The growth of Brazilian metrics literature (original) (raw)
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Indicadores de producción científica y colaboración en el sur de Brasil
The evaluation of scientific activity is essential for the construction of S&T indicators. The rapid expansion of Brazilian scientific output published internationally in recent years makes this type of assessment necessary at both national and regional levels, since there is great diversity among regions in Brazil. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the scientific output from the state of Rio Grande do Sul indexed in the Web of Science between 2000 and 2010. Indicators were produced for the growth of scientific output, journals, knowledge areas, document type, language and collaboration. The results show that output is growing constantly and exponentially adjusted, with the exception of 2006, and is on average larger than the Brazilian scientific output. The documents published are mostly in the form of articles (71.71%) written in English (84.89%) and, in some cases, concentrated in some national journals. The research work highlights the importance of the Health, ...
Production and impact of Brazilian papers in Library and Information Science journals (1986-2015)
This paper aims to carry out a diachronic analysis of Brazilian scientific productivity in the Library and Information Science field as indexed by the Scopus database for the period 1986-2015. We also analyze the main journals that publish Brazilian contributions, compare the impact of Brazilian production between papers published in Latin language journals and those in English, and identify the primary language of Brazilian papers and the main collaborating countries. We carried out a search on Brazilian scientific productivity in the analyzed field in the Scopus database for the studied period. Then, through a manual filter, we identified a corpus of 1,195 papers. Of the 90 journals identified, 26 journals were considered the main venues for Brazilian Library and Information Science research. These were grouped using multivariate cluster analysis. The main collaborating countries were grouped based on normalized values of co-authorship using Salton's cosine measure. Since 2006...
Alternative and traditional indicators of the Brazilian
Brazilian Journal of Information Science: Research trends
The connection between traditional and alternative indicators of academic impact has been recommended by scholars in the field of metric studies as they are considered complementary and offer a more complete picture of the evaluation of research results. From this perspective, the present descriptive exploratory study aimed to analyze the correlation coefficient between traditional and alternative impact of Revista Estudos Feministas. The sample included the period from 2001 to 2018. Analysis data were obtained from the Dimensions database via API. 1,296 texts with 2,609 citations and 4,984 altmetrics data were analyzed. The results showed that Mendeley obtained a positive evaluation in the correlation of Pearson's coefficient when compared with the quantity of published articles and with the citation and visibility indicators. The study found that altmetrics data is 4.6 times larger than traditional data, although fluctuating is important for indicating the tools and networks in which readers and users share scientific content. A conexão de indicadores tradicionais e alternativos de impacto acadêmico tem sido recomendada por estudiosos do campo dos estudos métricos por serem considerados complementares e oferecerem um quadro mais completo da avaliação de resultados de pesquisa. A partir dessa perspectiva o presente estudo de cunho exploratório descritivo, teve o objetivo de analisar o coeficiente de correlação entre o impacto tradicional e alternativo da Revista Estudos Feministas. A amostra constituiu o período de 2001 a 2018. Os dados de análise foram obtidos na base Dimensions via API. Foram analisados 1.296 textos que contaram com 2.609 citações e 4.984 dados altmétricos. Os resultados apontaram que o Mendeley obteve uma avaliação positiva na correlação do coeficiente de Pearson ao ser comparado com o quantitativo de artigos publicados e com os indicadores de citação e visibilidade. O estudo detectou que os dados altmétricos são 4,6 vezes maiores que o tradicional, apesar de flutuantes eles são importantes para a indicação das ferramentas e redes onde estão os leitores e usuários que compartilham conteúdo científico.
It accomplishes a bibliometric analysis of the journal ‘Ciencia da Informacao’, one of the issues with highest visibility in the Librarianship and Information Science field in Brazil. This study is accomplished aiming to establish the quantification of a serie of indicators which allows it to configurates an overview of the scientific production registered during the period of 2000-2004. Among the analyzed elements they are stand out: authorship, citation of authors and sources, production and average life of the references.
A specific aspect of the scientific communication in non-English-speaking is the need for insertion in the global knowledge flows since a significant part of their publications occurs in national or regional journals. This had led many countries to create alternative ways to assess national journals, allowing a more trustworthy view of the national scientific production. This study aimed to characterize the journals used in the Brazilian scientific production in Web of Science and SciELO, in order to observe the dynamics along five triennia and across the Bradford Zones for both production and consumption in the different areas. Bradford zones showed to be an interesting relative indicator, when applied to evaluative purposes. Especially the joint analysis of production and consumption dimensions can bring a more complete view of the scientific communication system, and this study showed the flows of journals through zones in both dimensions.
Scientometrics, 2006
SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library on Line, is a program aimed at offering a core of Brazilian Scientific Journals in an open access mode at internet. This initiative has been followed by other Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian countries. Along with the development of the open accessed electronic library, a complementary scientometric/bibliometric database has been set up which permit to retrieve citation data of more than 40,000 articles. The robustness that this database has now achieved allows one to make important studies which were not possible before, using only the international Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) database.
Science in Brazil. Part 1: A macro-level comparative study
Scientometrics, 2006
In the present paper, the evolution of publication activity and citation impact in Brazil is studied for the period 1991-2003. Besides the analysis of trends in publication and citation patterns and of national publication profiles, an attempt is made to find statistical evidences of the relation between international co-authorship and both research profile and citation impact in the Latin American region. Despite similarities and strong co-publication links with the other countries in the region, Brazil has nonetheless a specific research profile, and forms the largest potential in the region.
Scientometrics, 2020
We perform a bibliometric analysis of the research production and impact of Mexican scholars involved in the area of metric studies of science and technology in the period 1971-2018. In order to get a strong data sample, we used a bibliometric search that includes all databases that register mainstream, local and regional journals. Our search query included 46 different features that identify properly the area of metric studies in science and technology (bibliometry, scientometry, informetry, webmetrics and altmetrics). We applied this search in both English and Spanish. Since this area of knowledge has been cultivated rather recently in Mexico, our general aim is to characterize the possible effect of local and international collaboration on the research production of Mexican scholars working in this field. Our results indicate that this production is carried out mainly in local collaborations (75.3%) and most of this production involves scholars from the same Mexican institution (30%). A scarce fraction involves collaborations with scholars from Latin American (LA) institutions (7.7%) and with institutions beyond LA (17%). Accordingly, most of this production is published in local or regional journals in Spanish. Our conclusion indicates thus that international collaboration has little influence in the Mexican research in the field of metric studies a fact that it is not shared by other areas of knowledge in Mexico. We will pursue in future work the performance of faculty members associated to local graduate programs in this area of knowledge. We feel that an improvement in the research activity of these scholars may enhance substantially the research production in the area of metric studies.
Brazilian Exports: Bibliometric Analysis from 2000 to 2020
This article aimed to analyze some characteristics of publications on Brazilian exports made available in the SciELO database from 2000 to 2020. Based on a bibliometric research, 64 articles were analyzed that met the search criteria and search filters. The results point to a greater volume of publication in 2011, with the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro as the main origins of publications in the period. 93.75% of publications originate in public institutions. 32.81% of the articles (21) are of double authorship, 21.87% (14) published with three authors and 15.62% (10) of single authorship. As for the thematic groups, there was a predominance of the “Economy” category, followed by “Agricultural Commodities” and “Services”, confirming the expressive participation of Brazil in the agribusiness segment.