Sano 2015 - šaprūtu aus der Festungsstadt Madara (NABU 2015/76) (original) (raw)
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Some preliminary notes on etymology of some Ainu suppletive verbs
Tresi Nonno. 2016. Some preliminary notes on etymology of some Ainu suppletive verbs. Cultural Anthropology and Ethnosemiotics, Vol. 2, № 3; pp.: 36 - 41
In modern Ainu language there are verbs expressing grammatical numbers irregularly: a – rok “to sit”, an – oka “to be present”, arpa/oman – paye “to go”, as – roski “to stand”, ek – arki “to come”, mi – utomciwre “to wear”, rayke – ronnu “to kill”, uk – uyna “to take”, unu – uyruke “to place”. A – rok and as – roski have been made according to the same model: plural form is made of singular by adding r --- k/ki circumfix; initially r was ar “very” and k/ki was ki “to act”. Arpa and paye both are derivates of pa “to step”. Oman is compound of om “thigh” and an “to be present”. Arki is compound of ar “very” and distorted singular from ek. Rayke – ronnu have been made of root ray “to die” and different causatives. Mi – utomciwre are derivates of different roots. Structures of rest pairs are yet unclear; they will be matter of further consideration.
S øŪ RU − Š URUPPAG. A 334 ( uru Su-ú -ri RIMA 2, G74: 67f.) bereits genannt, eroberte Assurnas øirpal II. die Festung nach zweitägigem Kampf gegen Kudurru, den šaknu von Sū h u* ( § 3.3), unter Gefangennahme der mit ihm verbündeten Truppen des Babyloniers Nabû -apla-iddina*, und errichtete dort eine Stele (RIMA 2, 2G3f.: G6−26). Irakische Archäologen registrierten nur die Stadtmauern und einen abgegrenzten Festungsbereich; siehe "Sur Telbis", Iraq 43 (G98G) G97; 45 (G983) 22Gf.