GSMA: Gene Set Matrix Analysis, An Automated Method for Rapid Hypothesis Testing of Gene Expression Data (original) (raw)

GEPAS, an experiment-oriented pipeline for the analysis of microarray gene expression data

Nucleic Acids Research, 2005

The Gene Expression Profile Analysis Suite, GEPAS, has been running for more than three years. With >76000 experiments analysed during the last year and a daily average of almost 300 analyses, GEPAS can be considered a well-established and widely used platform for gene expression microarray data analysis. GEPAS is oriented to the analysis of whole series of experiments. Its design and development have been driven by the demands of the biomedical community, probably the most active collective in the field of microarray users. Although clustering methods have obviously been implemented in GEPAS, our interest has focused more on methods for finding genes differentially expressed among distinct classes of experiments or correlated to diverse clinical outcomes, as well as on building predictors. There is also a great interest in CGH-arrays which fostered the development of the corresponding tool in GEPAS: InSilicoCGH. Much effort has been invested in GEPAS for developing and implementing efficient methods for functional annotation of experiments in the proper statistical framework. Thus, the popular FatiGO has expanded to a suite of programs for functional annotation of experiments, including information on transcription factor binding sites, chromosomal location and tissues. The web-based pipeline for microarray gene expression data, GEPAS, is available at

ErmineJ: Tool for Functional Analysis of Gene Expression Data Sets

BMC Bioinformatics, 2005

Background: It is common for the results of a microarray study to be analyzed in the context of biologically-motivated groups of genes such as pathways or Gene Ontology categories. The most common method for such analysis uses the hypergeometric distribution (or a related technique) to look for "over-representation" of groups among genes selected as being differentially expressed or otherwise of interest based on a gene-by-gene analysis. However, this method suffers from some limitations, and biologist-friendly tools that implement alternatives have not been reported.

Turning publicly available gene expression data into discoveries using gene set context analysis

Nucleic acids research, 2015

Gene Set Context Analysis (GSCA) is an open source software package to help researchers use massive amounts of publicly available gene expression data (PED) to make discoveries. Users can interactively visualize and explore gene and gene set activities in 25,000+ consistently normalized human and mouse gene expression samples representing diverse biological contexts (e.g. different cells, tissues and disease types, etc.). By providing one or multiple genes or gene sets as input and specifying a gene set activity pattern of interest, users can query the expression compendium to systematically identify biological contexts associated with the specified gene set activity pattern. In this way, researchers with new gene sets from their own experiments may discover previously unknown contexts of gene set functions and hence increase the value of their experiments. GSCA has a graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI makes the analysis convenient and customizable. Analysis results can be conv...

GEPAS: a web-based resource for microarray gene expression data analysis

Nucleic Acids Research, 2003

We present a web-based pipeline for microarray gene expression profile analysis, GEPAS, which stands for Gene Expression Profile Analysis Suite ( GEPAS is composed of different interconnected modules which include tools for data pre-processing, two-conditions comparison, unsupervised and supervised clustering (which include some of the most popular methods as well as home made algorithms) and several tests for differential gene expression among different classes, continuous variables or survival analysis. A multiple purpose tool for data mining, based on Gene Ontology, is also linked to the tools, which constitutes a very convenient way of analysing clustering results. On-line tutorials are available from our main web server

A Biological Evaluation of Six Gene Set Analysis Methods for Identification of Differentially Expressed Pathways in Microarray Data

Cancer Informatics, 2008

Gene-set analysis of microarray data evaluates biological pathways, or gene sets, for their differential expression by a phenotype of interest. In contrast to the analysis of individual genes, gene-set analysis utilizes existing biological knowledge of genes and their pathways in assessing differential expression. This paper evaluates the biological performance of five gene-set analysis methods testing “self-contained null hypotheses” via subject sampling, along with the most popular gene-set analysis method, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA). We use three real microarray analyses in which differentially expressed gene sets are predictable biologically from the phenotype. Two types of gene sets are considered for this empirical evaluation: one type contains “truly positive” sets that should be identified as differentially expressed; and the other type contains “truly negative” sets that should not be identified as differentially expressed. Our evaluation suggests advantages of SAM...

