Народные поминальные молитвы из Коми-Пермяцкого округа // Живая старина. 2013. №1. С. 53–56 (совместно с Е.М. Четиной и И.Ю. Роготневым). (original) (raw)
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Вопросы литературы, 2018
The paper offers a detailed analysis of Andrey Bely’s (melo)declamatory style in the context of his poetic and theoretical experimentations. Bely’s contemporaries described his recitals as adhering to the typically ‘decadent’ manner of declamation: with the poem’s meter emphasized by monotonous melodization. On examining the written mentions of his recitals, one is moved to agree with Bernstein’s statement that the poet had undergone a change in his declamatory manner, confirmed by Bely himself. And indeed, a first-ever digital analysis of the audio recordings made by Bernstein in chronological order sheds light on the inner causes of Bely’s poetic experimentation (‘melodism’) in his later years, and, together with the printed version of the poetry, points to the connection between the poet’s declamatory style and the general direction in which he went with his work as a poet and a theorist. Bely’s later poetry called for two distinctive manners of recital: one, relatively stable in terms of pauses and melodization, for traditional meters, and the other, more elaborate, for his ‘melodic’ verses. The latter is more in affinity with the poet’s manner of reciting his rhythmical prose. The two declamatory styles originate in the voiceless recital during composition, as described by Bely to Bernstein.
IRANICA. Иранские империи и греко-римский мир в VI в. до н. э. – VI в. н. э.: коллективная монография / Под ред. О. Л. Габелко, Э. В. Рунга, Е. В. Смыкова. Казань: Изд-во Казанского университета, 2017
Information on the history of the Achaemenid Empire contained in Ammianus’ “Res Gestae” is devoted mainly to foreign policy, military affairs, and religion. Ammianus says nothing new, and generally follows the Ancient Greek historical tradition (mainly Herodotus and Ctesias). The information presented by Ammianus is highly fragmented, very unreliable and sometimes highly distorted. Therefore, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to determine its origin exactly.
Повседневная жизнь воровского мира Москвы во времена Ваньки Каина. М., 2012.
изнъ ков Каин занимался кражами в Москве, «мошенничал»* на Макарьевской ярмарке, в Троице-Сергиевой лавре, Дмитрове, Владимире и других городах. Но 27 декабря 1741 года он явился с повинной и предложил свои ус луги в качестве доносителя. В ту же ночь вместе с Каи ном была послана команда солдат, и в Сыскном приказе оказалось несколько десятков представителей преступ ного мира, его бывших товарищей. С этого дня Вань ка Каин стал официальным «доносителем и сыщиком» Сыскного приказа.
Archaeological investigations in Kyiv Region : Materials of the 1st Regional Scientific Conference (2011). Trypillia, 2012
В статье систематизированы архивные и библиографические данные о памятниках трипольской культуры и бронзового века левобережья нижнего течения Десны на участке от Остра до Киева. Вводятся в научный оборот результаты разведок в Нижнем Подесенье в 2010-2011 гг. У статті систематизовані архівні та бібліографічні данні про пам’ятки трипільської культури та бронзового віку лівобережжя нижньої течії Десни на ділянці від Остра до Києва. Вводяться до наукового обігу результати розвідок у Нижньому Подесенні у 2010-2011 pр.
The article studies semantic, etymological and structural characteristics of allusive neologisms belonging to the semantic field ‘leisure’ in Modern English. The author offers semantic criteria for identification of allusive neologisms. The etymologic analysis revealed that the most frequent source of such neologisms is the sphere of everyday activities. The structural analysis showed that according to the quantitative criterion single-component allusive neologisms predominate among the allusive neologisms belonging to the semantic field ‘leisure’, the most productive way of forming such neologisms is blending; according to the combined criterion newly coined phraseological units prevail among the allusive neologisms belonging to the semantic field ‘leisure’. Key words: allusive neologisms, allusive meaning, source of allusion, ways of forming allusive neologisms.