Comprehensive analysis of the chromatin landscape in Drosophila melanogaster (original) (raw)
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Methods, 2006
Knowing the genomic distribution of chromosomal proteins and of histone modiWcations provides essential insight into function. The giant polytene chromosomes of the Drosophila larval salivary glands provide a high-resolution genomic map with a resolution exceeded only by chromatin immunoprecipitation. ImmunoXuorescence localization of chromosomal proteins and speciWc post-translational mod-iWcations of histones is a simple and rapid tool for the functional genomics of chromosomal proteins.
Development and Evolution of Drosophila Chromatin Landscape in a 3D genome context
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - bioRxiv, 2022
Chromatin states of genes and transposable elements (TEs) dictated by combinations of various histone modifications comprise key information for understanding the mechanisms of genome organization and regulation. However, little is known about the principles of their dynamic changes during development and evolution in a three-dimensional genome context. To address this, we study Drosophila pseudoobscura, a Drosophila model species that diverged from D. melanogaster about 25 million years ago. We collected 71 epigenomic datasets targeting 11 histone modification marks and 4 Hi-C datasets, and projected 15 chromatin states across four different developmental stages and two adult tissues. We estimate that before zygotic genome activation, 41% of the genome has already been deposited with histone modifications, while 20% of the rest genome switches from a 'null' state to an active/inactive chromatin state after the zygotic genome activation. Over two thirds of the genomic region exhibit at least one transition between different chromatin states during development. And such transitions on cis-regulatory regions are associated with tissue-or stage-specific formation of chromatin loops or topologically associated domain borders (TABs), as well as specific activation of gene expression. We further demonstrate that while evolutionarily young TEs are preferentially targeted by silencing histone modifications, old TEs are more frequently domesticated as TABs or specific enhancers that further contribute to the genome organization or local gene regulation. Interestingly, this trend is reversed on the newly evolved X chromosome in D. pseudoobscura, due to the acquisition of dosage compensation mechanism. Overall we characterize the developmental and evolutionary dynamics of Drosophila epigenomic states, and highlight the roles of certain TEs of different evolutionary ages in genome organization and regulation.
Drosophila Histone Locus Body assembly and function involves multiple interactions
The histone locus body (HLB) assembles at replication-dependent (RD) histone loci and concentrates factors required for RD histone mRNA biosynthesis. The D. melanogaster genome has a single locus comprised of ∼100 copies of a tandemly arrayed repeat unit containing one copy of each of the 5 RD histone genes. To determine sequence elements required for D. melanogaster HLB formation and histone gene expression, we used transgenic gene arrays containing 12 copies of the histone repeat unit that functionally complement loss of the ∼200 endogenous RD histone genes. A 12x histone gene array in which all H3-H4 promoters were replaced with H2a-H2b promoters does not form an HLB or express high levels of RD histone mRNA in the presence of the endogenous histone genes. In contrast, this same transgenic array is active in HLB assembly and RD histone gene expression in the absence of the endogenous RD histone genes and rescues the lethality caused by homozygous deletion of the RD histone locus....
Chromatin fine structure of the histone gene complex of Drosophila melanogaster
Nucleic Acids Research, 1983
We have used salt extractions of nuclei and long agarose gels to dissect the chromatin fine structure of the histone gene repeat of Drosophila melanogaster. Extraction of nuclei with 0.35 M KC1 removes many non-histone chromosomal proteins but does not significantly disturb the overall nucleosome arrangement of the repeat unit. After extraction of nuclei with 0.55 M KC1, which also removes histone HI, the basic arrangement of nucleosome core particles in the repeat unit is not greatly disturbed and the exposed DNA segments near the 5' ends of the histone genes are also retained. Extraction of nuclei with 0.75 M or higher KC1 concentrations causes extensive nucleosome sliding and rearrangement with accompanying changes in the nucleoprotein organization of the histone gene complex and loss of the 5' hypersensitive sites. Our results indicate that the histone gene repeat displays a highly organized chromatin structure in vivo.
