The black hole in NGC 3379: a comparison of gas and stellar dynamical mass measurements with HST and integral-field data

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006

We combine Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy and ground-based integral-field data from the SAURON and OASIS instruments to study the central black hole in the nearby elliptical galaxy NGC 3379. From these data, we obtain kinematics of both the stars and the nuclear gaseous component. Axisymmetric three-integral models of the stellar kinematics find a black hole of mass 1.4 +2.6 −1.0 × 10 8 M (3σ errors). These models also probe the velocity distribution in the immediate vicinity of the black hole and reveal a nearly isotropic velocity distribution throughout the galaxy and down to the black hole sphere of influence R BH . The morphology of the nuclear gas disc suggests that it is not in the equatorial plane; however the core of NGC 3379 is nearly spherical. Inclined thin-disc models of the gas find a nominal black hole of mass (2.0 ± 0.1) × 10 8 M (3σ errors), but the model is a poor fit to the kinematics. The data are better fit by introducing a twist in the gas kinematics (with the black hole mass assumed to be 2.0 × 10 8 M ), although the constraints on the nature and shape of this perturbation are insufficient for more detailed modelling. Given the apparent regularity of the gas disc appearance, the presence of such strong non-circular motion indicates that caution must be used when measuring black hole masses with gas dynamical methods alone.


We explore the nucleus of the nearby 10 9 M ⊙ early-type galaxy (ETGs), NGC 404, using Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/STIS spectroscopy and WFC3 imaging. We first present evidence for nuclear variability in UV, optical, and infrared filters over a time period of 15 years. This variability adds to the already substantial evidence for an accreting black hole at the center of NGC 404. We then redetermine the dynamical black hole mass in NGC 404 including modeling of the nuclear stellar populations. We combine HST /STIS spectroscopy with WFC3 images to create a local color–M/L relation derived from stellar population modeling of the STIS data. We then use this to create a mass model for the nuclear region. We use Jeans modeling to fit this mass model to adaptive optics (AO) stellar kinematic observations from Gemini/NIFS. From our stellar dynamical modeling, we find a 3σ upper limit on the black hole mass of 1.5 × 10 5 M ⊙. Given the accretion evidence for a black hole, this upper limit makes NGC 404 the lowest mass central black hole with dynamical mass constraints. We find that the kinematics of H 2 emission line gas show evidence for non-gravitational motions preventing the use of gas dynamical modeling to constrain the black hole mass. Our stellar population modeling also reveals that the central, counter-rotating region of the nuclear cluster is dominated by ∼1 Gyr old populations. Subject headings: galaxy: NGC 404 – kinematics and dynamics – nucleus – methods: Observational – data analysis – techniques: spectroscopic

The Black Hole Mass of NGC 4151. II. Stellar Dynamical Measurement from Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectroscopy

The Astrophysical Journal, 2014

We present a revised measurement of the mass of the central black hole (M BH ) in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4151. The new stellar dynamical mass measurement is derived by applying an axisymmetric orbitsuperposition code to near-infrared integral field data obtained using adaptive optics with the Gemini NIFS spectrograph. When our models attempt to fit both the NIFS kinematics and additional low spatial resolution kinematics, our results depend sensitively on how χ 2 is computed -probably a consequence of complex bar kinematics that manifest immediately outside the nuclear region. The most robust results are obtained when only the high spatial resolution kinematic constraints in the nuclear region are included in the fit. Our best estimates for the BH mass and H-band mass-to-light ratio are M BH ∼ 3.76 ± 1.15 × 10 7 M ⊙ (1σ error) and Υ H ∼ 0.34±0.03 M ⊙ /L ⊙ (3σ error), respectively (the quoted errors reflect the model uncertainties). Our BH mass measurement is consistent with estimates from both reverberation mapping (3.57 +0.45 −0.37 × 10 7 M ⊙ ) and gas kinematics (3.0 +0.75 −2.2 × 10 7 M ⊙ ; 1σ errors), and our best-fit mass-to-light ratio is consistent with the photometric estimate of Υ H = 0.4 ± 0.2 M ⊙ /L ⊙ . The NIFS kinematics give a central bulge velocity dispersion σ c = 116 ± 3 km s −1 , bringing this object slightly closer to the M BH − σ relation for quiescent galaxies. Although NGC 4151 is one of only a few Seyfert 1 galaxies in which it is possible to obtain a direct dynamical BH mass measurement -and thus, an independent calibration of the reverberation mapping mass scale -the complex bar kinematics makes it less than ideally suited for this purpose.

