Gregor/Čambal/Harmadyová 2008: Household and Burial Ceramics From the Early Iron Age From SW Slovakia: A Mineralogical and Petrographical Study (original) (raw)

Gregor/Čambal 2007: Preliminary mineralogical and petrographic study of La Tène household ceramics from Bratislavaʼs oppidum (Slovakia). EMAC'07 – Vessels: Inside and Outside, 255-264.

This paper presents the preliminary results of an ongoing study on La Tène household ceramics from the oppidum of Bratislava. This paper focuses mainly on the well-known, yet little-understood graphite-tempered vessels examined by the means of mineralogical and petrographic analysis. The possible similarities and differences of graphitic and non-graphitic wares are also examined in terms of raw material compositions in order to assess raw material provenance, and production technology used in particular firing conditions. The results suggest that one group of ceramics (group A) was made on the potter's wheel from local clays or from local alluvial-deluvial deposits. The firing temperature for this group is estimated between 600 and 900 °C. Another group of pottery (group B) was tempered with graphite. The graphite raw material originate either from Southern Bohemia or Moravia (Czech Republic). Graphite-tempered ceramics were handmade and were fired at 500-600 °C, and only occasionally at over 900 °C.

Medieval white fine-grained kaolinitic ceramics in the Czech lands in finds from Pilsen and České Budějovice

Archaeologia Historica, 2021

In Czech and Central European archaeological literature, miniature vessels made of whitish, fine-grained clay and sometimes decorated with red paint and lead glaze have long been of interest. They are considered imports, the provenance of which is assumed to be west of our borders. They are found abundantly in medieval towns, rural households, aristocratic residences, and monasteries during the 13th and 14th centuries, mostly as solitary finds. Discussions are also taking place concerning their functions. They are thought to have served as vessels for spices, ointments, fragrant essences, or mostly as children's toys, as they often appear in ceramic assemblages together with small ceramic figures. The specific group of this ceramic ware is referred to as weiße feine Irdenware in German literature, and is characterized by the high content of kaolin or kaolinitic clays in the ceramic mass, traces of wheel throwing and high firing temperatures in the oxidizing atmosphere. The aim of the paper is to analyse the vessels' technology and morphology and solve the issues of their provenance, dating, and function. The aim is also to explain the possible ways in which these vessels made their way into a range of urban, aristocratic, and rural households. Special attention in two case studies is focused on white ceramics from Pilsen and České Budějovice, which has not yet been evaluated in the literature; this includes a petrographic analysis, which indicates a different origin of these products.

The state of Early Linear Pottery Culture research in Slovakia

Documenta Praehistorica, 2019

The article focuses on the current state of research of the first Neolithic culture in Slovakia. So far around 70 sites are known from Slovakia dated to the Early Linear Pottery Culture and the Early Eastern Linear Pottery Culture. Most of the sites are known only from surface collections, and in only four cases have dwellings been documented. Settlement features/pits have been discovered at around half the sites. Finally, we know graves from only four (and possibly five) sites. In the article we deal also with the elaboration of the Early LPC/ELPC material culture. We discuss pottery from the point of view of typology and decoration and other types of findings, such as chipped stone industry, ground and polished stones, small clay artefacts, daub, animal bones etc., are not omitted either. The goal is to evaluate the research possibilities of the Early LPC/ELPC in Slovakia.

Characteristics of Early Iron Age pottery from north-eastern Slovenia through the prism of ceramic technology and petrography

Documenta Praehistorica, 2018

Pottery technology in the Early Iron Age remains understudied in Slovenian archaeology; especially in the use of description on a macroscopic level combined with the petrographic thin section analysis, taking in consideration also relevant stratigraphical information. In this study, we focus on the pottery technology of vessels from two recently excavated contemporaneous Early Iron Age sites in north-eastern Slovenia, Poštela near Maribor and Novine near πentilj. We characterised the inclusions based on macroscopic observation on whole and reconstructed vessels. In addition, vessel typology, surface treatment, decoration techniques, and firing atmosphere were established. Based on these results, a petrographic analysis was conducted on pottery samples. At both sites, we looked at the different contexts, comparing pottery from settlements, i.e. hillforts, to pottery found in the adjacent cemeteries. The results show that potters from the two settlements produced similarly shaped vessels using different pottery recipes from locally available raw materials. The use of grog as a possible chronological marker in the Early Iron Age is also discussed.

