that dairy cattle rearing a profitable livelihood. TM, PM and LP increased with the increased of the age of crossbred cattle up to 150 months of old. However, increase of CFDC will increase TM, LP and PM but increase of GGU will increase only LP. On the other hand increase of CG will increase TM and increase of BL will increase LP and PM.

Productive and reproductive performance of crossbred and indigenous Dairy cows under rural conditions in Comilla, Bangladesh

University Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi University, 2008

The present study was undertaken to investigate productive and reproductive performances of crossbreds and Indigenous dairy cows. A total of 400 dairy cows each are equal number of Friesian x indigenous (FI), Sahiwal x indigenous (SaI), Sindhi x indigenous (SiI) and indigenous (I) were selected from eight thanas in Jessore district. The study found that the daily milk yield from FI, SaI, SiI and I cows were 8.39 ± 2.01, 4.63 ± 0.96, 4.35 ± 1.12 and 2.38 ± 0.73 liters, respectively. The milk yield was found significantly (P<0.01) higher in first stage of lactation than that of second and third both in crossbreds and I dairy cows. The lactation period of crossbreds was significantly (P<0.01) higher than that of I cows. The service per conception was found higher in I cows and the gestation length was almost similar in all the groups. The post partum heat period and calving to first service were highest in SiI cows. The dry period and calving interval were higher in I cows. The age at first calving was almost similar in crossbreds but significantly (P<0.01) higher in I cows. The birth weight was significantly (P<0.01) lower in I than crossbred dairy cows. Considering all the parameters studied, FI showed better performance followed by SaI, SiI, and I.

Evaluation of productive and reproductive performances of local and crossbred cows in Manikgonj district of Bangladesh


A total of 90 lactating cows from twelve dairy farms were used to conduct this study in order to evaluate the productive and reproductive performance of crossbred and local cows at farmer's level in Manikgong district. All cows were divided into three groups, according to their genetic composition as Local, Local x Friesian and Local x Friesian x Friesian cows. The results showed late sexual maturity (37.41±0.03 months), calving interval (481.86±0.33 days), shortest lactation period (198.46±2.36 days) and lowest average milk production (2.25±0.04 L/day) in local cows. On the contrary, longest lactation period (266.43±1.18 days) and highest average milk production (7.45±0.11 L/day) were observed in LFF cows, whereas early sexual maturity (30.58±0.02 months) was found in Local x Friesian cows. From the above perspective it could be concluded that LFF crossbred cows may be suitable for profitable dairy farming in Bangladesh but herd life and life time productivity is one of the most influential factor for profitable dairy farming. However, further study with larger sample sizes covering more different management systems would be required to describe a better inference in this consideration.


A total of 210 Holstein Friesian (HF) × Local crossbred cattle were examined to collect data like, test day milk production (MT), peak milk production (PM), lactation period (LD), green grass used the day before test milk production (GG), cost involved to feed the cow with concentrate feed on the day before test milk production (CP), age, body weight of cows (BW) and ancestry of test cows to define the grade. The data were collected using a pre-structured questionnaire at the villages of Noakhali district in Bangladesh during October to November 2016.The effect of grades, age, body weight, concentrate feed and green grass on milk production were evaluated. To study the effects, Duncan's Multiple Range Test and Pearson's correlation coefficient were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Positive correlation of MT with CP (0.794) and GG (0.453) were estimated. Ages of cows did not affect MT, PM and LD significantly. In grade two, the highest, MT (18.75±2.62 liter/cow/day) and PM (20.75±2.62 liter/cow/day) were reported for body weight group 3 while, the longest LD (219.88±0.47) was reported under body weight group 2. However, under grade three in body weight group 3, MT, PM and LD were 15.57±0.78 liter/cow/day, 18.00±0.78 liter/cow/day and 218.79±0.80 days/cow, respectively. Present study might be suggested that body weight group 3 under grade three was better for MT and PM while, body weight group 2 was better for LD but to come up with final decisions in this regard, further study addressing more numbers of crossbred cows with defined exotic blood percentages under different grades, seasons of calving, parity, feed and water management, housing, healthcare and farmers socioeconomic status would be advisable. Finally, it might be indicated that grades, bodyweight groups, CP and GG affected milk production at the villages of Noakhali district in Bangladesh. To cite this article: Islam F, Faruque MO, Ferdous F, Joya SH, Islam R and Hossain MS, 2017. Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on milk production performance of Holstein-Friesian×Local crossbreds at the villages of Noakhali district in Bangladesh. Res. Agric. Livest., Fish.,4 (1): 21-28.