Dynamical Constraints on the Masses of the Nuclear Star Cluster and Black Hole in the Late-Type Spiral Galaxy NGC 3621

The Astrophysical Journal, 2009

NGC 3621 is a late-type (Sd) spiral galaxy with an active nucleus, previously detected through mid-infrared [Ne V] line emission. Archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images reveal that the galaxy contains a bright and compact nuclear star cluster. We present a new high-resolution optical spectrum of this nuclear cluster, obtained with the ESI Spectrograph at the Keck Observatory. The nucleus has a Seyfert 2 emission-line spectrum at optical wavelengths, supporting the hypothesis that a black hole is present. The line-of-sight stellar velocity dispersion of the cluster is ? = 43 3 km s −1 , one of the largest dispersions measured for any nuclear cluster in a late-type spiral galaxy. Combining this measurement with structural parameters measured from archival HST images, we carry out dynamical modeling based on the Jeans equation for a spherical star cluster containing a central point mass. The maximum black hole mass consistent with the measured stellar velocity dispersion is 3 10 6 M . If the black hole mass is small compared with the cluster's stellar mass, then the dynamical models imply a total stellar mass of 1 10 7 M , which is consistent with rough estimates of the stellar mass based on photometric measurements from HST images. From structural decomposition of 2MASS images, we find no clear evidence for a bulge in NGC 3621; the galaxy contains at most a very faint and inconspicuous pseudobulge component (M K & −17: 6 mag). NGC 3621 provides one of the best demonstrations that very late-type spirals can host both active nuclei and nuclear star clusters, and that low-mass black holes can occur in disk galaxies even in the absence of a substantial bulge.

The Black Hole Mass of NGC 4151: Comparison of Reverberation Mapping and Stellar Dynamical Measurements

The Astrophysical Journal, 2007

We present a stellar dynamical estimate of the black hole (BH) mass in the Seyfert 1 galaxy, NGC 4151. We analyze ground-based spectroscopy as well as imaging data from the ground and space, and we construct 3-integral axisymmetric models in order to constrain the BH mass and mass-to-light ratio. The dynamical models depend on the assumed inclination of the kinematic symmetry axis of the stellar bulge. In the case where the bulge is assumed to be viewed edge-on, the kinematical data give only an upper limit to the mass of the BH of ∼ 4 × 10 7 M ⊙ (1σ). If the bulge kinematic axis is assumed to have the same inclination as the symmetry axis of the large-scale galaxy disk (i.e., 23 • relative to the line of sight), a best-fit dynamical mass between 4 − 5 × 10 7 M ⊙ is obtained. However, because of the poor quality of the fit when the bulge is assumed to be inclined (as determined by the noisiness of the χ 2 surface and its minimum value), and because we lack spectroscopic data that clearly resolves the BH sphere of influence, we consider our measurements to be tentative estimates of the dynamical BH mass. With this preliminary result, NGC 4151 is now among the small sample of galaxies in which the BH mass has been constrained from two independent techniques, and the mass values we find for both bulge inclinations are in reasonable agreement with the recent estimate from reverberation mapping (4.57 +0.57 −0.47 × 10 7 M ⊙ ) published by Bentz et al.

The Black Hole Mass in the Brightest Cluster Galaxy NGC 6086

Astrophysical Journal - ASTROPHYS J, 2011

We present the first direct measurement of the central black hole mass, M •, in NGC 6086, the Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) in A2162. Our investigation demonstrates for the first time that stellar-dynamical measurements of M • in BCGs are possible beyond the nearest few galaxy clusters. We observed NGC 6086 with laser guide star adaptive optics and the integral-field spectrograph (IFS) OSIRIS at the W. M. Keck Observatory and with the seeing-limited IFS GMOS-N at Gemini Observatory North. We combined the IFS data sets with existing major-axis kinematics and used axisymmetric stellar orbit models to determine M • and the R-band stellar mass-to-light ratio, M sstarf/LR . We find M • = 3.6+1.7 -1.1 × 109 M sun and M sstarf/L R = 4.6+0.3 -0.7 M sun L sun -1 (68% confidence) from models using the most massive dark matter halo allowed within the gravitational potential of the host cluster. Models fitting only IFS data confirm M • ~ 3 × 109 M sun and M sstarf/LR ~ 4 M sun L sun -1, with w...

