Value Oriented Teacher Education in India: A Synoptic View

In the age of globalisation, teacher education has adopted scientific materialism but has ignored the holistic human values due to western scientific progress. In this process, development of conscience is being overlooked where competence without developing character is creating people with arrogance, insensitivity and intolerance. Traditional teacher education emphasise on acquisition neglecting internalisation. Value oriented teacher education has been emphasized in various policy documents in India and present two year B.Ed. teacher education curriculum accommodates value along with ethics and harmony and, address them as desired in NCF 2005. Education for value and peace in present course aims at broadening notions of student-teachers about peace and peace education, their relevance and connection to inner harmony as well as harmony in social relationships across individuals and groups, based on Constitutional values. Banaras Hindu University has also suitably incorporated value education in B.Ed. curriculum. Appropriate foundation, teaching learning cycle, pedagogy, and evaluations are other factors necessary for strengthening of value education. Value oriented education is getting adequate attention in India as evident in current teacher education curriculum but it needs further strengthening by incorporating desired methods and regular monitoring. Present paper examines value oriented teacher education as emerging need, analyzes its Indian context especially curriculum framework and pedagogy, describes foundation, teaching learning cycle, pedagogy, and evaluations aspects to strengthen the value-oriented teacher education recommending its implementation in true spirit with sincere concerted efforts.

Education for values in school CBSE

The whole enterprise of education is extricably linked with the development of values. Devoid of the potential to nurture values, education losses its heart and soul. No one who attempts to depict the spirit of age in which we live can possibly overlook the importance of education for values. Peace and security are facing new challenges that could have negative implications if we do not address them positively. The malleable years of youth in schools are crucial. Whatever is learnt and imbibed will determine to how students would live out their lives in future. The concern about value degradation is not new to this era. Even before independence such concern were pronounced in policy documents. Policy makers and educators have all along seriously mediated on this concern and have been trying to discern the potential of schooling, pinning their hopes on education to fulfill the aspirations and expectations of the public and the society.

Integrating Value Education in Teacher Education Curriculum in the Context of India

International Journal of Transformation in English & Education [ISSN: 2581-3951(online)], 2016

A most important reason for integrating value education in teacher education curriculum is the fact that the current model of education contributes to the lopsided development of students. The present model of education puts exclusive focus on cognitive to the total neglect of the affective domain. This gives rise to alienation between head and heart. Students are nurtured in a spirit of excessive competition. They are trained right from the beginning to relate to aggressive competition. The individual excellence is promoted at the cost of emotional and relational skills. Young students hardly figure out why they are in school, why they are studying different subjects and how their schooling will be helpful to them. Their understanding is confined to parroting about the subjects. They don't know how they should live their lives; commit themselves to the welfare of the country. They hardly bother about the environment and other social and moral issues. They hardly know as to what sort of persons they hope to become when they complete their education. Education of this kind reduces children into automated toys.

Value Oriented Education: A Quality Teaching Perspective

This paper highlights the value oriented education. Defining value education as education itself, the author advocates the need for the preparation of a teacher as an agent for social change, to equip him or her to deliver the quality of values as per the situation and explore the process by which children develop values essential for living in the society. Teachers need to be trained to create situations and be imaginative to reflect on that situation by making students aware of values and highlighting its need. Values education can take place at home, as well as in schools, colleges, universities, offender's institutions and voluntary youth organisations. In this direction, radical change in human consciousness is needed, so that human beings conduct themselves in more desirable directions to shape their life patterns by strengthening their beliefs and by integrating facts, ideas, attitudes and actions. This will also help clarify their aims in life as well as processes to achieve them. This paper emphasises that value education in modern context is considered much wider, transcending the boundaries of religions and encompassing ethical, social, aesthetic, cultural and spiritual values. Value-oriented education needs to be realistically achievable in consonance with the academic framework of a school. Values are not only taught overtly, but are also embedded in the patterns of social relations and interactions, the codes of conduct, modes of discourse amongst students themselves as they partake of school life, and in their interactions with teachers and administrators etc.. So the encounter of values education is a complex cultural practice. Value Education refers to planned educational actions aimed at the development of proper attitudes, values, emotions and behaviour patterns of the learners. Teaching is both an intellectual and moral enterprise; therefore there isn"t a point in time or stage during the teaching or preparation that values aren"t a part of the process Ball and Wilson (1996). Ball and Wilson (1996) further argue that in the process of teaching teachers are striving to establish and maintain the integrity in teaching, this process being dependent upon the interplay of commitments, values, beliefs and understanding of students, subject matter, professional communities and parents. Teaching is not a job; it is an attitude. Teacher is a source of information, a guide, a mentor, a surrogate parent, a motivator, all at the same time.


Values are the beliefs about what is right, what is wrong and what is important in life. These values are gained from differences sources. Value education is important to give for any individual. The good values have to be inculcated in the individual's mind right from their childhood. In this context, the educational institutions play a major role in giving value education to the children from their school age itself. By understanding the need of the 'Value Education' for the children and students, this paper discusses about the definition of Value Education, its need, aims, objectives, its evolution in India, how is it taught globally and also analyzed the role of teachers in promoting the concept.

Native And Nonnative Dogmas As Precursors Of Value Education: Indian Teacher Educators' Attitude Towards Development And Implementation Of Value Education In Teacher Education

People: International Journal of Social Science, 2018

Value development of individuals is routed on the native culture. The native dogmas of axiology create the most suitable values of a society. This paper explores the teacher educators' perception on native and nonnative dogmas as precursors of value education. Major objectives of the study are to find out whether Indian Teacher Educators' attitude towards implementing value education in teacher education is favorable or unfavorable and to identify teacher educators' discernments on value education that precursor the native and nonnative dogmas. Sample is 208 teacher educators of South India. Attitude scale, inventory and interview are the tools used. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used for analyses. It is found out that teacher educators have favourable attitude towards implementing value education. The discernments of teacher educators is that native dogma based value education enhances better value quintessence. More than 80% of teacher educators support the value education that based on native dogmas. 10% has neutral attitude and 8.65% supports nonnative dogmas. The paper suggests development of value education based on native dogmas. It also suggests development of value education from indigenous value concepts to international value theories.


The whole enterprise of education is extricably linked with the development of values. Devoid of the potential to nurture values, education losses its heart and soul. No one who attempts to depict the spirit of age in which we live can possibly overlook the importance of education for values. Peace and security are facing new challenges that could have negative implications if we do not address them positively. The malleable years of youth in schools are crucial. Whatever is learnt and imbibed will determine to how students would live out their lives in future. The concern about value degradation is not new to this era. Even before independence such concern were pronounced in policy documents. Policy makers and educators have all along seriously mediated on this concern and have been trying to discern the potential of schooling, pinning their hopes on education to fulfill the aspirations and expectations of the public and the society.

Value Related Practices Used by Teacher Educators at a Public University, Islamabad

Journal of Education and Educational Development, 2017

Values play a vital role in any teacher-training program. The value practices, used by teacher educators affect students' understanding and practicing of values. This study aimed to explore the value related practices of teacher educators and to rank the value practices of education programs at a public sector university. Survey method was used for the study and the population comprised prospective teachers of education program at the university.100 prospective teachers were selected through simple random sampling technique. Data were collected through questionnaire and analyzed by using mean. It was found that there were several value related practices used by teacher educators such as realness, prizing, empathic understanding, fully functioning person, humility, lovingness, courage – overcoming one’s own fears, tolerance, decisiveness, living the tension between patience and impatience and the joy of living. With reference to ranking, realness stood above all other values. It is recommended that there may be more focus on different value related practices and that these are introduced in contents of teacher education program.