Trabzon-Erzurum Anayolunun Mevsimlik Güzergahları (Yaz ve Kış Yolları) (original) (raw)

Tipizacija mostova za autoceste

The procedure for typification of motorway bridges is described. It is emphasized that typical bridges for new Croatian motorways are designed in such a way to enable standardization and simplification of design and construction of a great number of bridges on these roadways. The procedure is based on the fact that the design work takes into account Croatian and foreign experiences, guidelines and standards, in order to achieve economic benefits while reducing construction time, but without being detrimental to safety and durability requirements.

Krajobrazna analiza prostora

Glasilo Future, 2022

Uređivački odbor / Editorial Board: Nasl. doc. dr. sc. Boris Dorbić, prof. struč. stud.glavni i odgovorni urednik / Editor-in-Chief Emilija Friganović, dipl. ing. preh. teh., v. pred.zamjenica g. i o. urednika / Deputy Editor-in-Chief Ančica Sečan, mag. act. soc.tehnička urednica / Technical Editor Antonia Dorbić, mag. art.zamjenica tehničke urednice / Deputy Technical Editor Prof. dr. sc. Željko Španjol Mr. sc. Milivoj Blažević Vesna Štibrić, dipl. ing. preh. teh. Gostujuća urednica / Guest editor / (2022) 5(4)-Izv. prof. dr. sc.

Seasonal Variations of Heavy Metals in Atmospheric Precipitation in the Area of Sarajevo Canton

Kemija u Industriji, 2012

Trace metals are natural components of the environment but they have become a matter of great concern because of the continuous increase in the concentrations of these metals in our environment. Atmospheric deposition is considered a major source of toxic metals such as Hg, Cd, Pb and several others in the ecosystem. The increasing use of rainwater as an alternative household water source has led to the increased interest in the monitoring of rainwater quality. <br> <br> The heavy metal (Cu, Cr, Cd, Mn, Ni and Hg) in samples of atmospheric precipitation was determined in order to assess possible contamination of rainwater. The samples were collected continuously during three seasons (winter, spring and summer) in the period from December 2009 to June 2010. The sampling was conducted at two sites of the Sarajevo Canton: Bjelave (urban area) and Ivan Sedlo (rural area). The results showed that heavy metal contents (except copper and cadmium) were higher in samples from Bje...

Širina Prosjeke Za Put Na Različitim Nagibima Terena

Radovi Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu, 2008

The forest truck roads are traffic communications which permanently open the forest, and forever take over one of its parts called the width of the cutting area for the road. The decision on the necessity for the truck forest road construction is to be made after a thorough economic analysis of the so called total costs which involve numerous factors. The most important costs are construction and maintenance costs of the road from one side, and timber transportation costs on the other. Besides the economic aspects of the planning and construction of the forest roads network, technical and biological aspects have the same importance. Each of the specified aspects is individually more demanding and more difficult to resolve with the increase of the terrain slope. It is therefore difficult, particularly on steeper slope terrains, to find the best solution for the road route which will be most acceptable in technical terms, economically most cost effective and biologically least harmful for the environment. Generally, when the terrain slope is increasing the road construction costs increase as well because it is necessary to cut the road deeper into the self-growing terrain in order to avoid the construction of expensive supporting walls. Putting the road grade down into the self-growing terrain simultaneously implies an increase of the cutting area necessary for the road construction. The paper analyses how the terrain slope increase affects the width of the cutting area for the road.

New winter triticale species developed at Institute PKB Agroekonomik

Selekcija i semenarstvo, 2015

Izvod U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja prinosa PKB sorti ozimog tritikalea: PKB Vožd i PKB Kardinal u komparaciji sa standardnim sortama: Favorit (Centar za strna žita, Kragujevac) i Odisej (Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad). Istraživanja su izvedena na Oglednom polju Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, u Padinskoj Skeli, u proizvodnim 2013 i 2014 godini. Utvrđena je visoka značajnost po faktorima: godina i sorta. Najveći prinos ostvarila je sorta PKB Kardinal (9.437,33 kg ha-1), a najmanji sorta Favorit (6.379,67 kg ha-1), u obe ispitivane godine. Novostvorene sorte tritikalea Instituta PKB Agroekonomik imale su značajno više prinose, od standardnih sorti u ogledima.

Željeznica u prostornim planovima grada Zagreba

Prostor Znanstveni Casopis Za Arhitekturu I Urbanizam, 2005

Technical Sciences / Architecture and Urban Planning 2.01.02-Urban and physical planning 2.01.04-Development of Architecture and urban Planning and restoration of the Built Heritage Article

Maize irrigation requirement on Zemun chernozem in the last half of the century

Zemljiste i biljka, 2021

The aim of this paper is to examine the water regime of chernozem under maize crops in the last half century (1966-2019) and to determine whether during that period and to what extent, there was an increase or decrease in maize irrigation requirements. The mathematical plant model FAO CROPWAT 8.0 was used for the calculation. The calculation was performed on the basis of monthly values of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) for the period 1966-2019, calculated by the modified Hargreaves method, daily values of precipitation from the meteorological station Surcin, data on the selected plant, which are in accordance with FAO56. The soil is chernozem on the Zemun les terrace. The analysis was performed by dividing the research period into three subperiods: the first twenty (1966-1985), the second twenty (1986-2005) and the last fourteen (2006-2019) years. It was found that the average values of potential evapotranspiration of maize were increasing, starting from the first (500mm) to the...

Simulacije krajnjih graničnih stanja pod djelovanjem vjetra metodom konačno-diskretnih elemenata


U hrvatskom priobalju dominantni lokalni vjetrovi, Bura i Jugo, imaju izrazito različit karakter. Različitost njihovih karaktera manifestira se na njihovo djelovanje na konstrukcije. Analizom vremenskih serija zapisa vjetra na stupu "Bobani" utvrđeni su parametri koji potvrđuju različitost ovih lokalnih vjetrova kao što su: koeficijent promjene srednje brzine po visini, faktor mahovitosti vjetra, intenziteta turbulencije, spektara turbulencije, gustoće zraka, parametara korelacije, odgovor konstrukcije u vidu akceleracija kritičnih točak te su uspoređeni sa odgovarajućim parametrima u Eurocode normama. Numerički model ponašanja rešetki, lančanica i membrana razvijen je na temelju numeričkog modela Y baziranog na kombiniranoj konačno-diskretnoj metodi. Za navedenu metodu razvijen je vlastiti set konačno-diskretnih elemenata kojima je moguće simulirati ponašanje konstrukcija do graničnih stanja. Za nove konačno-diskretne elemente, razvijene su metode za simulaciju opterećenje vjetrom koji su bazirani na parametrima dobivenim iz analize zapisa profila vjetra. Model uključuje sljedeće karakteristike: velike pomake, rotacije i deformacije elemenata, tranzijentna analiza uz eksplicitnu integraciju kojom se postiže zadovoljavajuća preciznost u svakom vremenskom trenutku, geometrijska i materijalna nelinearnost, aeroelastično prigušenje, opterećenje vjetrom bazirano na neosrednjenim zapisima vjetra. Valjanost numeričkog modela testirana je analitičkim verifikacijskim primjerima te usporedbom zapisa odgovora konstrukcije prikupljenog u tijeku terenskog eksperimenta Bobani. Usporedbom rezultata numeričkog modela i rezultata analitičkih rješenja i eksperimenata pokazano je da je model prihvatljiv za uporabu, te da sa zadovoljavajućom točnosti prati stvarno ponašanje konstrukcija.