Complement activation in a model of chronic fatigue syndrome (original) (raw)

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Exercise Performance Related to Immune Dysfunction Cover Page

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Complement Proteins (C1est, C4, C6), Circulating Immune Complexes and the Repeated Bout Effect Cover Page

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Unravelling the nature of postexertional malaise in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: the role of elastase, complement C4a and interleukin-1β Cover Page

Altered immune response to exercise in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: a systematic literature review

Exercise immunology review, 2014

An increasing number of studies have examined how the immune system of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), or myalgic encephalomyelitis, responds to exercise. The objective of the present study was to systematically review the scientific literature addressing exercise-induced immunological changes in CFS patients compared to healthy control subjects. A systematic literature search was conducted in the PubMed and Web of science databases using different keyword combinations. We included 23 case control studies that examined whether CFS patients, compared to healthy sedentary controls, have a different immune response to exercise. The included articles were evaluated on their methodological quality. Compared to the normal response of the immune system to exercise as seen in healthy subjects, patients with CFS have a more pronounced response in the complement system (i.e. C4a split product levels), oxidative stress system (i.e. enhanced oxidative stress combined with a delaye...

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Altered immune response to exercise in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: a systematic literature review Cover Page

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Plasma IL-6, its soluble receptors and F2-isoprostanes at rest and during exercise in chronic fatigue syndrome: The IL-6 and oxidative system in CFS Cover Page

Failure to demonstrate complement activation during bronchial challenge test

European Respiratory Journal

In order to demonstrate a possible complement activation during early bronchospastic reaction in asthma, we have measured plasmatic C3d (a split product of C3) and the C3d/C3 index, both of which are sensitive indices of complement activation. Twenty-nine allergenic bronchial challenge tests were accomplished, with an absence of response in six cases, an early reaction in sixteen cases and a dual reaction in seven cases. Changes in plasmatic C3d or C3d/C3 five min after an early reaction, or five min after the last dose of allergen (in the six cases without bronchial response) were insignificant. However, complement activation in the lungs during asthmatic reaction cannot be completely excluded without studies using the bronchoalveolar technique.

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Failure to demonstrate complement activation during bronchial challenge test Cover Page

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Plasma IL-6, its soluble receptors and F2-isoprostanes at rest and during exercise in chronic fatigue syndrome Cover Page

Complement Component C1q as a Potential Diagnostic Tool for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Subtyping

Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2021

Background: Routine blood analytics are systematically used in the clinic to diagnose disease or confirm individuals’ healthy status. For myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a disease relying exclusively on clinical symptoms for its diagnosis, blood analytics only serve to rule out underlying conditions leading to exerting fatigue. However, studies evaluating complete and large blood datasets by combinatorial approaches to evidence ME/CFS condition or detect/identify case subgroups are still scarce. Methods: This study used unbiased hierarchical cluster analysis of a large cohort of 250 carefully phenotyped female ME/CFS cases toward exploring this possibility. Results: The results show three symptom-based clusters, classified as severe, moderate, and mild, presenting significant differences (p < 0.05) in five blood parameters. Unexpectedly the study also revealed high levels of circulating complement factor C1q in 107/250 (43%) of the participants, placi...

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Complement Component C1q as a Potential Diagnostic Tool for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Subtyping Cover Page

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A Comprehensive Immunological Analysis in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cover Page

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Chronic fatigue syndrome: intracellular immune deregulations as a possible etiology for abnormal exercise response Cover Page