As Lucernas Romanas da Praça da Figueira - Lisboa - Tese de Mestrado (original) (raw)
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Portvgalia, 2022
This work presents the results of the study of the set of roman lamps collected during the archaeological excavation carried out in 2004 at Rua Infante D. Henrique Nº 58-60 (Faro, Portugal). This intervention was carried out in a site that use to belong to the roman city of Ossonoba and that had its chronology defined between the first half of the 1 st century AD and the first third/half of the 5 th. The ceramological study that we present here had as main focus the chronotypological analysis, as well as the iconography and epigraphy present in the lamp fragments. The studied set presents a great diversification in terms of morphologies and the chronology that reflects a more intense occupation of the site is marked out between the middle of the 1 st century and the end of the 3 rd / beginning of the 4 th .
Cerâmicas finas romanas do Museu Municipal de Torres Vedras: as lucernas
Conimbriga Revista Do Instituto De Arqueologia, 2001
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50 anos depois. As ânforas romanas da Praça da Figueira (Lisboa)
Arqueologia em Portugal, 150 anos., 2013
"In this paper the authors present the study of the roman amphorae gathered in the excavations conducted by Irisalva Moita and Bandeira Ferreira in Praça da Figueira (Lisbon) during the construction of the Lisbon subway in the early 60s of the twentieth century. The study covers the various aspects related with the specificity of this sample, but mainly the importance and meaning that this collection has for the study of the economic and commercial relations of the ancient city of Olisipo under the Roman Empire."
Contributo para o estudo das lucernas romanas de produção local/regional no Norte de Portugal
Lamps were the utensil of Roman lighting by excellence. They can have a closed shape (lucernas), made using molds, or an open shape (candelas), made on a pottery wheel. They present a set of practical, functional and aesthetic advantages. This work consisted in the study of Roman lamps of local/regional production in northern Portugal. To this end, we conducted an extensive literature review of these materials, namely reference works in our country, with special emphasis on those that relate to the study area. The main objective was to record the dispersion and production standards of local/regional production of Roman lamps in this region. The local production of Roman lamps (either through an overmolding process, as from the model) is well documented in Bracara Augusta, reinforcing the municipal status of the city. In this study, were analyzed 473 of the 1360 identified specimens (including lamps, open lamps and molds). This set is documented from the first century BC, in which still prevailed indigenous productions and reached their peak in the late third century and early fourth century. The open lamps, usually low-imperial, cover a later chronology, from the mid-second century to the beginning of the sixth century AD. The variety and the predominance of ritual and mythological scenes, as well as the quantity exhumed in necropolis context, allows you to understand the ritual and symbolic role of the oil-lamps. This study allowed us to reinforce that, also in the north of Portugal, the evolutionary process of some shapes was not linear, coexisting different types at the same time and space. Thus, it was possible to classify 357 oil-lamps in 27 typologies. As usual, there are imitation phenomena, despite the predominance of the most common types. Finally, the distribution of these specimens allows us to observe a large concentration in Braga and on the coast, along the main roads.
As lucernas do Núcleo Arqueológico da Rua dos Correeiros, Lisboa.
Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, vol. 16, 2013.
O Núcleo Arqueológico da Rua dos Correeiros (NARC) está localizado na baixa pombalina de Lisboa, no primeiro quarteirão a sul, entre as Ruas Augusta e dos Correeiros. Os trabalhos arqueológicos decorreram entre 1991 e 1995, revelando uma longa e quase ininterrupta diacronia de ocupação daquele espaço urbano, entre o século V a.C. e a reconstrução pombalina.
A iluminação noturna de Lisboa - da Idade Média à Atualidade
Desde a Idade Média que o combate à criminalidade motivou reis e governantes a procurarem soluções de iluminação artificial para as noites de escuridão. Em 1383 o rei D. Fernando decretou que em Lisboa, nas ruas de passagem da ronda dos quadrilheiros, os respetivos moradores deveriam mantê-las toda a noite iluminadas com candeias. «[…] ordenareis que os ditos homens bons das ditas freguesias fizessem cada uns em sua freguesia, em as ruas que vissem que cumpria ter candeias acesas por toda a noite com guisa que as ruas fossem alumiadas, porque por isto os que mal fazem de noite se cavidariam de andar pela cidade” [Carta régia de 12 de Setembro de 1383 do rei D. Fernando determinando o policiamento da cidade]. Mudando as circunstâncias políticas e sociais, a medida foi relegada ao esquecimento. Passaram os séculos e a escuridão noturna persistiu no quotidiano das populações, apenas alumiado pelas velas e círios dos muitos oratórios e cruzeiros espalhados pela cidade, e pela iluminação portátil de tochas e lanternas dos que se atreviam a sair à noite.