Numerical Modeling of Atmospheric Water Content and Probability Evaluation. Part II (original) (raw)
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Journal of Geophysical Research, 2006
In this study, the precipitable water (PW) and ice water path (IWP) simulated by the Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) are compared to those observed by NOAA's Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System. Results show small root-meansquare (RMS) differences in PW but large RMS differences in IWP between the two data sets, indicating the existence of model errors in reproducing clouds. To examine the possible linkage between the small PW and large IWP differences, three experiments are conducted with a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model in which the observed zonal wind and the GDAS-derived large-scale vertical velocity are imposed. The model initial conditions of PW are perturbed by ±10% in the first two experiments, respectively, while treating the third one without any perturbation as a control simulation. Thermodynamic, cloud microphysics, and precipitation budgets are then calculated from the zonally averaged and vertically integrated data at hourly intervals from these experiments. Results show the generation of larger differences in the cloud hydrometeors and surface rain rates, with the given PW perturbations. This indicates that the model-simulated clouds and precipitation are extremely sensitive to the initial errors in PW, primarily through the biased condensation process.
Hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic simulations of moist convection: Review and further study
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 1997
ABSTRACT Comparative experiments of moist convection using hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic models are performed to study the suitability of the hydrostatic approximation for a high-resolution model when the grid size falls below 20km. The moist convection in the models is treated by the use of an explicit warm-rain process predicting cloud water and rainwater as well as by a semi-explicit scheme consisting of the warm-rain process and moist convective adjustment. The differences between the experiments with and without hydrostatic water loading are also examined and quantitatively compared with those between the hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic simulations. When the prognostic explicit scheme is used, the hydrostatic simulation overdevelops moist convection, overestimates the total amount of precipitation, and overexpands the area of precipitation as the grid size decreases. This overdevelopment alters substantially the structure of moist convection and precipitation patterns. The absence of hydrostatic water loading also alters the total amount and structure of precipitation. Hydrostatic water loading exerts more significant influences on simulated precipitation than the hydrostatic approximation. In the 20-km simulations, the hydrostatic simulation with hydrostatic water loading produces results that are comparable to the non-hydrostatic counterpart. The difference in the total amount of precipitation between the hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic simulations was not as large as that of the convective development. This can be explained by considering the total water budget, which includes simulated precipitation and water vapor flux through the lateral boundaries, i. e., the water-vapor flux in the hydrostatic simulation corresponds to that in the non-hydrostatic one. Although moist convective adjustment removes conditional instability and does not produce strong updrafts, the characteristics of the results in the comparative experiments of moist convection using hydro-static and non-hydrostatic models were hardly changed by the incorporation of moist convective adjustment (the semi-explicit scheme). On the other hand, hydrostatic water loading exerts more significant influences on simulated precipitation with the semi-explicit scheme than that with the prognostic explicit scheme. Therefore, in developing 10-20km numerical weather prediction models, hydrostatic water loading should be evaluated in preference to adopting non-hydrostatic models.
Estimating the Gross Moist Stability of the Tropical Atmosphere*
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 1998
Recent theoretical studies have indicated that large-scale circulation in deep convective regions evolves subject to an overall static stability-termed the gross moist stability-that takes into account both dry static stability and moist convective effects. The gross moist stability has been explicitly defined for a continuously stratified atmosphere under convective quasi-equilibrium constraints. A subsidiary quantity-the gross moisture stratification-measures the overall effectiveness in producing precipitation subject to these quasi-equilibrium constraints. These definitions are relevant in regions that experience deep convection sufficiently often; criteria based on climatological precipitation and maximum level of convection are used to define a domain of applicability. In this paper, 10-yr monthly mean rawinsonde data, and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and National Meteorological Center (NMC) analyses are used to estimate the magnitude and horizontal distribution of these two quantities in the Tropics within the domain of applicability. The gross moist stability is found to be positive but much smaller than typical dry static stability values. Its magnitude varies modestly from 200 to 800 J kg Ϫ1 and exhibits relatively little dependence on sea surface temperature (SST). These values correspond, for instance, to a phase speed change from 8 to 16 m s Ϫ1 for the Madden-Julian oscillation. The gross moisture stratification is larger and exhibits strong dependence on SST, varying from 1500 to 3500 J kg Ϫ1 between cold and warm SST regions. A high degree of cancellation between effects of increasing low-level moisture and maximum level of convection, respectively, tends to keep the gross moist stability values relatively constant. Differences among the ECMWF and NMC analysis products and the rawinsonde data affect the estimate, but there is qualitative agreement. It is encouraging that reasonably robust estimates of a small, positive gross moist stability (as the difference between larger dry static stability and gross moisture stratification quantities) can be obtained. This helps justify use of small, constant moist phase speeds in some simple models of tropical circulation, although it also points out inconsistencies in how such models neglect variations in the height of convection.