Productive and Reproductive Performance of Different Crossbred Dairy Cattle at Kishoreganj, Bangladesh


The study was conducted at Kishoreganj, Bangladesh to evaluate the productive and reproductive performance of Sahiwal × Local (SL× L), Friesian × Local (F×L), Sindhi× Local (S×L) crossbred during the period of July 2019 to January 2020. A total of 162 crossbred dairy cows under 3 genotypes were studied on the basis of productive and reproductive performances. The average age of puberty of L×F, L×SL and L×S crossbred cattle were 23.7, 26.5 and 29.5 months, respectively. The average age at first fertile service for L×F, L×SL and L×S crossbreds' cattle were 24.2, 27.0 and 31.0 months, respectively. The highest gestation length was 285 days and it was for L×S crossbred cattle. The lowest gestation length was 273 days and it was for L×F crossbred cattle. The highest lactation length was observed in case of L×F crossbred (300 days) and lowest was found in case of L×S crossbred (220 days). The highest number of services per conception was 1.66 and it was for L×SL crossbred cattle. The lowest number of services per conception was 1.61 and it was for L×F crossbred cattle. The average post-partum heat period of L×F, L×SL and L×S crossbreds were 114, 125 and 127days, respectively. The highest Post-Partum Heat Period (PPHP) was 127 days found in case of L×S crossbred cows. The lowest PPHP was found in case of L×F crossbred cows (114 days). The overall productive and reproductive performance of different crossbred were varied. Judging from the overall analysis of the results, it may be concluded that production and reproduction performances of Holstein crossbred are superior to other dairy crossbred in Kishoreganj, Bangladesh.

Reproductive performance of different crossbred cows of Bangladesh The study was conducted at Central Cattle Breeding and Dairy Farm in Savar

2 ×F) were considered. The highest performance for the trait service per conception was found in AFS (1.40±0.69) and the lowest performance was found in SLF (1.80±0.63). The longest gestation length and calving interval were observed in SLxF, 281.0±3.26 and 542.0±9.87 days, respectively. The longest postpartum heat period (201.7±17.40 days) was found in LF 1 F cows. On the other hand, the shortest gestation length (277.0±5.21 days), postpartum heat period (135.5±10.58 days) and calving interval (436.07±9.87 days) were observed in LF crossbred cows. From the above perspective it is concluded that LF crossbred cows are more suitable for Bangladesh.

A Comparative Study on the Performance of Crossbred and Indigenous (Zebu) Cows Under the Small Holder Dairy Farming Condition in Gaibandha District

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2000

A comparative study on productive and reproductive performance of crossbred and indigenous cows under the small holder dairying condition was conducted in Gaibandha district of Bangladesh. A sample of 96 dairy cows were selected randomly; of which 49 were crossbred cows and the other 47 were indigenous dairy cows from 50 small dairy farms. The productive performance (milk yield and lactation period) of crossbred cows were significantly (p<0.01) higher than the indigenous dairy cows. Post partum heat period, calving to first service and dry period of the indigenous cows were lower (but not significantly) than crossbred cows. But service per conception and calving interval of indigenous cows were significantly (p<0.01) lower than the crossbred cows. The cost benefit ratio of raising crossbred and indigenous dairy cows were 1:1.13 and 1:1.02, respectively. Although, reproductive performance of crossbred cows were better than indigenous cows but considering the other traits it may be concluded that the raising of crossbred cows were more economic than the raising of indigenous dairy cows.

