The main subject of this article is the relationship between the Ottoman state and semi-nomadic groups in the Ottoman Danubian frontier zone (serhad) in the late 15 th and the first half of the 16 th century. Taking the two extremities of the Danubian frontier zone – the provinces of Smederevo in Serbia and Silistre in the northeastern Balkans – as case studies, the article compares the ways in which the Ottoman state dealt with semi-nomadic Vlachs at one end of the frontier zone and Turcoman yürüks (and related groups) at the other. Placing the subject in the broader context of the historical development of the Danubian frontier zone, the author analyzes the Ottoman state's changing policies toward these two groups. Taking into account the largely different historical legacies and demographic make-ups, the article analyzes the many commonalities (as well as some important differences) in the way the Ot-toman government integrated such groups in its administrative structure. It highlights the process in which such semi-nomadic groups, traditionally utilized by the Ottoman state as auxiliary soldiers, were gradually " tamed " by the state in the course of the 16 th century, becoming gradually sedentarized and losing their privileged status.
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Ottoman serhad organization in the Balkans (1450s to early 1500s)
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This article will attempt a rather different approach to 15th-16th century Ottoman reality that specialists call the "classical" or "timar" period. Generations of historians diligently studied the phenomena and processes that characterized that period, including the timar system of land tenure, its influence on military establishment and the administrative structure of the state, the so-called timar legislation and its importance for regulating agricultural production, urban economy and trade. Some contributions were also made -to the extent permitted by available source material -to the study of ethnic, religious and demographic changes in the first centuries following the Ottoman conquest.
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