A systematic review of model based testing tool support (original) (raw)
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A survey on model-based testing approaches: a systematic review
This paper describes a systematic review performed on modelbased testing (MBT) approaches. A selection criterion was used to narrow the initially identified four hundred and six papers to focus on seventy-eight papers. Detailed analysis of these papers shows where MBT approaches have been applied, the characteristics, and the limitations. The comparison criteria includes representation models, support tools, test coverage criteria, the level of automation, intermediate models, and the complexity. This paper defines and explains the review methodology and presents some results.
Comparative Analysis of Modeling and Software Testing Tools: A Survey
There are varieties of paradigms for testing software systems with the aim of uncovering faults and improving the quality of software products. One of the popular paradigms is model-based testing paradigm, where system‘s behaviours are captured and denoted in a model for adequate abstract representation. Evidence has shown that automated testing can incredibly improve the testing efficiency. Central to such test automation is the use of appropriate testing tools. With the existence of a wide spectrum of software testing tools, it is difficult to decide which of the tools to choose and where to start the testing processes. It should be noted that irrespective of how similar the operational processes of software tools are; they are distinct in their respective overall composition. In order to make a choice of which tool is most appropriate to suit a system testing requirements, tester needs to understand some vital information related to the candidate tools such as availability, ease ...
Model-based testing in practice: An experience report from the web applications domain
J. Syst. Softw., 2021
In the context of a software testing company, we have deployed the model-based testing (MBT) approach to take the company’s test automation practices to higher levels of maturity and capability. We have chosen, from a set of open-source/commercial MBT tools, an open-source tool named GraphWalker, and have pragmatically used MBT for end-to-end test automation of several large web and mobile applications under test. The MBT approach has provided, so far in our project, various tangible and intangible benefits in terms of improved test coverage (number of paths tested), improved test-design practices, and also improved real-fault detection effectiveness. The goal of this experience report (applied research report), done based on “action research”, is to share our experience of applying and evaluating MBT as a software technology (technique and tool) in a real industrial setting. We aim at contributing to the body of empirical evidence in industrial application of MBT by sharing our ind...
A survey on model-based testing approaches
Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Empirical assessment of software engineering languages and technologies held in conjunction with the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 2007 - WEASELTech '07, 2007
This paper describes a systematic review performed on modelbased testing (MBT) approaches. A selection criterion was used to narrow the initially identified four hundred and six papers to focus on seventy-eight papers. Detailed analysis of these papers shows where MBT approaches have been applied, the characteristics, and the limitations. The comparison criteria includes representation models, support tools, test coverage criteria, the level of automation, intermediate models, and the complexity. This paper defines and explains the review methodology and presents some results.
Model-based testing areas, tools and challenges: A tertiary study
CLEI Electronic Journal, 2019
Context: Model-based testing is one of the most studied approaches by secondary studies in the area of software testing. Aggregating knowledge from secondary studies on model- based testing can be useful for both academia and industry. Objective: The goal of this study is to characterize secondary studies in model-based testing, in terms of the areas, tools and challenges they have investigated. Method: We conducted a tertiary study following the guidelines for systematic mapping studies. Our mapping included 22 secondary studies, of which 12 were literature surveys and 10 systematic reviews, over the period 1996–2016. Results: A hierarchy of model-based testing areas and subareas was built based on existing taxonomies as well as data that emerged from the secondary studies themselves. This hierarchy was then used to classify studies, tools, challenges and their tendencies in a unified classification scheme. We found that the two most studied areas are UML models and transition-base...
Model-based testing of software and systems: recent advances and challenges
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2012
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A Tool to Support Model-Based Testing Activities
The occurrence of fault on embedded critical systems can result in financial damage and human losses, as well. Rigorous approaches based on formalisms, specially testing routines, have been proposed to guarantee more reliable systems. Model-based testing is a rigorous approach to support testing activities, e.g. test case generation. Theoretical results have been validated in the literature, but there are few tools to support practical applications. Thus, we develop a tool to support practical experiments which allows us to make a comparison among model-based test case generation methods by pointing more suitable sceneries for each one.
Model-based testing in practice
Model-based testing is a new and evolving technique for generating a suite of test cases from requirements. Testers using this approach concentrate on a data model and generation infrastructure instead of hand-crafting individual tests. Several relatively small studies have demonstrated how combinatorial test generation techniques allow testers to achieve broad coverage of the input domain with a small number of tests. We have conducted several relatively large projects in which we applied these techniques to systems with millions of lines of code. Given the complexity of testing, the modelbased testing approach was used in conjunction with test automation harnesses. Since no large empirical study has been conducted to measure efficacy of this new approach, we report on our experience with developing tools and methods in support of model-based testing. The four case studies presented here offer details and results of applying combinatorial test-generation techniques on a large scale to diverse applications. Based on the four projects, we offer our insights into what works in practice and our thoughts about obstacles to transferring this technology into testing organizations.
Model-based testing in industry
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Automation of Software Test - AST '10, 2010
Traditional testing techniques may not always be suitable for adequate, thorough, and extensible testing of critical and complex software in a resource and time constrained software development environment. Model-based testing (MBT) is an evolving technique for generating test cases automatically from a behavioral model of a system under test. For a Siemens industrial project in the healthcare domain high quality, reliable and robust software is indispensable. Thus, we must ensure rigorous testing using a model based approach. We specify nine essential criteria to be satisfied to ensure the quality of the medical software with MBT. We have selected two recently launched MBT tools, namely Conformiq's Qtronic 2.0 and Microsoft's SpecExplorer 2010 V3.0, to see how far the criteria set for testing are achieved by these two tools. This paper reports on the evaluation of the tools and discusses the scope and objectives of future generation MBT tools.