Clinical evaluation in prosthodontics: Practical methods to improve validity and reliability at the undergraduate level (original) (raw)
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GMS Journal for Medical Education, 2016
Aim: At the annual meeting of German dentists in Frankfurt am Main in 2013, the Working Group for the Advancement of Dental Education (AKWLZ) initiated an interdisciplinary working group to address assessments in dental education. This paper presents an overview of the current work being done by this working group, some of whose members are also actively involved in the German Association for Medical Education's (GMA) working group for dental education. The aim is to present a summary of the current state of research on this topic for all those who participate in the design, administration and evaluation of university-specific assessments in dentistry. Method: Based on systematic literature research, the testing scenarios listed in the National Competency-based Catalogue of Learning Objectives (NKLZ) have been compiled and presented in tables according to assessment value. Results: Different assessment scenarios are described briefly in table form addressing validity (V), reliab...
The Correlation of Student Performance in Preclinical and Clinical Prosthodontic Assessments
Tracking student performance in preclinical and clinical courses can be helpful in developing and refining a curricu - lum. Our objective was to correlate student performance on three fixed prosthodontic examinations taken by eighty junior dental students. Examinations included a knowledge-based objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), a manual skills exercise completed on a typodont (Typodont), and a competency casting exam
BEST Journals, 2015
Assessment is crucial in the learning process of student .Process of assessment at taking a sample of students group, making inferences from it and then estimates of its worth in terms of marks orders. OSCE uses series of tests station to test clinical competencies. The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of an implementation strategy by measuring the attitude of students towards the OSCE a new form of clinical assessment in a dental school as compare to conventional descriptive type. Material and Methods: 200 students enrolled in Sharad pawar dental college sawangi, Wardha deemed university. Students progress and prospectus were investigated. OSCE questionnare fomat given and advised opinion whether to continuous with OSCE or conventional one.Quasi experimental design was adopted. Results: The results indicated there was high statistical significant differences between OSCE and the conventional method. The highest rate of satisfaction belong to OSCE method of evaluation as student reported that OSCE measured course objective in a better way, enhances teaching level evaluation, relation of theory to practical in better way, increased decision making ability, made exam well finished by unbiased means. Conclusions: OSCE can be used as a appropriate method in evaluating students orthodontic clinical skill because of various advantages such as improving students clinical performance, preparing highly qualified and competent graduate.(1,2,3,4)
Rethinking Assessment Concepts in Dental Education
International Journal of Dentistry, 2020
Introduction. Dental education involves teaching and assessing the acquisition of verifiable domains that require superior psychomotor, communication, and cognitive skills. Evolving technologies and methods of assessment could enhance student's learning environment and improve tutor assessment experience. e aim of this study was to review the current body of research and evaluate the effectiveness of various methods of assessments in improving learning and performance in preclinical and clinical dental practice. Materials and Methods. A search strategy was implemented using electronic search in major databases. e following key terms, clinical skills, preclinical, dental students, and assessment, were included in the search. Two reviewers independently screened all the articles retrieved following very specific inclusion criteria. Results. e initial search generated 5371 articles and 24 articles were selected for review and data extraction. Cohen's kappa coefficient was used to measure interrater agreement and a score of 94.7% was obtained. Conclusion. Preclinical assessment is an effective tool for promoting skills transfer to clinical phase. Early psychomotor skills assessment is valuable. It allows early intervention in the learning process and assists in effective utilization of learning resources. Technology-enhanced assessment systems allow better patient simulation, enhance learning and self-assessment experiences, and improve performance evaluation. However, these systems serve as an adjunct to conventional assessment methods. Further research should aim at calibrating and integrating these systems to optimize students learning and performance.
Dental Students' Self-Assessment of Preclinical Examinations
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Utilising an innovative digital software to grade pre-clinical crown preparation exercise
European Journal of Dental Education, 2016
Background: Accurate assessment of dental students' pre-clinical work is the most critical component of the dental education process. Thus, this study came to investigate the effectiveness of using technology in students' pre-clinical work evaluation; by comparing grades generated from a digital assessment software of a prepared tooth and a traditional visual inspection carried out by four calibrated faculty members. Methods: Ninety-six teeth were prepared for a ceramo-metal crown by fourth year dental students. The four examiners and the digital grading software evaluated independently each preparation once. A random sample of 20 preparations were graded twice to assess intra-rater reliability. Inter-class correlation (ICC) was used to measure agreement among the four examiners, and between the examiners and the digital grading software. Paired student t-test was used to assess the accuracy of grades generated from visual inspection when compared to the digital grading system. Results: Intra-rater reliability for examiners 1 and 2 were 0.73 and 0.78 and for the digital grading system was 0.99. The inter-rater reliability among the four examiners was very good, ICC of 0.76. However, the agreement between scores produced by the examiners and the digital system were mostly in the low to moderate range. The paired t-test demonstrated statistically significant differences between each examiner and the digital grading by 6-25 grades. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the digital grading system used in this study can reliably scan and compare students' tooth preparations to a known gold standard. Results of this study suggests that using digital grading will preclude the variability and the subjectivity that usually result from the traditional visual inspection grading.
A Guide to Assessment in Dental Education
Tan for permission to use their images. Thanks also to Claire Painton, Audrey Biddell and Robin Widdowson for their assistance with formatting and proofreading services. Finally thanks to our mentors, our teachers and our students for all they have taught us about assessment. "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou
Dental Students Perceptions about Assessment Methods
OBJECTIVE: To assess for learning & meet the demand of universal change in medical education assessment tools have evolved over the years. This study analyzes the perception of dentistry students about the various methods of assessments used in their course. METHODOLOGY: This qualitative exploratory research was conducted through interviews at the Dental Section, Bolan Medical College, Quetta. By using universal sampling all 25 students of 3rd year BDS were included in the study. The students were interviewed about their liking of various assessment methods including Short Answer Questions (SAQ), Structured Essay Questions (SEQ), Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Viva and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). Demographic details (age and gender) of students was noted. Data was analyzed by thematic analysis. RESULTS: Initially on open coding 26 codes emerged and then through axial and selective coding these were condensed to 13 subthemes. The mean age of participants was 20 years with female student preponderance (60%). OSCE was the most liked method (52%) by students followed by SEQ (16%). Main reason for liking OSCE is its convenience in attempting, judgment and marking on same parameters and easy to do. Viva was considered best method as it increases students' confidence level. Those who preferred SEQ/MCQ were in the opinion that it is more precise and less time consuming. CONCLUSION: OSCE was the most liked method of assessment by the dentistry students as they have equal chance to get marks on the same parameter and prevent examiners bias.