First Version of the Dynamic Digital Artrefacts (original) (raw)

KETCindy – linkage between dynamic geometry and TEX graphics –


TEX has become most major tool to edit teaching materials in collegiate mathematics education because it provides high quality output of mathematical expressions and automates most aspects of publishing features. However, it is not so easy for teachers to generate high quality “graphics” in final output of TEX. We have developed KETpic which is a macro package of Computer Algebra System (CAS) to convert the graphical output of CAS into TEX readable code ( Though it has turned out that using precise graphics generated with KETpic is extremely effective for stundets to connect their intuitive observation and deductive reasoning [1, 2], its linkage to the interactive presentation of graphics has not been sufficient. Therefore, we recently developed KETCindy. It is a plugin of Cinderella, one of the most popular Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS), to generate graphical data for interactive presentation on Cinderella screen and export the corresponding KETpic code simulta...

Connecting Dynamic Geometry Software with Computer Algebra System (in alphabetical order)


Abstract: This special session consists of five short presentations. Each author will demonstrate their examples to show why it is crucial to connect Dynamic Geometry (DG) with Computer Algebra System (CAS) in achieving the followings: • Making Mathematics more accessible to more students. • Motivate students to investigate more challenging problems.

Automated algebraic calculation of interactively constructed geometric figures — a didactic analysis


Ordinary interactive dynamic geometry systems (IDGS) cannot generally show, how a measurable property of an interactively constructed geometric figure depends on the determining variables of that figure. With a certain method of “Automated Deduction in Geometry” (ADG), implemented in Geometry Expressions (abbreviated GX, homepage:, it is now possible to calculate such a dependency as an algebraic expression consisting of the determining variables. We explain this facility by selected examples, which represent the usage of this tool and evaluate its application in classroom. keywords planimetry, automated calculation, interactive dynamic geometry systems.

From Geometric Representation to Algebraic Representation with Dynamic Mathematics Software: The Concept of Parabola

Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2011

Matematik kavramları farklı yollar ile temsil edilebilirler. Bunların en bilinen ve formal biçimleri kavramın geometrik ve cebirsel temsilleridir. Bir matematik kavramının geometrik temsili görsel bir gösterim yolu iken, cebirsel temsili kavramın daha çok soyut görünümüdür. Bir kavramın farklı temsilleri arasındaki ilişkiler ile birlikte öğretilmesi matematik öğretiminin en önemli bileşenlerinden biri olarak görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada parabol kavramının geometrik temsili ile cebirsel temsili arasındaki ilişkinin çift yönlü olarak yapılandırılması amaçlanmıştır. Parabol eğrisi matematik tarihi içinde de öncelikle geometrik özellikleri ile belirmeye başlamış bir kavram olduğundan yapılandırmanın çıkış noktası olarak geometrik temsil seçilmiştir. Dinamik Matematik Yazılımı GeoGebra'nın sunduğu dinamik imkânlardan yararlanılarak 4 temel aşamada tasarlanan öğrenme ortamı bir Anadolu Lisesinin 11. sınıf öğrencilerinden oluşan 23 kişi üzerinde örnek bir ders şeklinde yürütülmüş ve öğrencilerin ders sürecindeki geri bildirimlerinden yola çıkılarak tasarlanan öğrenme ortamı uygulanabilir bulunmuştur. Bunun yanında öğrenme ortamını yönetmek için tasarlanan etkinlik öğrencilerin parabol kavramının ileri düzey özelliklerini incelemelerine de fırsat sağlamıştır.

Using Dynamical Geometry Softwares in the study of Plane Geometry: potentialities and limitations

Acta Scientiae

Background: Some inconsistencies that appeared when teaching Geometry - using Dynamical Geometry Softwares - to Mathematics undergraduate students, inspired this work . Objectives: To stress the potentialities and, specially, the limitations of Dynamical Geometry Softwares in order of using it correctly by teachers, pre-service teachers and students for learning and teaching situations and investigations in Geometry. Design: Critical analysis study of situations, with examples produced using Dynamical Geometry Softwares, in order to reveal some inconsistencies with respect to the theory. In particular, Geogebra was the software used. Setting and participants: Some of the examples presented here, elaborated in GeoGebra, were briefly discussed in classes of pre-service teachers of mathematics aiming at an awareness of the inconsistencies that may appear using a Dynamical Geometry Software. The authors are the unique participants of the elaboration of those examples. Data collection an...

Searching and exploring properties of geometric configurations using dynamic software

International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2002

Recent curriculum proposals recognize that the use of technology plays an important role in students' learning of mathematics. What do students need (in terms of mathematics resources) in order to use technology as a mathematical tool? When does the use of technology become a powerful tool for students? To what extent do students' approaches to mathematical tasks, via paper and pencil, di er from technological approaches? Are these two approaches compatible? Are previous students' experiences transferable to technology approach experiences? These are fundamental questions that are important to investigate in order to identify and analyse the potential in using technology as tools to construct and understand mathematical ideas. This study documents the students' use of Cabri-Geometry to work on tasks that led them to construct particular relationships and to explore and connect di erent mathematical themes or ideas.

Research trends in dynamic geometry software: A content analysis from 2005 to 2021

World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues

Dynamic geometry software (DGS), especially GeoGebra, have been used in mathematics lessons around the world since it enables a dynamic learning environment. To date, there exist so many published researches about DGS, which leads to the need for meaningful organisation. This study aims to give a broad picture about researches related to DGS. For this reason, 210 articles accessed from the Web of Science database were analysed in terms of their purpose, research design, sample level, sample size, data collection tools and data analysing methods by using the content analysis method. According to the findings, for each section the most frequently used ones were as follows: 'the effect of DGS on something' as a purpose, qualitative method as a research design, high school students as a sample level, 101-300 intervals as a sample size, documents and achievement tests as instruments and descriptive analysis for quantitative and qualitative studies. These results can help researchers to see the past trends in DGS and conduct new studies.