Analysis of electric vehicle charging using the traditional generation expansion planning analysis tool WASP-IV (original) (raw)
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The deployment of EVs leads to a shift of the demand from transport to the power sector. This paper shows that in order to perform a realistic evaluation of the EVs integration impacts on a power system, the future developments in the increase of interconnection capacities should be taken into account. For this, three different charging scenarios are developed and tested using a North-Western Europe system model, together with a unit commitment and economic dispatch tool. EVs load time series are generated for each scenario by a stochastic model which is based on real commuting patterns of the Dutch population. The results indicate that EVs load is mainly supplied by conventional generation: gas, coal and nuclear. It is also noted that EVs lead to a very low increase in wind power utilization and even to a substitution of hydro generation.
Impact of Electric Vehicles on a Carbon Constrained Power System—A Post 2020 Case Study
Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2015
Electric vehicles (EVs) offer great potential to move from fossil fuel dependency in transport once some of the technical barriers related to battery reliability and grid integration are resolved. The European Union has set a target to achieve a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 relative to 2005 levels. This target is binding in all the European Union member states. If electric vehicle issues are overcome then the challenge is to use as much renewable energy as possible to achieve this target. In this paper, the impacts of electric vehicle charged in the all-Ireland single wholesale electricity market after the 2020 deadline passes is investigated using a power system dispatch model. For the purpose of this work it is assumed that a 10% electric vehicle target in the Republic of Ireland is not achieved, but instead 8% is reached by 2025 considering the slow market uptake of electric vehicles. Our experimental study shows that the increasing penetration of EVs could contribute to approach the target of the EU and Ireland government on emissions reduction, regardless of different charging scenarios. Furthermore, among various charging scenarios, the off-peak charging is the best approach, contributing 2.07% to the target of 10% reduction of Greenhouse gas emissions by 2025.
Quantifying displaced carbon dioxide emissions from electric vehicles in Ireland
Under EU Directive 2009/28/EC on Renewable Energy each Member State is mandated to ensure that 10% of transport energy (excluding aviation and marine transport) comes from renewable sources by 2020. The Irish Government intends to achieve this target with a number of policies including an increase in the use of biofuels in transport by 3% by 2010 and ensuring that 10% of all vehicles in the transport fleet are powered by electricity by 2020. Electric vehicles (EVs) do not emit exhaust fumes in the same manner as traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. The optimal benefits of EVs can only be truly achieved if EVs are deployed effectively, so that exhaust pipe gaseous emissions are not fully displaced to the electricity sector. This paper examines the potential contributions that Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles can make in reducing carbon dioxide. The paper presents the results of the generation expansion model for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland built using the dynamic programming based long term generation expansion planning tool called the Wien Automatic System Planning IV tool. The model optimizes power dispatch using hourly electricity demand curves for each year up to 2020, while incorporating generator characteristics and certain operational requirements such as energy not served and loss of load probability while satisfying constraints on environmental emissions, fuel availability and generator operational and maintenance costs. In order to simulate the effect of PHEV, two distinct charging scenarios are applied based on a peak tariff and an off peak tariff. The importance and influence of the charging regime on the amount of energy used and gaseous emissions displaced is determined and briefly discussed.
International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2022
Dispatching of generating resources at Power Stations is a complex task based on the balance of economics, contractual agreement, regulations, and environmental consciousness in terms of emissions produced in the course of electricity generation. The complexity of the task could be exacerbated with the integration of a large percentage of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the quest to reduce CO 2 emissions in the transportation sector. In this paper, a dispatch model, which is suitable for analysing the impacts of charging patterns of EVs on grid emissions intensity and emissions abatement costs, is described and developed for dispatching generating resources/technologies. The dispatch model is based on the correlation between historical system load and capacity factors of generating units. The dispatch model is tested on data from the UK power system on a typical winter day in December 2015 with an assumed 50% integration of EVs on the system. Results show amongst others that charging of EVs in the off-peak period may affect the optimal deployment of generating technologies/resources with storage capacity and could produce a higher average grid emissions intensity.
Impacts of Electric Vehicle charging under electricity market operations
Applied Energy, 2013
h i g h l i g h t s " In 2008, the Irish government set a target that 10% of all vehicles be powered by electricity by 2020. " The impact of EV charging in the single wholesale electricity market in Ireland is analysed. " EV charging under peak and off-peak charging scenarios is examined. " Results show that off-peak charging is more beneficial than peak charging. " Only 1.55% of the Non-ETS and 1.45% of the RES-T targets are achieved.