Dynamical Measurements of Black Hole Masses in Four Brightest Cluster Galaxies at 100 Mpc


We present stellar kinematics and orbit superposition models for the central regions of four brightest cluster galaxies, based upon integral-field spectroscopy at Gemini, Keck, and McDonald Observatories. Our integral-field data span radii from <100 pc to tens of kiloparsecs, comparable to the effective radius of each galaxy. We report black hole masses, M • , of 2.1 +1.6 −1.6 × 10 10 M for NGC 4889, 9.7 +3.0 −2.5 × 10 9 M for NGC 3842, and 1.3 +0.5 −0.4 × 10 9 M for NGC 7768, with errors representing 68% confidence limits. For NGC 2832, we report an upper limit of M • < 9.0 × 10 9 M . Our models of each galaxy include a dark matter halo, and we have tested the dependence of M • on the model dark matter profile. Stellar orbits near the center of each galaxy are tangentially biased, on comparable spatial scales to the galaxies' photometric cores. We find possible photometric and kinematic evidence for an eccentric torus of stars in NGC 4889, with a radius of nearly 1 kpc. We compare our measurements of M • to the predicted black hole masses from various fits to the relations between M • and stellar velocity dispersion (σ ), luminosity (L), or stellar mass (M ). Still, the black holes in NGC 4889 and NGC 3842 are significantly more massive than all σ -based predictions and most L-based predictions. The black hole in NGC 7768 is consistent with a broader range of predictions.

Toward the Gravitational Redshift Detection in NGC 4258 and the Estimation of Its Black Hole Mass-to-distance Ratio

The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2021

We construct from first principles a general relativistic approach to study Schwarzschild black hole (BH) rotation curves and estimate the mass-to-distance ratio of the active galactic nucleus of NGC 4258 in terms of astrophysical observable quantities. The presented method allows one to clearly distinguish and quantify the general and special relativistic contributions to the total redshift expression. The total relativistic redshift/blueshift comprises three components: the gravitational redshift due to the spacetime curvature generated by the mass of the BH in its vicinity, the kinematic shift, originated by the photons’ local Doppler effect, and the redshift due to a special relativistic boost that describes the motion of a galaxy from a distant observer. We apply our method to the largest data set of highly redshifted water megamaser measurements on the accretion disk of the NGC 4258 active galaxy and use this general relativistic method to estimate its BH mass-to-distance rati...


The Astrophysical Journal, 2010

The black hole (BH)-bulge correlations have greatly influenced the last decade of effort to understand galaxy evolution. Current knowledge of these correlations is limited predominantly to high BH masses (M BH ∼ > 10 8 M ⊙ ) that can be measured using direct stellar, gas, and maser kinematics. These objects, however, do not represent the demographics of more typical L < L * galaxies. This study transcends prior limitations to probe BHs that are an order of magnitude lower in mass, using BH mass measurements derived from the dynamics of H 2 O megamasers in circumnuclear disks. The masers trace the Keplerian rotation of circumnuclear molecular disks starting at radii of a few tenths of a pc from the central BH. Modeling of the rotation curves, presented by Kuo et al. (2010), yields BH masses with exquisite precision. We present stellar velocity dispersion measurements for a sample of nine megamaser disk galaxies based on long-slit observations using the B&C spectrograph on the Dupont telescope and the DIS spectrograph on the 3.5 m telescope at Apache Point. We also perform bulge-to-disk decomposition of a subset of five of these galaxies with SDSS imaging. The maser galaxies as a group fall below the M BH − σ * relation defined by elliptical galaxies. We show, now with very precise BH mass measurements, that the low-scatter power-law relation between M BH and σ * seen in elliptical galaxies is not universal. The elliptical galaxy M BH − σ * relation cannot be used to derive the BH mass function at low mass or the zeropoint for active BH masses. The processes (perhaps BH self-regulation or minor merging) that operate at higher mass have not effectively established an M BH − σ * relation in this low-mass regime.