Evaluating Student Understanding of Core Concepts in Computer Architecture (original) (raw)
Many studies have demonstrated that students tend to learn less than instructors expect in CS1. In light of these studies, a natural question is: to what extent do these results hold for subsequent, upper-division computer science courses? In this paper we describe our work in creating high-level con- cept questions for an upper-division computer architecture course. The questions were designed and agreed upon by subject-matter and teaching experts to measure desired min- imum proficiency of students post-course. These questions were administered to four separate computer architecture courses at two different institutions: a large public univer- sity and a small liberal arts college. Our results show that students in these courses were indeed not learning as much as the instructors expected, performing poorly overall: the per-question average was only 56%, with many questions showing no statistically significant improvement from pre- course to post-course. While these results follow the trend from CS1 courses, they are still somewhat surprising given that the courses studied were taught using research-based pedagogy that is known to be effective across the CS cur- riculum. We discuss implications of our findings and offer possible future directions of this work.
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