Algebraic Thinking in Middle School Students at Different Grades: Conceptions about Generalization of Patterns

– Algebra is generally considered as manipulating symbols, while algebraic thin king is about generalization. Patterns can be used for generalizat ion to develop early graders' algebraic thinking. In the generalization of pattern context, the purpose of this study is to investigate middle school students' reasoning and strategies at different grades when their algebraic thin king begin s to develop. First, 6 open-ended linear growth pattern problems as numeric, pictorial, and tabular representations were asked to 154 middle g rade students. Next, two students from each grade (6 th , 7 th , and 8 th grade) were interviewed to investigate how they interpret the relationship in different represented patterns, and which strategies they use. The findings of this study showed that students tended to use algebraic symbolis m as their grade level was increased. However, the students' conceptions about 'variable' we re troublesome.

Preservice Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge about Repeating Patterns and their Ability to Notice Preschoolers Algebraic Thinking

Acta Scientiae, 2021

Background: Several studies have shown that many preservice teachers (PTs) who teach in the early years have a superficial knowledge about repeating patterns (RPs), which affects their knowledge about children’s algebraic thinking. Objective: This article aims to understand PTs’ algebraic thinking and their ability to notice preschoolers algebraic thinking and how these two domains articulate within a teacher education experiment. Design: The study follows a qualitative methodology based on participant observation, complemented by document collection. Setting and participants: The study stems from a teaching experiment carried out in a school module focused on patterns and algebra of a degree in basic education, with two pairs of PTs as participants. Data collection and analysis: The data come from the written productions and discussions between the elements of each pair of PTs within the scope of the tasks proposed in the teacher education course, adopting an original analysis fram...

Connecting algebraic development to mathematical patterning in early childhood


Pattern exploration is advocated as an essential element of young children's mathematical development. However, past research has shed little light on the effect that mathematical patterning experiences can have on the development of children's understanding of specific mathematical concepts. This paper explores the content of mathematical patterning experiences that were observed in a multi-site case study conducted in Australian preparatory and preschool classrooms with similarly aged children. These experiences were analysed to ascertain the potential contribution they make to algebraic development. From the results, it appears that the content of these mathematical patterning experiences in prior-to-school environments, provide limited connections to algebraic thinking. PATTERNING AND MATHEMATICAL LEARNING IN THE EARLY YEARS Mathematics and patterning are closely interrelated. Mathematics has been described as "the science of patterns" and "the search for patterns" (National Research Council, 1989), while pattern exploration has been identified as a central construct of mathematical inquiry (Heddens & Speer, 2001; NCTM, 2000). Patterning involves "observing, representing and investigating patterns and relationships in social, and physical phenomena, and between mathematical objects themselves" (Australian Education Council, 1991, p. 4).

Factors Affecting Students' Performance in Generalizing Algebraic Patterns

Factors Affecting Students' Performance in Generalizing Algebraic Patterns, 2019

Pattern generalization is indispensable to the development of algebraic thinking; however, students in early and even in late middle school are struggling in generalizing patterns. This study identifies the students' perceived factors that affect their performance in generalizing algebraic patterns and describes how each factor affects their process of generalization. This study used the qualitative descriptive design. The students were given open-ended problems which require them to generalize patterns. Results show that the factor which greatly influences the students' performance was associated to the structure of the task such as the size of the values and problem presentation. The ability to derive algebraic symbol influences students' thinking of getting better result while lacking this ability despite their complete and accurate solution leaves them the feeling of arriving at incorrect answer. With these results, teachers should help students to structure and organize their informal methods rather than focus on how to use mathematical formulas. Teachers should expose them to pattern-based problem solving with considerations to the elements that influences their performance.

Patterns supporting the development of early algebraic thinking


This paper examines teacher actions that support young children to consider repeating pattens as co-variational (functional) relationships, to use this understanding to predict uncountable steps in the relationships, to express these relationships in general terms, and use repeating patterns to introduce proportional thinking. A teaching experiment was conducted in two classrooms, comprising of a total of 45 children whose average age was 9 years and 6 months. This experiment focused on exploring teacher actions (including the use of concrete materials, recording of data, and questions asked) that supported young children’s development of co-variational reasoning. The results indicated that explicit instruction assisted children to find patterns across the table as well as down the table, to find the relationships between the number of tiles and an uncountable number of repeats. Also the results indicate that young children are capable of not only thinking about the form. Mathematic...

Algebraic Thinking: generalising number and geometry to express patterns and properties succinctly


While algebra has largely been viewed as a formal system in high school, recent curriculum directions have focussed n the thinking that underpins these ways of operating, recognising that this needs to develop from the earliest days of school. Thus, Algebraic Thinking addresses general mathematical relationships, expressing them in increasingly sophisticated ways as activities move from seeing patterns in number, geometry and measurement to determining solutions to more and more complex problems. Emerging ideas shown with materials, tables and patterns of objects lead to verbal descriptions that gradually move from a discussion of what is seen to an ability to describe this in more mathematical terms using additive, then multiplicative, reasoning.

Developing minds of tomorrow: exploring students' strategies involved in the generalization of linear patterns

The study investigates students' strategies involved in the generalization of "linear patterns". The study followed the qualitative research approach by conducting task-based interviews with twenty-nine primary second grade students from different high, intermediate and low ability levels. Results of the study presented several strategies involved in the generalization of the patterns including visual, auditory, mental, finger counting, verbal counting, and traditional (paper and pencil) strategies. The findings revealed that the type of the assigned pattern (simple or complex) and the type of the structure of the pattern itself (increasing or decreasing) play a big role for students' strategies involved to either discover the rule of the pattern or to extend it. However, students in early ages could master several skills and choose appropriate procedures to deal with patterns, which indicate that they could develop their algebraic thinking from early stages. Findings of the study also revealed that using different senses, using the idea of coins, using the numbers line, recognizing musical sounds, using concrete materials like fingers, applying different visual and mental strategies, and even applying traditional calculations could help students to work with " linear patterns". It is recommended that teachers introduce different strategies and procedures in teaching patterns to meet the needs of students as different learners, give them the opportunities to develop their thinking strategies and explore their thoughts. More research is recommended to explore students' strategies involved in the generalization of different kinds of patters at different stages.

Learning through patterns: a powerful approach to algebraic thinking

We are engaged in a project named Mathematics and patterns in elementary schools: perspectives and classroom experiences of students and teachers. Our aim is to analyze the impact of an intervention centered on the study of patterns in the learning of mathematics concepts and on the development of communication and development of higher order thinking skills. In this paper we present part of an ongoing research with pre-service teachers concerning the development of teachers’ algebraic thinking, in particular how they move through pattern tasks involving generalization. We will present some of the tasks used in the didactical experience and some preliminary conclusions of its implementation in the mathematics didactics classes of a mathematics elementary teachers’ course of a School of Education.

Pre-service Teachers Exploring the Role of Pattern-based Reasoning in the Context of Algebraic Thinking

Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education

This paper explores how a group of pre-service elementary school teachers training to become mathematics teachers for elementary schools arrived at generalizations based on patterns. Two representative problems were investigated with these preservice teachers. The focus of this study was how these preservice teachers analyze and symbolize algebraically their generalizations during a problem-solving process. The results indicate that the preservice teachers had difficulty making use of input-output (having two variables in the table) relationships in a generalization process associated with developing symbolic functions. This study identifies the crucial need for introducing students to pattern activities early on in their lives.