Comparative Study on the Productive and Reproductive Performance of Different Dairy Genotypes Reared in Bangladesh Agricultural University Dairy Farm

Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2005

The study was conducted at Bangladesh Agricultural University Dairy Farm for a period of six months. A total of 164 dairy cows belongs to different breeds, such as Jersey cross, Sahiwal cross, Sindhi cross, Holstein cross and Red Chittagong cows were selected and their information regarding milk production and other reproductive parameters were collected from farm records for a period of last five years (1993)(1994)(1995)(1996)(1997). The number of animals of each of the genotypic classes were 48 for Jersey cross, 46 for Sahiwal cross, 35 for Sindhi cross, 20 for Holstein cross and 15 for Red-Chittagong. Significant difference was found within the milk yield (p<0.01), calving interval (p<0.05) and birth weight of calves (p<0.01) of different types of dairy cows. In case of lactation length, gestation length and service per conception, there were no significant differences (p>0.05). Highest milk yield (3.20 lit/day), highest birth weight of calves (15.2 kg) and lowest calving interval (414 days) were observed for Holstein cross. The lowest milk yield (2.46 lit/day) and lowest birth weight of calves were found in Red-Chittagong cows. Production performance of Holstein crossbred were superior to other dairy crossbreds. Jersey crossbred ranked second and performances of other genotypes were nearly similar.

Performance of crossbred dairy cows suitable for smallholder production systems at Holetta Agricultural Research Centre

Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2016

The present study was undertaken to investigate productive and reproductive performances of F1 crossbred cows to produce and develop improved dairy cattle breed at on station and back up the on farm crossbreeding program at Holetta Research Center (HRC). One hundred fifty three F1 crossbred heifers were used to study growth performances and 111 worldwide sire (WWS) and 42 Kality (NAIC) sire records were used to analyze the data. A total of 802 milk records out of which 711 from worldwide sire (WWS) milk records and 91 from Kality (NAIC) bulls’ milk records were used to analyze the milk production performances. Least squares means of growth traits in this study birth weight (BWT), average daily gain (ADG) of crossbred heifers was 24.83 ± 2.33 kg and ADG ranges from 0.437 ± 0.01 to 0.546 ± 0.02 kg respectively. Least squares mean for age at first service (AFS), age at first calving (AFC), calving interval (CI), and number of service per conception (SPC) were 26.4±0.8 months, 35.7±o.81...

Productive and reproductive performance of crossbred and indigenous dairy cows under smallholder farming system

Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University, 2010

The present study was undertaken to investigate productive and reproductive performances of crossbreds and Indigenous dairy cows. A total of 400 dairy cows each are equal number of Friesian x indigenous (FI), Sahiwal x indigenous (SaI), Sindhi x indigenous (SiI) and indigenous (I) were selected from eight thanas in Jessore district. The study found that the daily milk yield from FI, SaI, SiI and I cows were 8.39 ± 2.01, 4.63 ± 0.96, 4.35 ± 1.12 and 2.38 ± 0.73 liters, respectively. The milk yield was found significantly (P<0.01) higher in first stage of lactation than that of second and third both in crossbreds and I dairy cows. The lactation period of crossbreds was significantly (P<0.01) higher than that of I cows. The service per conception was found higher in I cows and the gestation length was almost similar in all the groups. The post partum heat period and calving to first service were highest in SiI cows. The dry period and calving interval were higher in I cows. The age at first calving was almost similar in crossbreds but significantly (P<0.01) higher in I cows. The birth weight was significantly (P<0.01) lower in I than crossbred dairy cows. Considering all the parameters studied, FI showed better performance followed by SaI, SiI, and I.