Sübliminal Reklâmlara Karşı Tüketicinin Korunması ve Konuya İlişkin Kanun Taslağı (original) (raw)
2014, 3. Tüketici Hukuku Sempozyumu, 22.11.2013 (10.00-11.00), İstanbul, 3. Tüketici Hukuku Sempozyumu Sektörel Bazda Tüketici Hukuku ve Uygulamaları, Düzenleyenler: Tokbaş Hakan-Üçışık Fehim, Bilge, Ankara, 2014, 490-530, ISBN: 978-605-5118-67-9
CONSUMER PROTECTION AGAINST SUBLIMINAL COMMERCIALS (ADVERTISING) AND DRAFT LAW ABOUT THIS SUBJECT Assist. Prof. Özlem Tüzüner (Ph.D.) ABSTRACT Subliminal is a method used for influencing the subconscious (or unconscious) without notice of the consciousness. Subliminal advertising can be defined as the hidden, router and/or encouraging message embedded in another object, sent to the subconscious (or unconscious). Both the Turkish Law and the comparative law banned the subliminal advertising. Based on the comparison, the European Union, France, Canada and Swiss law are mentioned. A view as a result, has been determined that, the toughest and most comprehensive subliminal prohibition exists in the Canadian Law. In particular, the Code of Ethics shows that in Canada it is taken a serious stand against subliminal advertising. By the Turkish Consumer Law, the provision included in the Advertising Regulation is insufficient. Therefore, under the name of draft law, it has been necessary to revise totally the law proposal which was presented to the Parliament in 2005. Besides a draft regulation about this subject has been prepared and gone shares. Keywords: Subliminal, subliminal advertising (commercial), draft law, draft regulation