Analysis of bacterial communities on historical glass by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of PCR-amplified gene fragments coding for 16S rRNA (original) (raw)
1999, Journal of Microbiological Methods
The p.esent study describes the analysis ofbacterial cofrnunilies on historical window glass by denaturirg gradient gel electrophoresis of PcR-amplified 165 rDNA fngnenrs. So fe, only a few s dies hale been published in vhich the nicroflora dd the comsion mechanlsms of glas have been investigated. Sone micrcoreanisns, especially fungi, have been isolated frcm differert glas samples in lhe past. However, our resulls demoNtrate thar baclerial communitles on biodereriorated glas surfaces de much morc complex lhan previously believed. In addition, bacleria were ideniified, vhich have never been isolaled fron glas smples before. O 1999 Ehevier Science BV All rlghls resered. tr )wofdrj Biodeterjorationi Microbial Communities: DGGE analysis; Historical glass t-ru,/ drdl.ssr naß (S. Röllek) A161-10121991$ se lrcnt nratter O 1999 Elsevier Science BV All rishls Esened. PII: S0167 ?012(99)00015 9 ELSEVIER \ R,,\t. r" l Dtn,t I vd.ttoloöi dl t'tlhodt 16 tooa t0 -111