Analyzing gene expression data in terms of gene sets: methodological issues

Bioinformatics, 2007

Motivation: Many statistical tests have been proposed in recent years for analyzing gene expression data in terms of gene sets, usually from Gene Ontology. These methods are based on widely different methodological assumptions. Some approaches test differential expression of each gene set against differential expression of the rest of the genes, whereas others test each gene set on its own. Also, some methods are based on a model in which the genes are the sampling units, whereas others treat the subjects as the sampling units. This article aims to clarify the assumptions behind different approaches and to indicate a preferential methodology of gene set testing. Results: We identify some crucial assumptions which are needed by the majority of methods. P-values derived from methods that use a model which takes the genes as the sampling unit are easily misinterpreted, as they are based on a statistical model that does not resemble the biological experiment actually performed. Furthermore, because these models are based on a crucial and unrealistic independence assumption between genes, the P-values derived from such methods can be wildly anti-conservative, as a simulation experiment shows. We also argue that methods that competitively test each gene set against the rest of the genes create an unnecessary rift between single gene testing and gene set testing.

Gene set analysis for longitudinal gene expression data

BMC Bioinformatics, 2011

Background: Gene set analysis (GSA) has become a successful tool to interpret gene expression profiles in terms of biological functions, molecular pathways, or genomic locations. GSA performs statistical tests for independent microarray samples at the level of gene sets rather than individual genes. Nowadays, an increasing number of microarray studies are conducted to explore the dynamic changes of gene expression in a variety of species and biological scenarios. In these longitudinal studies, gene expression is repeatedly measured over time such that a GSA needs to take into account the within-gene correlations in addition to possible between-gene correlations. Results: We provide a robust nonparametric approach to compare the expressions of longitudinally measured sets of genes under multiple treatments or experimental conditions. The limiting distributions of our statistics are derived when the number of genes goes to infinity while the number of replications can be small. When the number of genes in a gene set is small, we recommend permutation tests based on our nonparametric test statistics to achieve reliable type I error and better power while incorporating unknown correlations between and within-genes. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method has a greater power than other methods for various data distributions and heteroscedastic correlation structures. This method was used for an IL-2 stimulation study and significantly altered gene sets were identified. Conclusions: The simulation study and the real data application showed that the proposed gene set analysis provides a promising tool for longitudinal microarray analysis. R scripts for simulating longitudinal data and calculating the nonparametric statistics are posted on the North Dakota INBRE website programs/bioinformatics.php. Raw microarray data is available in Gene Expression Omnibus (National Center for Biotechnology Information) with accession number GSE6085.

maSigPro: a method to identify significantly differential expression profiles in time-course microarray experiments

Bioinformatics, 2006

Motivation: Multi-series time-course microarray experiments are useful approaches for exploring biological processes. In this type of experiments, the researcher is frequently interested in studying gene expression changes along time and in evaluating trend differences between the various experimental groups. The large amount of data, multiplicity of experimental conditions and the dynamic nature of the experiments poses great challenges to data analysis. Results: In this work, we propose a statistical procedure to identify genes that show different gene expression profiles across analytical groups in time-course experiments. The method is a two-regression step approach where the experimental groups are identified by dummy variables. The procedure first adjusts a global regression model with all the defined variables to identify differentially expressed genes, and in second a variable selection strategy is applied to study differences between groups and to find statistically significant different profiles. The methodology is illustrated on both a real and a simulated microarray dataset. Availability: The method has been implemented in the statistical language R and is freely available from the Bioconductor contributed packages repository and from

Simplifying Gene Expression Microarray Comparative Analysis

Gene Expression Comparative Analysis allows bio-informatics researchers to discover the conserved or specific functional regulation of genes. This is achieved through comparisons between quantitative gene expression measurements obtained in different species on different platforms to address a particular biological system. Comparisons are made more difficult due to the need to map orthologous genes between species, pre-processing of data (normalization) and post-analysis (statistical and correlation analysis). In this paper we introduce a web-based software package called EXP-PAC which provides on line interfaces for database construction and query of data, and makes use of a high performance computing platform of computer clusters to run gene sequence mapping and normalization methods in parallel. Thus, EXP-PAC facilitates the integration of gene expression data for comparative analysis and the online sharing, retrieval and visualization of complex multi-specific and multi-platform...