Tongue-muscle-controlling motoneurons in the Japanese toad: topography, morphology and neuronal pathways from the ?snapping-evoking area? in the optic tectum (original) (raw)
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Brain Structure and Function, 2015
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Glossopharyngeal and tectal influences on tongue-muscle motoneurons in the Japanese toad
Brain Research, 1986
Key words: tongue-muscle motoneuron --hypoglossal motoneuron --glossopharyngeal nerve --optic rectum -excitatory interneuron --prey-catching behavior --rejecting behavior --toad Anuran tongue-muscle motoneurons receive excitatory inputs both from the glossopharyngeal nerve afferents and from the optic tectum. As a step toward elucidating the neural bases for controlling the tongue movements, we searched intracellularly for the neuronal pathways from the glossopharyngeal afferents to the tongue-muscle motoneurons in paralyzed Japanese toads. The electrical stimuli applied to the glossopharyngeal nerve (ipsilateral lingual branch) evoked polysynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in tongue-protractor motoneurons and mixed mono-and polysynaptic EPSPs in tongue-retractor motoneurons. Furthermore, we investigated the mode of the convergency of the excitatory inputs from the glossopharyngeal nerve and those from the optic tectum. A spatial facilitation was observed between the tectal EPSPs and the glossopharyngeal EPSPs in some motoneurons tested. These results suggest the existence of common excitatory premotor interneurons, on which the tectal descending volleys and the glossopharyngeal afferent volleys converge.
Neuroscience Research, 1985
Key words: electromyogram --EMG --prey-catching behavior --motor pattern --electrical stimulation --optic tectum --toad SUMMARY As a step toward elucidating the tectal-controlling functions for generating the prey-catching motor pattern, electrically-evoked "snapping" (the final consummatory phase of the prey-catching sequence) by means of stimuli applied to the optic tectum was analyzed using electromyographic methods in freely-moving Japanese toads. Electromyographic activities were recorded from the following 7 muscles in the head region (the presumed "snapping'-related muscles): M. depressor mandibulae, M. ternporalis, M. sternohyoideus, M. geniohyoideus, M. genioglossus, M. hyoglossus, and M. submentalis. It was found that the characteristic activities evoked in these muscles were associated with jaw/tongue movements during the electricallyevoked "snapping". All of these muscles, except for sternohyoideus and geniohyoideus muscles, were activated in an all-or-nothing manner which corresponded to the elicitation of the electrically-evoked "snapping". It was suggested that such an all-or-nothing character may reflect an all-or-nothing property of the neuronal circuits for generating the prey-catching motor-pattern.
Trigeminal excitation of dorsal neck motoneurones in the cat
Experimental Brain Research, 1992
Excitation of dorsal neck motoneurones evoked by electrical stimulation of primary trigeminal afferents in the Gasserian ganglion has been investigated with intracellular recording from alpha-motoneurones in the cat. Single stimulation in the Gasserian ganglion ipsi- and contralateral to the recording side evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in motoneurones innervating the lateral head flexor muscle splenius (SPL) and the head elevator muscles biventer cervicis and complexus (BCC). The gasserian EPSPs were composed of early and late components which gave the EPSPs a hump-like shape. A short train of stimuli, consisting of two to three volleys, evoked temporal facilitation of both the early and late EPSP components. The latencies of the gasserian EPSPs ranged from 1.6 to 3.6 ms in SPL motoneurones and from 1.6 to 5.8 ms among BCC motoneurones. A rather similar latency distribution between 1.6 and 2.4 ms was found for ipsi- and contralateral EPSPs in SPL and BCC motoneurones, which is compatible with a minimal disynaptic linkage between primary trigeminal afferents and neck motoneurones. Systematic transections of the ipsi- and contralateral trigeminal tracts were performed in the brain stem between 3 and 12 mm rostral to the level of obex. The results demonstrate that both the ipsi- and contralateral disynaptic and late gasserian EPSPs can be mediated via trigeminospinal neurones which take their origin in the nucleus trigeminalis spinalis oralis. Transection of the midline showed that the contralateral trigeminospinal neurones cross in the brain stem. Systematic tracking in and around the ipsilateral trigeminal nuclei demonstrated that the axons of ipsilateral trigeminospinal neurones descend just medial to and/or in the medial part of the nucleus. Spinal cord lesions revealed a location of the axons of the ipsilateral trigeminospinal neurones in the lateral and ventral funiculi. Interaction between the ipsi- and contralateral gasserian EPSPs showed complete summation of the disynaptic EPSP component, while the late components were occluded by about 45%. These results show that the disynaptic EPSPs are mediated by separate trigeminospinal neurones from the ipsi- and contralateral side, while about half of the late EPSPs are mediated by common neurones which receive strong bilateral excitation from commissural neurones in the trigeminal nuclei. Spatial facilitation was found in the late gasserian EPSP but not in the disynaptic gasserian EPSP by conditioning stimulation of cortico- and tectofugal fibres. Disynaptic pyramidal and tectal EPSPs, which are mediated by reticulospinal neurones, were facilitated by a single stimulation in the gasserian ganglion at an optimal interval of 2 ms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
