Penekanan hayati penyakit layu fusarium pada subang gladiol (original) (raw)
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Evaluasi Ketahanan Turunan Dari Beberapa Silangan Gladiol Terhadap Fusariumpada Tingkat Semaian
Evaluation of Resistance to Fusarium at Seedling Stage of Several Hybrids Gladiolus Bakhtiar, Hajrial Aswidinnoor, dan Toto Sutater ABSTRACT One of the major problems in flower and corms production of gladiolus is wilt diseases and corm rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. gladiolii . Therefore, the development of resistant gladiolus cultivars through breeding programs is highly desired to overcome these diseases. The seedling tests make it possible to obtain new gladiolus cultivars with high levels of fusarium resistance. The objective of this experiment were to develop a seedling test for early selection of Fusarium resistance in gladiolus and to evaluate the levels of fusarium resistance of hybrids produced at seedling stage. Screening for fusarium resistance in seedling populations that using ± 10 3 propagules per gram of soil could be conducted at 8 weeks after sowing. Queen Occer x 623-1, 646-15 x 623-1 and 623-1 x Queen Occer crosses gave more resistant progeny than the ot...
Fusarium oxysporum merupakan salah satu jamur patogen penting penyebab penyakit layu Fusarium pada tanaman tomat. Pengendalian yang telah dilakukan, baik dengan fungisida kimia sintetis maupun varietas tahan belum memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. Pengendalian menggunakan agensia hayati merupakan pilihan yang perlu dikembangkan, sebab relatif murah dan mudah dilakukan, serta bersifat ramah lingkungan. Bakteri Bacillus sp. dan Pseudomonas sp diketahui memiliki potensi sebagai agens pengendali hayati beberapa patogen tumbuhan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah percobaan dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang dilakukan di laboratorium setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Bacillus sp. strain BS 3, BS 4 dan Pseudomonas sp. strain PF 1 dan PF 3 dapat menghambat perkembangan Fusarium oxysporum berupa pembentukan zona bening yang nampak disekitar kertas saring. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa tipe antibiosis dari Bacillus sp. strain BS 3 dan strain BS 4 adalah Fungisidal. ...
Test of Fusarium spp. Growth Rate on Organic and Syhthesis Media. Fusarium spp., is a type of fungus that can infecton gaharu formation of the aloeswood. The purpose of this study to determine the growth rate in the number of spores produced by the fungus in liquid mediumorganic synthesis and liquid media, the media can be inoculation of the best in the gaharu formation of the aloeswood. The results showed that coconut water as a medium organic media shows the average of the highest number of spores around 8.83 spores/ml, whereas the CDA as a medium synthetic media shows the average of the lowest number of spores around 6.85 spores/ml. Abstrak: Uji Kecepatan Pertumbuhan Fusarium spp. pada Media Organik dan Media Sintetis. Fusarium spp., adalah jenis cendawan yang dapat menginfeksi pembentukan gubal pada tanaman gaharu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kecepatan pertumbuhan dengan jumlah spora yang dihasilkan cendawan pada media cair organik dan media cair sintesis, yang dapat ...
Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) The demand for eggplant was increasing, but the availability of eggplant is low so it cannot be fulfilled. One of the causes of low eggplant production is due to the attack of wilt disease on eggplant plants caused by Fusarium oxysporum. Symptoms include wilted leaves, yellowing leaves and brown root and stem tissue. Control that is often done is to use pesticides (fungicides) which can cause environmental pollution. One control of Fusarium spp. wilt disease. with microbial antagonists. This research was conducted to determine the ability of isolates of rhizobacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens group (PF) and Bacillus spp. from bamboo, chili and ferns inhibited the growth of Fusarium spp. in vitro. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens group and Bacillus spp. each 4 treatments, control. Testing the inhibitory power of isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens group and Bacillus spp. carried out by the challenge method and in vitro. Observations were made on the percentage of inhibition of rhizosphere bacteria (DH) after incubation for 7 days. All isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens group and isolates of Bacillus spp. Has different inhibitory power on the fungus Fusarium spp. The isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens group derived from bamboo roots from the Palem area (KPBP) (81.95%) were isolates that had the highest percentage of inhibition and Bacillus spp. derived from chili roots from the Guntung Manggis area (BGTP1) (70%) was the isolate that had the highest percentage of inhibition.
Fusarium oxysporum is a member of the Tuberculariaceae family, a hypocreales order that has the potential to produce mycotoxins which are often found in animal feed or food. Fusarium oxysporum mushrooms are saprophytic and parasitic. The attack of this fungus attacks plants from various phases and at various altitudes, and results in a decrease in the production of agricultural commodities and results in losses for Indonesian farmers (Hidayat, 2017). Based on this situation, characterization of fusarium species is an important thing to learn more about. The current characterization approach can be known more deeply with the increasing knowledge in the field of molecular biology (Tjitrosoepomo, 2009). The purpose of this study was to find out the characteristics of the lowland Blus Fusarium oxysporum isolates by molecular phylogenetic analysis. The research was conducted in May to September 2018. Propagation of samples was carried out at the Agrotechnology Laboratory of the Universit...