A Trajectory Analysis of Tropical Upper-Tropospheric Moisture and Convection
Journal of Climate, 1997
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Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
The aim of this paper is to study the impacts of overshooting convection at a local scale on the water distribution in the tropical UTLS. Overshooting convection is likely to be one of the key processes controlling the entry of water vapour amount in the stratosphere by injecting ice crystals above the tropopause which later sublimate and hydrate the lower stratosphere. For this purpose, we quantify the individual impact of two overshooting cases in Africa observed during SCOUT-AMMA: the case of 4 August 2006 over Southern Chad which is likely to have influenced the water vapour measurements by micro-SDLA and FLASH-B from Niamey on 5 August, and the case of a mesoscale convective system over Aϊr on 5 August 2006. We make use of high resolution (down to 1 km horizontally) three nested grid simulations with the three-dimensional regional atmospheric model BRAMS (Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modelling System). In both cases, BRAMS succeeds in simulating the main features of the conve...
The factors that control the influence of deep convective detrainment on water vapor in the tropical upper troposphere are examined using observations from multiple satellites in conjunction with a trajectory model. Deep convection is confirmed to act primarily as a moisture source to the upper troposphere, modulated by the ambient relative humidity (RH). Convective detrainment provides strong moistening at low RH and offsets drying due to subsidence across a wide range of RH. Strong day-to-day moistening and drying takes place most frequently in relatively dry transition zones, where between 0.01% and 0.1% of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Precipitation Radar observations indicate active convection. Many of these strong moistening events in the tropics can be directly attributed to detrainment from recent tropical convection, while others in the subtropics appear to be related to stratosphere-troposphere exchange. The temporal and spatial limits of the convective source are estimated to be about 36-48 h and 600-1500 km, respectively, consistent with the lifetimes of detrainment cirrus clouds. Larger amounts of detrained ice are associated with enhanced upper tropospheric moistening in both absolute and relative terms. In particular, an increase in ice water content of approximately 400% corresponds to a 10-90% increase in the likelihood of moistening and a 30-50% increase in the magnitude of moistening.
Multimodel Analysis of the Water Vapor Feedback in the Tropical Upper Troposphere
Journal of Climate, 2006
Relationships between the mean humidity in the tropical upper troposphere and tropical sea surface temperatures in 17 coupled ocean–atmosphere global climate models were investigated. This analysis builds on a prior study of humidity and surface temperature measurements that suggested an overall positive climate feedback by water vapor in the tropical upper troposphere whereby the mean specific humidity increases with warmer sea surface temperature (SST). The model results for present-day simulations show a large range in mean humidity, mean air temperature, and mean SST, but they consistently show increases in upper-tropospheric specific humidity with warmer SST. The model average increase in water vapor at 250 mb with convective mean SST is 44 ppmv K−1, with a standard deviation of 14 ppmv K−1. Furthermore, the implied feedback in the models is not as strong as would be the case if relative humidity remained constant in the upper troposphere. The model mean decrease in relative hu...
A Quasi-Equilibrium Tropical Circulation Model—Formulation*
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2000
A class of model for simulation and theory of the tropical atmospheric component of climate variations is introduced. These models are referred to as quasi-equilibrium tropical circulation models, or QTCMs, because they make use of approximations associated with quasi-equilibrium (QE) convective parameterizations. Quasiequilibrium convective closures tend to constrain the vertical temperature profile in convecting regions. This can be used to generate analytical solutions for the large-scale flow under certain approximations. A tropical atmospheric model of intermediate complexity is constructed by using the analytical solutions as the first basis function in a Galerkin representation of vertical structure. This retains much of the simplicity of the analytical solutions, while retaining full nonlinearity, vertical momentum transport, departures from QE, and a transition between convective and nonconvective zones based on convective available potential energy. The atmospheric model is coupled to a one-layer land surface model with interactive soil moisture and simulates its own tropical climatology. In the QTCM version presented here, the vertical structure of temperature variations is truncated to a single profile associated with deep convection. Though designed to be accurate in and near regions dominated by deep convection, the model simulates the tropical and subtropical climatology reasonably well, and even has a qualitative representation of midlatitude storm tracks. The model is computationally economical, since part of the solution has been carried out analytically, but the main advantage is relative simplicity of analysis under certain conditions. The formulation suggests a slightly different way of looking at the tropical atmosphere than has been traditional in tropical meteorology. While convective scales are unstable, the large-scale motions evolve with a positive effective stratification that takes into account the partial cancellation of adiabatic cooling by diabatic heating. A consistent treatment of the moist static energy budget aids the analysis of radiative and surface heat flux effects. This is particularly important over land regions where the zero net surface flux links land surface anomalies. The resulting simplification highlights the role of top-of-the-atmosphere fluxes including cloud feedbacks, and it illustrates the usefulness of this approach for analysis of convective regions. Reductions of the model for theoretical work or diagnostics are outlined.