Женитьба Октавиана на Ливии и римская аристократия / Octavian's Marriage to Livia and the Roman Aristosracy (original) (raw)

В тени Мнемозины: коммеморативные практики в обществах прошлого. Сборник научных трудов / Под ред. А.Н. Маслова, А.В. Махлаюка. – Нижний Новгород: Изд-во ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского, 2015. С. 135-145


The author calls in question the theory prevailing in historiography according to which the result of Octavian’s marriage to Livia was his with the Republican nobility, the Claudii and the Livii above all. The marriage was accompanied by a great scandal and would alienate the conservative aristocracy. There is no Roman noble whose support of Octavian can be connected with his marriage to Livia.

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