“Architectural conservation and cultural inclusion. The applicative case of Motta San Giovanni (Reggio Calabria-Italy) and its Romanian Community” (original) (raw)
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Conservation of Architectural Heritage
An Architectural Project of Giovanni Maria Falconetto Discovered During the Restoration of the Alvise Cornaro House, 2019
The restoration of the courtyard of the house of Alvise Cornaro was carried out between 1983 and 2000. During this long period, the author produced several studies and projects, regularly debated with a high-profile interna- tional scientific commission. The house of Alvise Cornaro, in Padua, was reformed between 1524 and 1560 ca. and is one of the first architectures of the Roman Renaissance according to the Vitruvius canons built in northern Italy. This architecture has long established its reputation as a place for comedies and small concerts due to the presence of two buildings of great architectural quality: the Loggia and the Odeo. Based on observations and measurements, however, the restoration programme allowed us to recognize that architecture corresponds to a unitary project inspired by a kind of the domus canonized in the Vitruvius architecture treatise. The paper presents arguments and conclusions of this case study.
VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability
This article presents research conducted as part of the European project F-ATLAS, which aims to study the convent complexes of the Franciscan Observance and their landscape context between Italy, Spain and Portugal. The research uses historical and archival sources and integrated digital survey methodologies to document and study the network of the Observance convents and the routes that connect them for their conservation, protection and valorisation. In particular, the text illustrates the preliminary phases of the study of the conventual complex La Romita di Cesi (TR) in Umbria, Italy - one of the Oratories given in concession to Paoluccio Trinci in 1373, suppressed in 1866 and brought back to light in 1991 by Fra Bernardino. Parallel to studying historical and archival sources, two integrated digital survey campaigns were carried out using TLS and photographic instruments. This work aimed to become a reliable support for the preservation of the Observant Cultural Heritage, for i...
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Rationalist Architecture in Romagna, Italy. Towards Better Preservation
A. TOSTÕES, Z. FERREIRA (a cura di), Adaptive Reuse. The Modern Movement Towards the Future. Proceedings of the 14th International docomomo Conference, Lisbon 6-9 September 2016, docomomo International and Casa da Arquitectura, Lisbon 2016, pp. 669-676.
The Santarelli Kindergarten in Forlì and the Casa del Fascio in Predappio, both significant examples of Fascist regime architectures of the 1930s, are comparable for their times of realisation and the year of their inauguration. Beyond their chronology they are inherently linked by many reasons, including their experimental technologies. Indeed the two buildings can be compared both for a common design tension between tradition and innovation and for their construction frailties, deficiencies and failures. On the one hand, the kindergarten in Forlì, a measured building for the “city of the Duce”, employed traditional technologies to resolve its construction failures; it continued to be used for its original function until 2012. On the other hand, the Casa del Fascio constitutes an iconic and monumental building of the Fascist regime era, built for a town which, from periphery status, aimed at becoming a centre. The Casa pursued technological innovation with more perseverance than the Forlì kindergarten but, in the post-war era, fell victim to ideological rejection and a state of physical abandonment. By comparing these two architectures, the paper intends to analyse their affinities and contrasts as well as their shared construction deficiencies and failures. Since both buildings present problems caused by constructive experimentation, the results of the interventions attempting to address these will also be illustrated. The paper intends to delineate an investigation in fieri of this heritage of undeniable patrimonial value while touching on some characterising aspects (including experimental technologies and the theoretical and operational problems of preservation). The objective is, on the one hand, to diffuse a better knowledge of these buildings and, on the other hand, to provide professionals with better restoration tools, capable of guaranteeing the preservation of these frail Modern architectures.
C. Gambarella (a cura di), WORLD HERITAGE AND DESIGN FOR HEALTH. Le Vie dei Mercanti XIX International Forum (serie: ARCHITECTURE HERITAGE and DESIGN 8), 2021
Sempre di più oggi si parla di interdisciplinarità tra metodiche archeologiche, architettura e restauro in particolare quando ci si approccia alle Opere Monumentali di interesse storico. Gli edifici di qualsiasi epoca, che oggi come da sempre, sono interesse di studio per fini di ricerca o restauro, nella maggior parte dei casi non si presentano come apparivano al momento della loro costruzione, bensì come sistema stratificato ed eterogeneo di più elementi, dietro ai quali si la cultura che li ha realizzati seguendo motivazioni e logiche proprie del suo tempo. Quando ci si appresta al restauro, risulta fondamentale, quindi, operare accurati metodi che permettano di leggere al meglio trasformazioni avvenute attraverso una congiunta metodologia che analizzi ogni traccia, ogni materiale, ogni specifica tecnica costruttiva. L’obiettivo di questo contributo è di mostrare e spiegare attraverso casi esemplificati l’applicazione di una matrice di studio interdisciplinare che unisce approcci archeologici con approcci del mondo del restauro e che cerchi di ridurre la cancellazione di tracce e quindi la perdita di informazioni a causa di una superficiale lettura delle preesistenze. Questa matrice, applicabile per qualunque edificio-tipo, unisce all’analisi stratigrafica; lo studio delle tecniche costruttive e materiali; lo studio dello stato di conservazione, dei dissesti e lo studio dei restauri che le parti murarie hanno subito. In conclusione, un altro ambito di studio da correlare, spesso disatteso, è quello dell’analisi della sequenza di cantiere ossia la ricostruzione della sequenza dei momenti di realizzazione delle singole parti della struttura. L’applicazione integrata dei metodi elencati potrà garantire un’approfondita indagine dell’edificio funzionale sia all’archeologo che studia la cultura che sta dietro l’edificio sia al tecnico progettista che deve operare il restauro, in una reale azione interdisciplinare per lo scopo unico che è la Salvaguardia dell’Opera.
Architectural Heritage at Risk: The Case of the Magnano Hamlet (Piedmont, Italy)
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
The architecture is the result of the men's work, whose actions do not end with its construction, but are inevitably destined to follow one another over time, responding to the various natural and/or anthropic solicitations to which it is subjected. The progressive change in social and economic needs, together with the lack of recognition of the value of the inherited architectural heritage, causes an increasing pressure both on individual historic buildings and on ancient sites. Considered as obsolete and incapable of responding to current performance and functional requirements, the architectural heritage is often abandoned or subjected to radical transformations, causing the irremediable loss of valuable cultural resources. The examination of the current state of conservation of the Magnano hamlet is interesting for the purposes of 'Risk in architectural heritage'. It is a defensive settlement built at the beginning of the XIIIth century and characterized by the presence of building cells lying on the crest of a hill and surrounded by walls. Some of these cells are today totally abandoned and, therefore, affected by decay phenomena due to the aggressive action exerted by environmental agents; others have undergone interventions that, although aimed at allowing their possible re-use, have led to the partial or total loss of the identity features of this heritage. This paper intends to focus on the analysis of the interventions carried out, examining the methodologies adopted and some critical issues in the belief that only by searching for compatible solutions in terms of materials, structures and functionality, it is possible to become promoters of an effective conservation of the architectural heritage.