Jurnal Pembangunan Dan Alam Lestari, 2013
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak temperature dan pH pada polulasi Pseudomonas pendegradasi limbah LAS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isolate bakteri P2.1 dapat tumbuh maksimal pada pH 8; isolate P3.2 dan C2.1 dapat tumbuh optimal pada pH 7, sedangkan isolate C2.2 dan C2.3 dapat tumbuh optimal pada pH 5, dan isolate P3.2 dapat tumbuh optimal pada suhu 40 o C, isolate C2.1 C2.2 dan C.2.3 dapat tumbuh optimal pada temperature 30 o C. Pada penelitian ini juga terdapat isolate yang tidak terpengaruh oleh perlakuan suhu. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena variasi suhu yang digunakan masih kisaran suhu optimum untuk pertumbuhan isolate, sedangkan isolate lain menunjukkan respon pertumbuhan akibat perlakuan suhu. Beberapa isolate menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang lambat, hal ini karena suhu yang digunakan untuk perlakuan dibawah suhu minimum atau diatas suhu maksimum untuk pertumbuhan bakteri.
Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan
Peran jamur Fusarium non patogenik sangat penting dalam mengendalikan maupun mencegah serangan jamur patogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. Tujuan dari riset ini yaitu mengetahui keanekaragaman jamur Fusarium sp. di lahan endemis dan supresif serta potensi antagonismnya terhadap patogen layu fusarium. Penelitian ini dilakukan di laboratorium Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya dan laboratorium Balai Besar Karantina Pertanian Surabaya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan komparasi dan eksplorasi jamur Fusarium dalam rizosfer di lahan endemis layu fusarium tomat dan lahan supresif. Jamur fusarium yang ditemukan di lahan endemis terdiri dari 58 koloni dengan hasil identifikasi sebanyak 3 isolat yaitu Fusarium sp. 1, Fusarium sp. 2, Fusarium sp. 3. Sedangkan jamur fusarium yang ditemukan di lahan supresif sebanyak 11 koloni yang terdiri dari 2 isolat yaitu Fusarium sp. 4 dan Fusarium sp. 5. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman di lahan endemis (4,0...
Seleksi Ketahanan Klon-Klon Harapan Gladiol Terhadap Fusarium Oxysporum F. SP. Gladi Oli
Jurnal Hortikultura, 2005
ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan klon harapan gladiol yang tahan terhadap layu fusarium. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok pola faktorial. Faktor (1) klon-klon harapan gladiol, terdiri dari 96212/168; 96210.2/20; 96215/49; 96203.2/14; 9607.2/129; 96215/202; 96215/122; 96204/69; 96213/109; 96210.1/170; hol land merah; dan 621-1. Faktor (2) kerapatan inokulum F. oxysporum, terdiri dari 0 sel konidia/g tanah; 10 4 sel konidia/g tanah; 10 8 sel konidia/g tanah. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa gladiol dengan nomor klon 96215/49; 623-1 dan 96213/109 merupakan klon harapan gladiol yang pal ing tahan terhadap layu F. oxysporum f. sp. dan klon 9612/168 merupakan klon yang pal ing rentan. Kata kunci: Glad i o lus hybridus; Klon; Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. glad i oli; Resistensi AB STRACT. Nuryani, W., D.S. Badriah, T. Sutater, E. Silvia, and Muhidin. 2005. Re sponse of glad i o lus promis ing clones to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. glad i oli. The aim of the ex per i ment was to ex am ine the re sis tance of glad io lus clones to fusarium wilt. Fac to rial randomized block de sign was used in the ex per i ment. The first fac tor was glad i o lus prom is ing clones, con sist of 96212/168; 96210.2/20; 96215/49; 96203.2/14; 9607.2/129; 96215/202; 96215/122; 96204/69; 96213/109; 96210.1/170; hol land merah; 621-1. The sec ond fac tor was den sity of inoculum F. oxysporum, con sist of nill conidia/g soil; 10 4 cells conidia/g soil; and 10 8 cells conidia/g soil. The re sults showed that the glad i o lus clone num ber 96215/49; 623-1 and 96213/109 were the most re sis tant to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. glad i oli and clone num ber 9612/168 was the most susceptible.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
Gaharu (Agarwood) is one of the most valuable of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) commodities in Indonesia that has an important role in economic and income for the community surrounding forest. However, the intensive exploitation and uncontrolled harvest capacity has brought those two potential species tends to decrease, and therefore gaharu is listed in the list of the CITES’ Appendix II. One of the solutions to deal with those cases researchers have been developing gaharu plantation as well technique to produce gaharu products through inoculation. Theaim of this study was to find the effectiveness of four different Fusarium sp from different locations in Indonesia (Parung/F1, Banjarmasin/F2, Jambi/F3 and Gorontalo/F4) in order to produce gaharu. These Fusarium were inoculated to 10 year’s old of A. Beccariana at Penajam, East Kalimantan. The result show that inoculant from Gorontalo (F4) gave the best result and the highest potential to the production of gaharu compare to other...