A random mapping with preferential attachment (original) (raw)

Structural transition in random mappings

The electronic journal of combinatorics

In this paper we characterise the structural transition in random mappings with in-degree restrictions. Specifically, for integers 0≤r≤n, we consider a random mapping model T ^ n r from [n]={1,2,···,n} into [n] such that G ^ n r , the directed graph on n labelled vertices which represents the mapping T ^ n r , has r vertices that are constrained to have in-degree at most 1 and the remaining vertices have in-degree at most 2. When r=n, T ^ n r is a uniform random permutation and when r<n, we can view T ^ n r as a ’corrupted’ permutation. We investigate structural transition in G ^ n r as we vary the integer parameter r relative to the total number of vertices n. We obtain exact and asymptotic distributions for the number of cyclic vertices, the number of components, and the size of the typical component in G ^ n r , and we characterise the dependence of the limiting distributions of these variables on the relationship between the parameters n and r as n→∞. We show that the number ...

Random Graphs Associated to some Discrete and Continuous Time Preferential Attachment Models


We give a common description of Simon, Barab\'asi--Albert, II-PA and Price growth models, by introducing suitable random graph processes with preferential attachment mechanisms. Through the II-PA model, we prove the conditions for which the asymptotic degree distribution of the Barab\'asi--Albert model coincides with the asymptotic in-degree distribution of the Simon model. Furthermore, we show that when the number of vertices in the Simon model (with parameter alpha\alphaalpha) goes to infinity, a portion of them behave as a Yule model with parameters (lambda,beta)=(1−alpha,1)(\lambda,\beta) = (1-\alpha,1)(lambda,beta)=(1alpha,1), and through this relation we explain why asymptotic properties of a random vertex in Simon model, coincide with the asymptotic properties of a random genus in Yule model. As a by-product of our analysis, we prove the explicit expression of the in-degree distribution for the II-PA model, given without proof in \cite{Newman2005}. References to traditional and recent applications of the these models are also discussed.

A new random mapping model

Random Structures and Algorithms, 2006

We introduce a new random mapping model, TnhatDT_n^{\hat D}TnhatD, which maps the set 1,2,...,n\{1,2,...,n\}1,2,...,n into itself.The random mapping TnhatDT_n^{\hat D}TnhatD is constructed using a collection of exchangeable random variables hatD1,....,hatDn\hat{D}_1, ....,\hat{D}_nhatD1,....,hatDn which satisfy sumi=1nhatDi=n\sum_{i=1}^n\hat{D}_i=nsumi=1nhatDi=n. In the random digraph,$G_n^{\hat D}$, which represents the mapping TnhatDT_n^{\hat D}TnhatD, the in-degree sequence for the vertices is given by the variables hatD1,hatD2,...,hatD_n\hat{D}_1, \hat{D}_2, ..., \hat{D}_nhatD_1,hatD2,...,hatDn,

The asymptotic number of attractors in the random map model

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 2003

The random map model is a deterministic dynamical system in a finite phase space with n points. The map that establishes the dynamics of the system is constructed by randomly choosing, for every point, another one as being its image. We derive here explicit formulas for the statistical distribution of the number of attractors in the system. As in related results, the number of operations involved by our formulas increases exponentially with n; therefore, they are not directly applicable to study the behavior of systems where n is large. However, our formulas lend themselves to derive useful asymptotic expressions, as we show.

Compound random mappings

Journal of Applied Probability, 2002

In this paper we introduce a compound random mapping model which can be viewed as a generalisation of the basic random mapping model considered by Ross [36] and Jaworski . We investigate a particular example, the Poisson compound random mapping, and compare results for this model with results known for the well-studied uniform random mapping model. We show that although the structure of the components of the random digraph associated with a Poisson compound mapping differs from the structure of the components of the random digraph associated with the uniform model, the limiting distribution of the normalized order statistics for the sizes of the components is the same as in the uniform case, i.e. the limiting distribution is the Poisson-Dirichlet (1/2) distribution on the simplex ∇ = {{x i} : xi ≤ 1, xi ≥ xi+1 ≥ 0 for every i ≥ 1}.

A preferential attachment model with random initial degrees

Arkiv för Matematik, 2009

In this paper, a random graph process {G(t)} t≥1 is studied and its degree sequence is analyzed. Let {W t } t≥1 be an i.i.d. sequence. The graph process is defined so that, at each integer time t, a new vertex, with W t edges attached to it, is added to the graph. The new edges added at time t are then preferentially connected to older vertices, i.e., conditionally on G(t − 1), the probability that a given edge is connected to vertex i is proportional to d i (t − 1) + δ, where d i (t − 1) is the degree of vertex i at time t − 1, independently of the other edges. The main result is that the asymptotical degree sequence for this process is a power law with exponent τ = min{τ W , τ P }, where τ W is the power-law exponent of the initial degrees {W t } t≥1 and τ P the exponent predicted by pure preferential attachment. This result extends previous work by Cooper and Frieze, which is surveyed.

Random mappings with exchangeable in-degrees

Random Structures and Algorithms, 2008

In this paper we introduce a new random mapping model, TD n , which maps the set {1, 2, ..., n} into itself. The random mapping TD n is constructed using a collection of exchangeable random variableŝ D 1 , ....,D n which satisfy n i=1D i = n. In the random digraph, GD n , which represents the mapping TD n , the in-degree sequence for the vertices is given by the variablesD 1 ,D 2 , ...,D n , and, in some sense, GD n can be viewed as an analogue of the general independent degree models from random graph theory. We show that the distribution of the number of cyclic points, the number of components, and the size of a typical component can be expressed in terms of expectations of various functions ofD 1 ,D 2 , ...,D n . We also consider two special examples of TD n which correspond to random mappings with preferential and anti-preferential attachment, respectively, and determine, for these examples, exact and asymptotic distributions for the statistics mentioned above.

Weak convergence of random p-mappings and the exploration process of inhomogeneous continuum random trees

Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2005

We study the asymptotics of the p-mapping model of random mappings on [n] as n gets large, under a large class of asymptotic regimes for the underlying distribution p. We encode these random mappings in random walks which are shown to converge to a functional of the exploration process of inhomogeneous random trees, this exploration process being derived (Aldous-Miermont-Pitman 2003) from a bridge with exchangeable increments. Our setting generalizes previous results by allowing a finite number of "attracting points" to emerge.

Preferential Attachment Random Graphs with Edge-Step Functions

Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2019

We propose a random graph model with preferential attachment rule and edgestep functions that govern the growth rate of the vertex set. We study the effect of these functions on the empirical degree distribution of these random graphs. More specifically, we prove that when the edge-step function f is a monotone regularly varying function at infinity, the sequence of graphs associated to it obeys a power-law degree distribution whose exponent is related to the index of regular variation of f at infinity whenever said index is greater than −1. When the regularly variation index is less than or equal to −1, we show that the proportion of vertices with degree smaller than any given constant goes to 0 a. s..