OntologyJam - A Toll for Ontology Reuse (original) (raw)
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IEEE Access, 2021
Interlocking Institutional Worlds (IWs) is a concept explaining the need to interoperate between institutions (or players), to solve problems of common interest in a given domain. Managing knowledge in the IWs domain is complex; however, promoting knowledge sharing based on standards and common terms agreeable to all players is essential and is something that must be established. In this context, ontologies, as a conceptual tool and a key component of knowledge-based systems, have been used by organizations for effective knowledge management, better decision-making, and interoperability among diverse institutions of an IWs domain. The development of ontology involves structural and logical complexity, and requires a well-designed, mature, and widely accepted methodology, to ensure its reliability. Many methodologies for ontology development have been proposed by several researchers; however, most of the developed methodologies have not included several important phases. Furthermore, several methodologies have not provided the complete details of the techniques and activities involved in the ontology construction process. Fewer details make it difficult to follow a methodology for designing ontologies. This study aims to compare existing methodologies based on sixteen important criteria and proposes an improved methodology for ontology development for IWs domains. The proposed methodology has included several important phases such as the Estimation of Human Resources, Re-engineering and Re-using of Resources, Collaborative Ontology Construction,
OntoM4IS+: Ontology Reuse Method for Information Science
Pesquisa Brasileira em Ciência da Informação e Biblioteconomia
Ontologies are a kind of knowledge organisation system (KOS) and it is widely used in many contexts and for different purposes. When the decision of development of a new ontology is taken, the very first decision that is suggested by knowledge specialists, is the possibility of adaptation of existing ontologies. Our intention, with this article, is to propose a new method called OntoM4IS+ (Ontology Reuse Method for Information Science). The main idea is to reuse the content of ontologies or other vocabularies, from multi-sources, as a contribution to the Information Science community in knowledge organisation tasks. We will adopt a hybrid approach, combining the best features of each methodology. The Design Science Research (DSR) will be the support for the whole process. We will use also qualitative research techniques, such as interviews and focus groups to validate our proposal. Moreover, as a research strategy we will follow the bibliographic research technique of published materials. This is a work in progress, and as results is expected a real contribution (the OntoM4IS+ method) to knowledge specialists, as a way to solve the issues arised in the knowledge organisation process.
Knowledge Management and Ontology
The knowledge society characteristic to the XXI century derives from the information society but is more than this and focuses on how information becomes knowledge. Fulminating evolution of this society has enabled intelligent devices (be they desktops, laptops, tablets, smart phones and others) to be part of everyone's life. These tools not only facilitate rapid access to information, which is considered the most valuable thing today but through the multitude of applications, we can ease the decisions we make every day. In this context our approach aims at building an ontology using OWL (Web Ontology Language) and RDF (Resource Description Framework) in economic and a platform for working with ontologies. The platform will be represented by a web application and will allow users to extend an ontology by adding new concepts such as classes, subclasses, individual properties, but also to see ontology as a knowledge graph. Also users will be able to interact with the ontology by i...
Tutorial on ontological engineering Part 2: Ontology development, tools and languages
New Generation Computing, 2004
This tutorial course describes the current state of the art of ontological engineering which is a successor of knowledge engineering. It covers theory, tools and applications and consists of three parts: Part 1 is an introduction to ontological engineering, Part 2 describes ontology development, languages and tools, and Part 3 is an advanced course dealing with philosophical issues of ontology design together with detailed guidelines of ontology development. Part 3 also presents a success story of ontological engineering with the deployment result in a company. The philosophy behind this tutorial is that ontological engineering is viewed as a challenge to enabling knowledge sharing and reuse which knowledge engineering failed to realize. Therefore, one of the major topics dealt with in this tutorial is to explain what an ontology should be while explaining how it is understood currently.
Towards a new synthesis of ontology technology and knowledge management
The Knowledge Engineering Review, 2004
This paper provides a synthesis of ontology research and one of its most significant application areas, the business discipline of Knowledge Management (KM). Despite the fact such a synergy is in great demand between consumers and suppliers of ontology technology, there is a lack of understanding on one side and a lack of realism on the other. Due to the lack of communication and understanding between ontology research and applied KM there is the danger that mainstream KM will remain neutral to ontologies, while research develops as a largely unguided exploration.
A Methodology for Ontology Reuse
International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 2019
There is an abundance of existing biomedical ontologies such as the National Cancer Institute Thesaurus and the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms. Implementing these ontologies in a particular system however, may cause unnecessary high usage of memory and slows down the systems' performance. On the other hand, building a new ontology from scratch will require additional time and efforts. Therefore, this research explores the ontology reuse approach in order to develop an Abdominal Ultrasound Ontology by extracting concepts from existing biomedical ontologies. This article presents the reader with a step by step method in reusing ontologies together with suggestions of the off-the-shelf tools that can be used to ease the process. The results show that ontology reuse is beneficial especially in the biomedical field as it allows for developers from the non-technical background to build and use domain specific ontology with ease. It also allows for developers with...
Tutorial on ontological engineering
New Generation Computing, 2003
This tutorial course describes the current state of the art of ontological engineering which is a successor of knowledge engineering. It covers theory, tools and applications and consists of three parts: Part 1 is an introduction to ontological engineering, Part 2 describes ontology development, languages and tools, and Part 3 is an advanced course dealing with philosophical issues of ontology design together with detailed guidelines of ontology development. Part 3 also presents a success story of ontological engineering with the deployment result in a company. The philosophy behind this tutorial is that ontological engineering is viewed as a challenge to enabling knowledge sharing and reuse which knowledge engineering failed to realize. Therefore, one of the major topics dealt with in this tutorial is to explain what an ontology should be while explaining how it is understood currently.
OntoManager – A System for the Usage-Based Ontology Management
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
In this paper, we propose an approach for guiding ontology managers through the modification of an ontology with respect to users' needs. It is based on the analysis of end-users' interactions with the ontologybased applications, which are tracked into the usagelog. We proposed two types of the analyses: the ontology evolution and the instance crawling, which lead to the improvement of the structure of the ontology and the expansion of the knowledge base, respectively. The approach has been implemented in the system called OntoManager. We present here the conceptual architecture of OntoManager.
The Aberdeen University Ontology Reuse Stack
Symbiotic relationships between semantic web and knowledge engineering, 2008
This paper describes a set of tools which allow the large number of ontologies available on the Semantic Web to be discovered and reused for other applications (both in the Semantic Web and by the larger knowledge engineering community). Firstly, these tools address the problem of finding an existing ontology, with given characteristics. Secondly, we discuss tools which allow the knowledge engineer to detect and repair errors which occur in the ontology's vocabulary (CleOn) or are related to logical coherency/inconsistency ( ...