Non-reciprocal postsynaptic inhibition of digastric motoneurons
Brain Research, 1990
This study was undertaken to explore the effects, on digastric motoneurons, of electrical stimulation of a site within the parvocellular medullary reticular formation (PcRF). This site is located lateral to the hypoglossal nucleus and ventral to the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. Within this site are somas of premotor interneurons that project to trigeminai motor nuclei 1°'13. Stimulation of this site resulted in the generation of IPSPs in digastric motoneurons. We postulate that these IPSPs were due to the activation of a monosynaptic path from the PcRF to digastric motoneurons. The present results, in conjunction with those previously reported which indicate that the PcRF also induces monosynaptic IPSPs in masseter motoneurons 2, demonstrate that this is a site of origin for the postsynaptic inhibitory control of motoneurons that innervate both jaw opening and closing muscles. 0006-8993/90/$03.50 ~ 1990 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)
Brain Research, 2010
Application of different fluorescent tracers to the right and left hypoglossal nerve of the frog revealed the extent of dendrites crossing the midline into the territory of contralateral hypoglossal motoneurons. By using confocal microscopy, a large number of close appositions were detected between hypoglossal motoneurons bilaterally, which formed dendrodendritic and dendrosomatic contacts. The distance between the neighboring profiles suggested close membrane appositions without interposing glial elements. Application of neurobiotin to one hypoglossal nerve resulted in labeling of perikarya exclusively on the ipsilateral side of tracer application, suggesting the absence of dye-coupled connections with contralateral hypoglossal motoneurons. At the ultrastructural level, the dendrodendritic and dendrosomatic contacts did not show any morphological specialization; the long membrane appositions may provide electrotonic interactions between the neighboring profiles. We propose that dendrites of hypoglossal motoneurons that cross the midline subserve one of the morphological substrates of co-activation, synchronization and timing of bilateral activity of tongue muscles during prey-catching behavior of the frog.
Brain Research Bulletin, 2013
Prey-catching behavior (PCB) of the frog consists of a sequence of coordinated activity of muscles which is modified by various sensory signals. The aim of the present study was, for the first time, to examine the involvement of the trigeminal afferents in the swallowing phase of PCB. Experiments were performed on Rana esculenta, where the trigeminal and glossopharyngeal (IX)-vagus (X) nerves were labeled simultaneously with different fluorescent dyes. Using confocal laser scanning microscope, close appositions were detected between the trigeminal afferent fibers and somatodendritic components of the IX-X motoneurons of the ambiguus nucleus (NA). Neurolucida reconstruction revealed spatial distribution of the trigeminal afferents in the functionally different parts of the NA. Thus, the visceromotor neurons supplying the stomach, the heart and the lung received about two third of the trigeminal contacts followed by the pharyngomotor and then by the laryngomotor neurons. On the other hand, individual motoneurons responsible for innervation of the viscera received less trigeminal terminals than the neurons supplying the muscles of the pharynx. The results suggest that the direct contacts between the trigeminal afferents and IX-X motoneurons presented here may be one of the morphological substrate of a very quick response during the swallowing phase of PCB. Combination of direct and indirect trigeminal inputs may contribute to optimize the ongoing motor execution.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2004
We give an account of an effort to make quantitative morphological distinctions between motoneurons of the frog innervating functionally different groups of muscles involved in the movements of the tongue. The protractor, retractor, and inner muscles of the tongue were considered on the basis of their major action during the prey-catching behavior of the frog. Motoneurons were selectively labeled with cobalt lysin through the nerves of the individual muscles, and dendritic trees of successfully labeled neurons were reconstructed. Each motoneuron was characterized by 15 quantitative morphological parameters describing the size of the soma and dendritic tree and 12 orientation variables related to the shape and orientation of the dendritic field. The variables were subjected to multivariate discriminant analysis to find correlations between form and function of these motoneurons. According to the morphological parameters, the motoneurons were classified into three functionally different groups weighted by the shape of the perikaryon, mean diameter of stem dendrites, and mean length of dendritic segments. The most important orientation variables in the separation of three groups were the ellipses describing the shape of dendritic arborization in the horizontal, frontal, and sagittal planes of the brainstem. These findings indicate that characteristic geometry of the dendritic tree may have a preference for one array of fibers over another.