The domain of neuronal firing on a plane of input current and conductance (original) (raw)
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Power-Law Dynamics of Membrane Conductances Increase Spiking Diversity in a Hodgkin-Huxley Model
We studied the effects of non-Markovian power-law voltage dependent conductances on the generation of action potentials and spiking patterns in a Hodgkin-Huxley model. To implement slow-adapting power-law dynamics of the gating variables of the potassium, n, and sodium, m and h, conductances we used fractional derivatives of order η 1. The fractional derivatives were used to solve the kinetic equations of each gate. We systematically classified the properties of each gate as a function of η. We then tested if the full model could generate action potentials with the different power-law behaving gates. Finally, we studied the patterns of action potential that emerged in each case. Our results show the model produces a wide range of action potential shapes and spiking patterns in response to constant current stimulation as a function of η. In comparison with the classical model, the action potential shapes for power-law behaving potassium conductance (n gate) showed a longer peak and shallow hyperpolarization; for power-law activation of the sodium conduc-tance (m gate), the action potentials had a sharp rise time; and for power-law inactivation of the sodium conductance (h gate) the spikes had wider peak that for low values of η repli-cated pituitary-and cardiac-type action potentials. With all physiological parameters fixed a wide range of spiking patterns emerged as a function of the value of the constant input current and η, such as square wave bursting, mixed mode oscillations, and pseudo-plateau potentials. Our analyses show that the intrinsic memory trace of the fractional derivative provides a negative feedback mechanism between the voltage trace and the activity of the power-law behaving gate variable. As a consequence, power-law behaving conductances result in an increase in the number of spiking patterns a neuron can generate and, we propose , expand the computational capacity of the neuron. There is increasing evidence that the activity of individual membrane ion channels, con-ductances, and the firing rate of neurons are history dependent. In this work we studied
Minimal Models of Adapted Neuronal Response to In Vivo –Like Input Currents
Neural Computation, 2004
Rate models are often used to study the behavior of large networks of spiking neurons. Here we propose a procedure to derive rate models that take into account the fluctuations of the input current and firing-rate adaptation, two ubiquitous features in the central nervous system that have been previously overlooked in constructing rate models. The procedure is general and applies to any model of firing unit. As examples, we apply it to the leaky integrate-and-fire (IF) neuron, the leaky IF neuron with reversal potentials, and to the quadratic IF neuron. Two mechanisms of adaptation are considered, one due to an afterhyperpolarization current and the other to an adapting threshold for spike emission. The parameters of these simple models can be tuned to match experimental data obtained from neocortical pyramidal neurons. Finally, we show how the stationary model can be used to predict the time-varying activity of a large population of adapting neurons.
Biological Cybernetics, 2011
A wide diversity of models have been proposed to account for the spiking response of central neurons, from the integrate-and-fire (IF) model and its quadratic and exponential variants, to multiple-variable models such as the Izhikevich (IZ) model and the well-known Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) type models. Such models can capture different aspects of the spiking response of neurons, but there is few objective comparison of their performance. In this article, we provide such a comparison in the context of well-defined stimulation protocols, including, for each cell, DC stimulation, and a series of excitatory conductance injections, arising in the presence of synaptic background activity. We use the dynamic-clamp technique to characterize the response of regular-spiking neurons from guinea-pig visual cortex by computing families of post-stimulus time histograms (PSTH), for different stimulus intensities, and for two different background activities (low-and high-conductance states). The data obtained are then used to fit different classes of models such as the IF, IZ, or HH types, which are constrained by the whole data set. This analysis shows that HH models are generally more accurate to fit the series of experimental PSTH, but their performance is almost equaled by much simpler models, such as the exponential or pulse-based IF models. Similar conclusions were also reached by performing partial fitting of the data, and examining the ability of different models to predict responses that were not used for the fitting. Although such results must be qualified by using more sophisticated stimulation protocols, they suggest that nonlinear IF models can capture surprisingly well the response of cortical regularspiking neurons and appear as useful candidates for network simulations with conductance-based synaptic interactions.
Neural Computation, 2008
Recent in vitro data show that neurons respond to input variance with varying sensitivities. Here we demonstrate that Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neurons can operate in two computational regimes: one that is more sensitive to input variance (differentiating) and one that is less sensitive (integrating). A boundary plane in the 3D conductance space separates these two regimes. For a reduced HH model, this plane can be derived analytically from the V nullcline, thus suggesting a means of relating biophysical parameters to neural computation by analyzing the neuron's dynamical system.
