First-order kinetics of landfill leachate treatment in a pilot-scale anaerobic sequence batch biofilm reactor (original) (raw)
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Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering
In some operational circumstances a fast evaluation of landfill leachate anaerobic treatability is necessary, and neither Biochemical Methane Potential nor BOD/COD ratio are fast enough. Looking for a fast indicator, this work evaluated the anaerobic treatability of landfill leachate from São Carlos-SP (Brazil) in a pilot scale Anaerobic Sequence Batch Biofilm Reactor (AnSBBR). The experiment was conducted at ambient temperature in the landfill area. After the acclimation, at a second stage of operation, the AnSBBR presented efficiency above 70%, in terms of COD removal, utilizing landfill leachate without water dilution, with an inlet COD of about 11,000 mg.L-1 , a TVA/COD ratio of approximately 0.6 and reaction time equal to 7 days. To evaluate the landfill leachate biodegradability variation over time, temporal profiles of concentration were performed in the AnSBBR. The landfill leachate anaerobic biodegradability was verified to have a direct and strong relationship to the TVA/COD ratio. For a TVA/COD Total ratio lower than 0.20, the biodegradability was considered low, for ratios between 0.20 and 0.40 it was considered medium, and above 0.40 it was considered high.
Water Research, 2008
Sensitivity Detachment Clogging a b s t r a c t A better understanding of wastewater treatment with soil filters is important to optimise plant operation and reduce the risk of clogging. The article presents results of a treatment concept which uses a combination of SBR and vertical-flow sand filter technology. The SBR was mainly used for denitrification and sedimentation of substances in particulate form. Efficient nitrification was achieved by the planted sand filter. Degradation rates of 10 gNH 4 -N/(m 2 Â d) were measured for periods with peak loadings. The two-dimensional dynamic model reproduces the biofilm growth and decay of heterotrophic and autotrophic biomass. It is capable of describing the clogging of the sand filter by combining a biochemical and a geometric model. After calibration, the model was used for the calculation of maximum nitrogen degradation performances. Maximum degradation rates of 12 gNH 4 -N/(m 2 Â d) can be achieved if the COD/TKN ratio is reduced before to a level lower than that of municipal wastewater. The COD was further degraded in the filter than we expected comparing it with activated sludge plants. Within the soil filter a biofilm thickness of up to 110 mm is simulated depending on the embankment of gravel and grains of sand. Sensitivity analysis of model parameters showed the high impact of the maximum autotrophic growth rate, the autotrophic yield, the diffusion coefficient for oxygen and the number of contact points of the single grains of sand. (M. Wichern). A v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / w a t r e s 0043-1354/$ -see front matter ª
Capteurs pour la mesure de la matière organique totale et biodégradable dans les eaux
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2009
Partenariat 2009 Domaine : Qualité de l'eau. Action 13 : Développement et optimisation des méthodes physico-chimiques Décembre 2009-p 2/30 Contexte de programmation et de réalisation Ce document correspond à l'action 13 « Développement et optimisation des méthodes physicochimiques » (cf Fiches 1 à 5 et 8, programme AQUAREF 2009-Chimie), domaine Qualité de l'eau (cours d'eau, plans d'eau, masses d'eau de transition).
COD fractions of leachate from aerobic and anaerobic pilot scale landfill reactors
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008
One of the most important problems with designing and maintaining a landfill is managing leachate that generated when water passes through the waste. In this study, leachate samples taken from aerobic and anaerobic landfill reactors operated with and without leachate recirculation are investigated in terms of biodegradable and non-biodegradable fractions of COD. The operation time is 600 days for anaerobic reactors and 250 days for aerobic reactors. Results of this study show that while the values of soluble inert COD to total COD in the leachate of aerobic landfill with leachate recirculation and aerobic dry reactors are determined around 40%, this rate was found around 30% in the leachate of anaerobic landfill with leachate recirculation and traditional landfill reactors. The reason for this difference is that the aerobic reactors generated much more microbial products. Because of this condition, it can be concluded that total inert COD/total COD ratios of the aerobic reactors were 60%, whereas those of anaerobic reactors were 50%. This study is important for modeling, design, and operation of landfill leachate treatment systems and determination of discharge limits.
Biological Treatment of Landfill Leachate
Environmental Management and Health, 1990
Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Senrices senrices bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. rue Wellington OîCawaON K1AûN4 OrrawaON K I A W canada canada The author has granted a nonexclusive licence allowing the National Lïbraxy of Canada to reproduce, Ioan, disbiiute or sell copies of this thesis in microform, paper or electronic formats. The author retains ownership of the copyright in this thesis. Neither the thesis nor substantid extracts tiom it rnay be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's permission. inner w a i l of the bioreactor was fomd to greatly improve the treatment efnciency regarding COD removal. About 95 % COD reduction was observeci. The efficiencies of glass fiber and Versapor filters wae ako studied and compared with the results obtained with the batch bioreactors. Tt was found that for the CS% both nIters gave similar TSS, most Iikely due to a d. e r e n t microbial population. The COD of the volatile suspended solids (VSS) was fomd to be 0.64 mg COD/mg VSS. It was compared with the commonly assumed vdue of 1-42 mg CODfmg VSS.
Pilot project of mechanical-biological treatment of waste in Brazil
Waste Management, 2006
By mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) of residual municipal solid waste the behaviour of landfills can be significantly improved. After MBT the organic content (COD and BOD 5 ), total organic carbon, and total nitrogen in the leachate, as well as the gas production rate, are reduced to values lower than 90% of the fresh untreated waste. The volume of the stabilized material to be disposed on landfills decreases enormously, by up to 70%. The monitoring effort for a landfill constructed under these conditions is reduced to a minimum and the stabilized material can be used in other ways, as material for reforestation, for cover material or for thermal utilization to produce energy. Environmental conditions are important in MBT, as well as waste characteristics. This paper describes the results of a pilot project of MBT performed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The results have shown that this technology can be used successfully in developing countries, with economy for the society and important results for the environment.
The construction of large experimental cells in order to obtain closer to reality parameters of the hydro-mechanical municipal solid waste (MSW) is essential because it allows to take into account the heterogeneity of seize and type of the constituents of MSW as well as the environmental conditions present in a landfill. Since each phase of anaerobic biodegradation produces leachate with specific physicochemical characteristics and is related to settlements, the monitoring of these phases by analyzing of leachate and the monitoring of settlement contribute to the understanding of the relationship between biogradation and settlements. This work presents results of the physicochemical composition of leachate during the first year of operation of a large-scale experimental cell in southeast of Brazil.