Integrating Electric Vehicles into Power System Operation Production Cost Models
World Electric Vehicle Journal, 2021
The electrification of the transportation sector will increase the demand for electric power, potentially impacting the peak load and power system operations. A change such as this will be multifaceted. A power system production cost model (PCM) is a useful tool with which to analyze one of these facets, the operation of the power system. A PCM is a computer simulation that mimics power system operation, i.e., unit commitment, economic dispatch, reserves, etc. To understand how electric vehicles (EVs) will affect power system operation, it is necessary to create models that describe how EVs interact with power system operations that are suitable for use in a PCM. In this work, EV charging data from the EV Project, reported by the Idaho National Laboratory, were used to create scalable, statistical models of EV charging load profiles suitable for incorporation into a PCM. Models of EV loads were created for uncoordinated and coordinated charging. Uncoordinated charging load represent...
IEEE Access, 2021
Electric vehicles (EVs) can have massive benefits in energy sector especially for a small island country like the Maldives that imports oil with high transportation costs while power could have been generated from abundantly available local renewable resources. However, EV charging may also impose significant investment requirement for the power system that needs to be analyzed carefully including the capacity of the existing distribution network system, investments needed in solar PV together with battery storage and additional diesel capacity to meet the incremental demand from EVs. We explore an EV adoption scenario for Maldives for 2030 with 30% of all vehicles including two-wheelers that dominate the transport on the island under two different charging regimes: uncoordinated and optimized coordinated mode. The latter is achieved through a system wide optimization using a modified version of the World Bank Electricity Planning Model (EPM) that optimizes charging load subject to a range of constraints on allowable timing for different categories of vehicles. If charging from the fleet is uncoordinated, a relatively small increase in energy requirement of 3.1% due to EV may lead to a 26.1% increase in generation capacity requirement and hence 15.7% additional investment. While the optimized charging regime helps to drastically cut down on generation capacity requirements to just 1.8% increase and also considerably eases feeder loading, it may also lead to higher emissions as more EV load during off-peak hours lead to an increase in diesel-based generation. We have therefore explored an additional scenario wherein the annual emissions from the power sector are constrained to the baseline (''No EV'') scenario. The analysis shows the importance of focused modeling analysis to understand the ramifications of EV load impact on the power system including significant increase in generation capacity and potential increase in power sector emissions in a fossil-fuel dominated system. INDEX TERMS Electric vehicles, power system optimization, least-cost planning, distribution network. I. INTRODUCTION A. CONTEXT
Power System Impacts of Electric Vehicle Charging Strategies
This article explores the potential impacts of integrating electric vehicles (EVs) and variable renewable energy (VRE) on power system operation. EVs and VRE are integrated in a production cost model with a 5 min time resolution and multiple planning horizons to deduce the effects of variable generation and EV charging on system operating costs, EV charging costs, dispatch stacks, reserves and VRE curtailment. EV penetration scenarios of the light-duty vehicle fleet of 10%, 20%, and 30% are considered in the RTS-GMLC test system, and VRE penetration is 34% of annual energy consumption. The impacts of EVs are investigated during the annual peak in the summer and during the four weeks of the year in which high VRE and low loads lead to overgeneration. Uncoordinated and coordinated EV charging scenarios are considered. In the uncoordinated scenario, charging is undertaken at the convenience of the EV owners, modeled using data from the Idaho National Laboratory’s EV Project. Coordinate...
Impact of EV on the Icelandic power system : a general analysis and cost estimate
Reykjavík University, 2020
The increasing problem of reducing global warming has lead to a demand for less polluting transport, this is usually in the form of Electric vehicles. But what impact do larger percentages of EVs have on both pollution and on the power system in general? This study aims to answer some of the questions as they relate to these problems in Iceland-what is the total benefit in greenhouse gas emissions and more importantly what is the total cost for the Icelandic power system in relation to system upgrades, and how do we estimate it? The entire Icelandic power system was simulated in MATPOWER using two models (the current system and a future development plan) and several methods for estimating both the cost of system upgrades and what part the electric load from EVs had in that cost. The results show which parts of the system need to be upgraded and when. Finally the cost for each simulated case is summarised and put forth as a total number. It can be concluded that the cost of increasing EVs is considerable in worst case scenarios where future location of power production uncertainty are taken into account.
Energy, 2011
The article estimates the costs of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) in a future power system as well as the benefits from smart charging and discharging EVs (smart EVs). To arrive in a good estimate, a generation planning model was used to create power plant portfolios, which were operated in a more detailed unit commitment and dispatch model. In both models the charging and discharging of EVs is optimised together with the rest of the power system. Neither the system cost nor the market price of electricity for EVs turned out to be high (36e263 V/vehicle/year in the analysed scenarios). Most of the benefits of smart EVs come from smart timing of charging although benefits are also accrued from provision of reserves and lower power plant portfolio cost. The benefits of smart EVs are 227 V/vehicle/year. This amount has to cover all expenses related to enabling smart EVs and need to be divided between different actors. Additional benefits could come from the avoidance of grid related costs of immediate charging, but these were not part of the analysis.