Drosophila melanogaster: a promising model system for epigenetic research
Biological Rhythm Research, 2019
Epigenetics refers to the study of heritable phenotypic changes without alterations in the DNA sequence. Advanced studies in epigenetic molecular mechanisms and their biological functions have relied on various model systems including bacteria, fungi, plants, insects, and mammals. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been an established model organism in the study of genetics and developmental biology. Many regulatory pathways are conserved in Drosophila compared to mammals, rendering it a powerful model to study epigenetic mechanisms. In this review, we outline the various epigenetic mechanisms and their importance in Drosophila chiefly focussing on the predominant epigenetic variations such as DNA methylation, histone modifications like H3K18 acetylation, H3K27 and H4K20 methylation, H3S10 phosphorylation, H2K118 ubiquitylation, H4 sumoylation, RNA associated silencing, polycomb proteins, PEV (position effect variegation), TPE (Telomeric position effect), and dosage compensation. All these types of epigenetic mechanisms can be studied precisely in Drosophila by inducing various mutations in the genome. Advanced studies in Drosophila epigenetics helps to understand genomic imprinting, neurological memory, circadian rhythms, aging, and carcinogenesis.
Protein and Genetic Composition of Four Chromatin Types in Drosophila melanogaster Cell Lines
Current Genomics, 2016
Background: Recently, we analyzed genome-wide protein binding data for the Drosophila cell lines S2, Kc, BG3 and Cl.8 (modENCODE Consortium) and identified a set of 12 proteins enriched in the regions corresponding to interbands of salivary gland polytene chromosomes. Using these data, we developed a bioinformatic pipeline that partitioned the Drosophila genome into four chromatin types that we hereby refer to as aquamarine, lazurite, malachite and ruby. Results: Here, we describe the properties of these chromatin types across different cell lines. We show that aquamarine chromatin tends to harbor transcription start sites (TSSs) and 5' untranslated regions (5'UTRs) of the genes, is enriched in diverse "open" chromatin proteins, histone modifications, nucleosome remodeling complexes and transcription factors. It encompasses most of the tRNA genes and shows enrichment for non-coding RNAs and miRNA genes. Lazurite chromatin typically encompasses gene bodies. It is rich in proteins involved in transcription elongation. Frequency of both point mutations and natural deletion breakpoints is elevated within lazurite chromatin. Malachite chromatin shows higher frequency of insertions of natural transposons. Finally, ruby chromatin is enriched for proteins and histone modifications typical for the "closed" chromatin. Ruby chromatin has a relatively low frequency of point mutations and is essentially devoid of miRNA and tRNA genes. Aquamarine and ruby chromatin types are highly stable across cell lines and have contrasting properties. Lazurite and malachite chromatin types also display characteristic protein composition, as well as enrichment for specific genomic features. We found that two types of chromatin, aquamarine and ruby, retain their complementary protein patterns in four Drosophila cell lines.
Functional redundancy of variant and canonical histone H3 lysine 9 modification in Drosophila
Histone post-translational modifications (PTMs) and differential incorporation of variant and canonical histones into chromatin are central modes of epigenetic regulation. Despite similar protein sequences, histone variants are enriched for different suites of PTMs compared to their canonical counterparts. For example, variant histone H3.3 occurs primarily in transcribed regions and is enriched for "active" histone PTMs like Lys9 acetylation (H3.3K9ac), whereas the canonical histone H3 is enriched for Lys9 methylation (H3K9me), which is found in transcriptionally silent heterochromatin. To determine the relative functions of K9 modification on variant and canonical H3, we compared the phenotypes caused by engineering H3.3K9R and H3K9R mutant genotypes in Drosophila melanogaster. Whereas most H3.3K9R and a small number of H3K9R mutant animals are capable of completing development and do not have substantially altered protein coding transcriptomes, all H3.3K9R H3K9R combined...
Systematic Protein Location Mapping Reveals Five Principal Chromatin Types in Drosophila Cells
Cell, 2010
Chromatin is important for the regulation of transcription and other functions, yet the diversity of chromatin composition and the distribution along chromosomes are still poorly characterized. By integrative analysis of genome-wide binding maps of 53 broadly selected chromatin components in Drosophila cells, we show that the genome is segmented into five principal chromatin types that are defined by unique yet overlapping combinations of proteins and form domains that can extend over > 100 kb. We identify a repressive chromatin type that covers about half of the genome and lacks classic heterochromatin markers. Furthermore, transcriptionally active euchromatin consists of two types that differ in molecular organization and H3K36 methylation and regulate distinct classes of genes. Finally, we provide evidence that the different chromatin types help to target DNA-binding factors to specific genomic regions. These results provide a global view of chromatin diversity and domain organization in a metazoan cell.