Using electronic circuits to model simple neuroelectric interactions
Proceedings of the IEEE, 1968
The Hodgkin-Huxley description of ek&kaUy excitable a m d-is combined with the Eccles description of synaptic condnctnnces to provide the basis of an electronic model of w n e-c d membrane. The m o d & are med to explore nearoeleetrie interactiom between spatially distrhted regious of a single nearon a d neoroelectric activities in very snnllgroagsofwaronsAmoogotserthings,oscillrtio~arefo~tocoodud with progressively increasing phrse lead along an axon modd. Miniature r e s e c t e a s p i k e s f r o m a t r i g g e r r e g i o o a r e a b l e t o r~s l o w p o t~~m a n mtegrative r egi on. Spike syoehrony b f d to be cornmoll in a mutually mhibitiug pair of nearal models. Spike bars@ OCQU m a mutually exciting pair. Eleehicpl coawetion between trigger regiom is f d to be excitatory or inhibitory, depeadiag on relatioas. A simpler electmk model is described and sbown to be reasooably adeqmte for S i m e l p h of mall neurpl nets.
Spike generation estimated from stationary spike trains in a variety of neurons in vivo
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2014
To any model of brain function, the variability of neuronal spike firing is a problem that needs to be taken into account. Whereas the synaptic integration can be described in terms of the original Hodgkin-Huxley (H-H) formulations of conductance-based electrical signaling, the transformation of the resulting membrane potential into patterns of spike output is subjected to stochasticity that may not be captured with standard single neuron H-H models. The dynamics of the spike output is dependent on the normal background synaptic noise present in vivo, but the neuronal spike firing variability in vivo is not well studied. In the present study, we made long-term whole cell patch clamp recordings of stationary spike firing states across a range of membrane potentials from a variety of subcortical neurons in the non-anesthetized, decerebrated state in vivo. Based on th data, we formulated a simple, phenomenological model of the properties of the spike generation in each neuron that accurately captured the stationary spike firing statistics across all membrane potentials. The model consists of a parametric relationship between the mean and standard deviation of the inter-spike intervals, where the parameter is linearly related to the injected current over the membrane. This enabled it to generate accurate approximations of spike firing also under inhomogeneous conditions with input that varies over time. The parameters describing the spike firing statistics for different neuron types overlapped extensively, suggesting that the spike generation had similar properties across neurons.
Bifurcation analysis and diverse firing activities of a modified excitable neuron model
Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2019
Electrical activities of excitable cells produce diverse spiking-bursting patterns. The dynamics of the neuronal responses can be changed due to the variations of ionic concentrations between outside and inside the cell membrane. We investigate such type of spiking-bursting patterns under the effect of an electromagnetic induction on an excitable neuron model. The effect of electromagnetic induction across the membrane potential can be considered to analyze the collective behavior for signal processing. The paper addresses the issue of the electromagnetic flow on a modified Hindmarsh-Rose model (H-R) which preserves biophysical neurocomputational properties of a class of neuron models. The different types of firing activities such as square wave bursting, chattering, fast spiking, periodic spiking, mixed-mode oscillations etc. can be observed using different injected current stimulus. The improved version of the model includes more parameter sets and the multiple electrical activities are exhibited in different parameter regimes. We perform the bifurcation analysis analytically and numerically with respect to the key parameters which reveals the properties of the fast-slow system for neuronal responses. The firing activities can be suppressed/enhanced using the different external stimulus current and by allowing a noise induced current. To study the electrical activities of neural computation, the improved neuron model is suitable for further investigation.
American Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 2011
The variable conductance of postsynaptic membrane of neuron dependence on the neurotransmitterreceptor binding activity is represented by ion sensitive field effect transistor (ISFET). ISFET functions not only as a voltage controlled conductance but can also be converted into an enzyme modified field effect transistor (ENFET) and therefore can provide a means of measurement of specific neurotransmitters that bind with the receptor sites of postsynaptic membrane. This analog is incorporated into the Hodgkin-Huxley (H-H) model of neuron to substitute the variable Na + and Clconductances. Simulation is performed in MATLAB environment both for excitatory and inhibitory states and results are presented.
The response of cortical neurons to in vivo-like input current: theory and experiment II
The response of a population of neurons to time-varying synaptic inputs can show a rich phenomenology, hardly predictable from the dynamical properties of the membrane's inherent time constants. For example, a network of neurons in a state of spontaneous activity can respond significantly more rapidly than each single neuron taken individually. Under the assumption that the statistics of the M.