Perbedaan Bank Konvensional dan Bank Syariah (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Penelitian Bank Syariah vs Bank Konvensional
Abstrak Research on underlying behavior of both current and prospective consumer within banking industry is an important issue. The choice of consumer in selecting banking institution not only determined by economical factors but also may influence non-economic factors, such as their attitude and beliefs. This article was based on the research conducted to identify factors that could differentiate consumers' choice on selecting banking services; between conventional and syaria banks. The sample of this study was divided into four groups; syaria customer, conventional bank's customer, customer of both syaria and conventional banks, and non-consumer neither syaria nor conventional banks. The sample was selected by using convenience sampling technique located in municipalities and regencies where there exist both syaria and conventional banks offices. The respondent of the study varies based on their demography characteristics which consist of 310 repondents. The data was analysed by utilizing descriptive approach and crosstab analysis. Further, in order to determine the dimension of factors underlying the buying decision of customer in selecting the banks, this study employs factor analysis. The result of factor anlysis indicates that there exist differences in the dimension underlying their decision in selecting banks. In case of syaria bank, there are several dimensions, namely; perception, personnal selling, family, cost and benefit, religion and beliefs. Meanwhile for conventional bank such underlying dimension influenced by; rational motivation, cost and benefit, family, promotional activities, and life style. Further analysis through crosstab analysis, there exist several relationships between several dimensions utilized in the study. Such relationship has been found between the age, income, educational level, occupation and the banking type that the respondent selects. The research also found that there is no relationship between repondent's perception on interest and the type of bank that they choose. In other word, the majority of respondent of this study did not agree with the interest principle but they still choose to deal with banking institution based on their economic rationale. Keywords: syaria bank, conventional bank, consumer behavior, economic rationale * Penelitian ini merupakan kerjasama antara Bank Indonesia dan Center for Banking Research (CBR)-Andalas University dan dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh Bank Indonesia.
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Apakah Bank Syariah Berbeda Dengan Bank Konvensional? (Kajian Fenomenologi)
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The purpose of this research is to find similarities and differences of sharia bank and convenstional bank’s financial systems from bank employee’s perspective.This study use qualitative method with fenomenology approach because it describes the general meaning of several individuals toward their various life experiences related to the concept or phenomenon.. The data used in this research are primary data that obtained through in-depth interview with bank employee and secondary data that obtained form of documentation study to be done triangulation data. The main focus in this study is describe what are the similarities and differences of financial system in sharia bank and conventional bank of what is happening in the reality. The results of this study indicate that the similarity of financial system is drawn from the experience of bank employees who have worked in sharia and conventional banks derived from the type of product and its function as a financial institution. Meanwhile...
Perbedaan Kinerja Reksa Dana Konvensional Dan Syariah
 This purpose of this study is to know performance from unit trust that is syariah and conventional fund in Indonesia be based on rate of return and Treynor Index. As well as to know rate of risk based on selectivity and market timing. This research data obtained from 16 syariah fund and 23 conventional fund coming from three type unit trust that is, equity fund, fixed income fund, and mixed fund enlisted in BAPEPAM that were active during the research period since year 2006 until 2010. The analysis method which used in this study is normality test (Kolmogorov Smirnov) and Mann Whitney test. the Result of this study indicates that in general, performance of conventional and syariah unit trust has significan differences base to rate of return and Treynor Index. And rate of risk base to selectivity is significan differences, but base to market timing is no differences.  Keywords : UnitsTrust Performance, Rate of Risk, Units Trust Â
Mana Jemen Risiko Dan Kinerja Keuangan (Bank Konvensional vs Bank Syariah)
Jurnal Tabarru': Islamic Banking and Finance, 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dampak manajemen resiko terhadap kinerja keuangan bank konvensional dan bank syariah dan untuk membandingkan dampak manajemen resiko terhadap kinerja keuangan pada bank konvensional dengan bank syariah. Manfaat penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi terutama kepada investor dalam menentukan investasi dalam perbankan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni terdiri atas uji statistik deskriptif (memberikan deskripsi setiap variabel yang digunakan dan hasil mean serta median) dan uji regresi yang terdiri dari uji asumsi klasik (uji normalitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji autokorelasi, dan uji heterokedastisitas) dan uji teori (yang terdiri dari : uji F, uji R2, dan uji t) setelah itu membuat model matematik yang terbentuk dari data yang ada. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen resiko (NPL, LDR, CAR, CIR, NIM) bank konvensional dan bank syariah secara simultan memiliki dampak terhadap kinerja keuangan (ROA dan ROE). Dampak manajemen ...