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Demand for rice continues to increase, including demand for organic rice. Seeing the high level of demand for organic rice, the government responded by facilitating and supporting facilities and infrastructure in the production process of organic rice. Government response and support is realized by a group approach, so that farmers enjoy farming with good results. The number of farmer groups in Bandung regency until the year 2012 was 1782 group. But the reality, part of the results received are not enjoyed by members of the group. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) The process of the growth of farmers' groups; 2) The role of the farmer group in development the market for organic rice. The study was conducted in Nurani Sejahtera farmers group ,Bandung regency. This research was a qualitative with case study technique. Informants in this study were the chairman and members of Nurani Sejahtera farmers groups, consumers of organic rice and Bandung District Agriculture Of...
The aims of this study were to increase the net return of farmer at Subak Lumbung and encouraging subak members to practice the organic farming system on their plantations. According to the vision of Bali and Tabanan government to spread the organic agriculture system in Bali, this activities will force the communities action to more aware about organic system. Furthermore to build the activities sustain, subak members have to show the success of the organic farming system. This plot demonstration will use two treatments of farming system such us: 1) the farming system based on organic fertilization and 2) the conventional system which use the chemical fertilization. The differences of net return of the two system was 20 % different which the organic system higher than the conventional ones. Despite the differences of net return, the other advantages of organic farming are the sustainability of soil fertile and environment and also produce the healthy product compare to conventional system agriculture.
abditani, 2018
ABSTRAK Kelompok Tani Taruna Jaya di Desa Lelean Nono Kabupaten Tolitoli, menghadapi kendala dalam budidaya tanaman padi sawah dikarenakan lahan persawahan ber pH masam serta kandungan Fe yang tinggi yang berimplikasi pada penurunan produksi padi. program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menjaga keutuhan kelompok dengan memberinya bimbingan penyuluhan dan perbaikan teknologi budidaya dengan menggunakan limbah pertanian berupa sekam padi yang dijadikan biochar. Program di awali dengan penyuluhan untuk memotivasi anggota dalam bekerja sama Dalam perbaikan lahan persawahan dan sistem budidaya guna meningkatkan produksi melalui pelatihan pembuatan biochar, dan dialtih untuk memanfaatkannaya serta mengamati secara bersama perubahan yang terjadi setelah diberi biochar. Hasil yang telah dicapai anatra lain, adanya peningkatan semangat dan partisipasi anggota dalam menggunakan bahan organik berbasis lokal (biochar sekam padi) serta dapat meningkatkan produksi padi sebesar 20,15%, atau pendapatan sebesar Rp. 8.644.720.
Tanaman Padi (Oriza Sativa) merupakan salah satu komoditi penghasil beras dan menjadi sumber utama pangan bagi bangsa Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, hampir setiap daerah di Indonesia memiliki sentra pertanian padi sebagai penyedia pangan, baik untuk penduduk diwilayahnya sendiri maupun untuk wilayah di sekitarnya. Umumnya pemanfaatan tanaman untuk keperluan pangan dan industri hanya meliputi bunga, buah, biji, umbi dan daun, bagian lainnya berupa batang, tangkai, sekam dan jerami tidak dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Bagian yang tidak dimanfaatkan tersebut merupakan limbah yang banyak mengandung selulosa dan dapat digunakan sebagai sumber energI. Indonesia sebagai negara agraria yang masih memiliki banyak sawah dan perkebunan tentunya tidak akan sulit dalam mendapatkan limbah hasil pertanian tersebut, terutama limbah dari persawahan dan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Dalam hal ini, kelapa sawit dianggap sudah memiliki sektor dan pasar sendiri dalam pemanfaatan limbahnya. Namun untuk limbah padi dan perkebunan lain seperti jagung, tebu dan lainnya tentu masih kurang termanfaatkan. Contohnya saja masih banyak dijumpai sisa-sisa pembakaran sekam disetiap sawah pasca panen, hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa limbah dari padi kurang dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi-potensi apa saja yang dapat diperoleh dari limbah tanaman padi seperti potensi jerami, sekam, dedak, bekatul dan menir yang selama ini masih belum termanfaatkan secara optimal.
The aim of study is to analyze the factors that affect the production of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses, comparison of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses and analyze appropriateness of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses in researh area. The method of study that used was multiple linear regression analysis, method of cultivation analysis and feasibility analysis. The data used is primary and secondary. The result of study concluded on the independent variabel analysis of organic rice farm and non-organic rice farm businesses, the most dominant in influencing the output on organic rice which are pesticides and fertilizer. Meanwhile, the rice farm is non organic, the most dominant in influencing the output on non organic rice which are seeds and breadth of land. Organic rice farm incomes in Lubuk Bayas village Perbaungan sub district Serdang Bedagai regency is Rp 25.753.659,/ha and the income of non organic farm business i...
Jurnal AGROINFO GALUH , 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya : (1) Biaya yang di keluarkan dalam usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara, (2) Pendapatan dalam usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara, (3) Titik impas dalam usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survai, dengan mengambil kasus di Desa Sukanagara Kecamatan Lakbok Kabupaten Ciamis. Jumlah responden diambil sebanyak 30 orang dari populasi 600 orang petani dengan menggunakan metode acak sederhana (simple random sampling). Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa : 1. Besarnya biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara adalah sebesar : Rp. 20.724.463,16,-2. Besarnya pendapatan pada usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara adalah sebesar : Rp. 7.484.995,61 ,-3. Besarnya titik impas pada usahatani padi organik per hektar per satu musim tanam di Desa Sukanagara adalah sebagai berikut : Nilai penjualan (BEP np) adalah Rp. 3.080.697,04 ,-Titik impas volume produksi (BEP vp) adalah sebanyak 238,10 kilogram. Titik impas luas lahan (BEP LL) adalah seluas 0,05 hektar.
Journal of Agriculture, Resource and Environmental Economics, 2019
The high rate of conversion of agricultural land to non-agriculture in West Java is a threat to the sustainability of agricultural land as a source of food production and has an impact on food security. The high rate of conversion of agricultural land is due to the low agricultural land rent. To improve agricultural land rent, Tasikmalaya Regency implements an organic rice farming system. In 2012, as much as 21% of the total paddy fields in Tasikmalaya District have implemented organic farming systems and have been able to expand the market overseas. Based on the results of the analysis, the value of organic rice land rent is IDR 14,974,224 / planting season / hectare or IDR 44,922,671 per year / hectare. The value of the Domestic Resource Ratio (DRC) shows that organic rice farming carried out by farmers has been efficient and has a comparative advantage and is able to survive without assistance or government intervention.
el–Hayah, 2012
The application of organic farming on rice farming in Indonesia is still new to know. The farming interested if efficiency economics. The meaning efficiency economics if the technical efficiency. This research aimed to evaluate the performance of organic rice farming systems, focusing on: (1) identifying the range of application of organic farming on rice farming, (2) analyzing the productivity and income from applying organic farming, and (3) analyzing the technical efficiency of applying organic farming and identifying factors that influence it.<br />The study was conducted in Malang Regency with take sample Sumber Ngepoh village, Lawang, Malang. This village is purposively taken because this is only a village in East Java which has obtained a certificate as a producer of organic rice from Organic Certification Agency. Furthermore, farmers did not interested application of organic farming. The sample of farmers 120 respondents selected by using non-proportionate...