Kleos: Call for papers- second issue - 2016 (original) (raw)
Kleos: Call for papers- second issue - 2016 Kleos is the Amsterdam Bulletin of Ancient Studies and Archaeology. It is a peer-reviewed, open access English-language journal that publishes current research and review articles, in the fields of (ancient) history, classics and archaeology. Kleos is run by an editorial team of postgraduates from the Amsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology, and coached by members of ACASA’s academic staff. Kleos bulletin invites contributions on archaeological method, theory, and valorisation with regard to the history and archaeology from Prehistoric to Early Modern times. Kleos bulletin is a graduate journal that encourages debate and presents research done by postgraduates, PhD candidates, as well as independent researchers in the fields of northwest European, Mediterranean and Near Eastern archaeology, and ancient history. The second issue of Kleos does not have a specific theme. The deadline for submission of an abstract (ca. 300 words) is 24th June 2016. The deadline for submission of a first draft is 30th August 2016. For more details: https://www.academia.edu/12071064/Publish\_your\_paper\_or\_review or check out our website: http://kleos-bulletin2-0.webnode.nl/ If you have any questions about the submission process, please email to kleosbulletin2.0@gmail.com For the first time, Kleos bulletin will award the most downloaded paper with a “Best Paper Award”. The best paper award aims to stimulate the dispersion and communication of academic knowledge and further the quality of student and young-academic papers. The name of the winner will be published on the Kleos website and associated social media. There is an honorarium for the best paper award. This is currently set at 250 Euros for the winning paper. Best Paper Award Guidelines: 1) The paper must be written by the author who submitted the first abstract or first draft of the paper. The paper can be a short/-long or a discussion article as described in the Kleos guidelines. 2) The paper may not have been published before in any other format and must have been published in the second issue of Kleos bulletin. Thus, excluding articles from previous issues or reprints of earlier drafts of papers. 3) Only downloads are counted, not online views. The downloads that count are from the Kleos academia site, https://vu-nl.academia.edu/KLEOSBulletin. The downloads will be made public so that authors and sponsors can follow your progress. The downloads will be counted for a period of three months. The highest count will win! If there are two or more papers with the same number of downloads, the paper that has been bookmarked most will win. If two or more papers have the same number of bookmarks, Kleos editorial team will extend the period in which downloads will be counted for a month until there is a clear winner.