Technological and provenance analyses of the South-eastern Urnfield cultures pottery from the sites of Cinobaňa and Málinec (Poltár region, Slovakia)

Praehistorische Zeitschrift, 2017

Zusammenfassung:Im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie zur Untersuchung von Keramik der Kyjatice- und Pilinyer-Kultur, wurden aus der Gegend von Cinobaňa eine Reihe von Proben ausgewählt. Diese stammen aus dem Gräberfeld von Jarčanisko I, der Siedlung von Jarčanisko II und der Burganlage von Strieborná. Als Vergleichsmaterial dienten Scherben aus der Hügelfestung von Málinec-Zámok. Die Proben wurden in sechs mikropetrographische Gruppen aufgeteilt und auf ihre chemische Zusammensetzung mittels XRF getestet. Dabei ergab sich, dass die Elementgruppen aus dem Gräberfeld und der Siedlung mit Ausnahme einer Gruppe nicht übereinstimmen. In der Mehrzahl der ausgewählten Proben konnte Schamottmagerung nachgewiesen werden. Der Nachweis von Schamott in der Töpferei mag dabei spezifische technologische oder symbolische Praktiken der mittel- und spätbronzezeitlichen Gemeinschaften reflektieren. Die vielfältige Zusammensetzung der Keramik des Gräberfeldes ist ferner als Beleg heterogener Töpfereitraditione...

Current State of Knowledge of the Development of Early Modern Ceramics in the Czech Republic

Archaeologia Polona 59, 2021

This study is an overview of the professional interest in archaeology of the modern age in the Czech Republic. Increased interest in the archaeology of the Modern period came after the year 2000. The number of published Early Modern pottery assemblages has increased significantly over the past decade. Recent years have seen a change in the publication strategy of Modern period assemblages. As such, the large Modern period find inventory is forcing archaeology to make a critical selection of assemblages which will subsequently be the subject of detailed processing and evaluation. The most important selection criteria include the complexity of the find situation, the possibility of placing it into the social context or the actual expansion of knowledge of period material culture.

The selection of ceramic raw material: convenience or a technological idea? A case study of the Danubian cultures north of the Carpathians. Archeologické rozhledy 69 (2017), 261-280

This paper reconstructs the rules governing the selection of ceramic raw material and considers certain technological aspects of the production of ceramic vessels in some Danubian cultures around the Carpa-thians in the Neolithic. The analysis encompassed more than 500 samples of ceramics produced by various cultural units across different chronological horizons. The results of the analysis are used to verify several hypotheses concerning the relationships and the mechanisms of cultural change in the Carpathian region. The most important questions include: (1) evolution of the LBK ceramics, (2) influence of the ALPC on the evolution of the LBK pottery in Małopolska, (3) technology of the LBK ceramics east of the Carpathians, (4) culture change at the turn of the LBK and the MC in Małopolska and (5) culture change at the turn of the MC and the L-VC in the same region. The suitability of the pottery technological analysis to solve some prehistoric problems was confirmed. LBK – ALPC – trans-Carpathian contacts – pottery – clay raw materials – technological analysis Článek rekonstruuje pravidla ovládající výběr keramických surovin a zvažuje určité technologické aspekty výroby keramických nádob v některých podunajských kulturách neolitu v oblasti Karpat. Analyzováno bylo více než 500 keramických vzorků vytvořených různými kulturními jednotkami různých chronologických hori-zontů. Výsledky analýzy slouží k ověření několika hypotéz týkajících se souvislostí a mechanismů kulturní změny v karpatské oblasti. Mezi nejdůležitější otázky patří: (1) vývoj LBK keramiky, (2) vliv ALPC na vývoj LBK keramiky v Malopolsku, (3) technologie LBK keramiky východně od Karpat, (4) kulturní změna na přechodu mezi LBK a MC v Malopolsku, (5) kulturní změna na přechodu mezi MC a L-VC v téže oblasti. Výsledky potvrzují vhodnost analýzy technologie keramiky pro objasnění některých otázek pravěku.

The Technology of Neolithic Pottery North and South of the Western Carpathians. In T. Pereira, X. Terradas and N. Bicho (eds.), The Exploitation of Raw Materials in Prehistory: Sourcing, Processing and Distribution. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017, 414-431

The Exploitation of Raw Materials in Prehistory: Sourcing, Processing and Distribution, 2017

The paper considers certain technological aspects of the production of ceramic vessels by the Danubian cultures around the Western Carpathians. The analysis covers the vast areas north of the Carpathians (Lesser Poland) and the northern part of the Carpathian Basin (the borderland between Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Trans-Carpathian Ukraine). At the same time the analysis embraces a long time period, spanning 5500 and 4000/3800 cal. BC. The petrographic analysis of the pottery is focused on mineralogical and petrographic composition and component quantity ratios. Thin sections taken from the ceramic fragments have been examined with a polarized light microscope. The technological groups of ceramics of the Danubian cultures in Lesser Poland were distinguished. Pottery from the Carpathian Basin was also classified into a few petrographic groups. The results of the analysis of ceramic technology are helpful in the reconstruction of culture change processes around the Western Carpathians.