Biases in ion transmission through an electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry capillary inlet (original) (raw)
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Ionization and transmission efficiency in an electrospray ionization—mass spectrometry interface
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2007
The ionization and transmission efficiencies of an electrospray ionization (ESI) interface were investigated to advance the understanding of how these factors affect mass spectrometry (MS) sensitivity. In addition, the effects of the ES emitter distance to the inlet, solution flow rate, and inlet temperature were characterized. Quantitative measurements of ES current loss throughout the ESI interface were accomplished by electrically isolating the front surface of the interface from the inner wall of the heated inlet capillary, enabling losses on the two surfaces to be distinguished. In addition, the ES current lost to the front surface of the ESI interface was spatially profiled with a linear array of 340-m-diameter electrodes placed adjacent to the inlet capillary entrance. Current transmitted as gas-phase ions was differentiated from charged droplets and solvent clusters by measuring sensitivity with a single quadrupole mass spectrometer. The study revealed a large sampling efficiency into the inlet capillary (Ͼ90% at an emitter distance of 1 mm), a global rather than a local gas dynamic effect on the shape of the ES plume resulting from the gas flow conductance limit of the inlet capillary, a large (Ͼ80%) loss of analyte ions after transmission through the inlet arising from incomplete desolvation at a solution flow rate of 1.0 L/min, and a decrease in analyte ions peak intensity at lower temperatures, despite a large increase in ES current transmission efficiency. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2007, 18, 1582-1590 E lectrospray ionization (ESI) has become a prominent ionization technique for a broad range of chemical and biological applications of mass spectrometry (MS) [1, 2] because of its ability to create intact, multiply charged gas-phase ions (from, e.g., biomolecules in solution) and its facile coupling with on-line separation techniques [such as liquid chromatography (LC)] [3-6]. The sensitivity of ESI-MS is largely determined by the effectiveness of producing gas-phase ions from analyte molecules in solution (ionization efficiency) and the ability to transfer the charged species from atmospheric pressure to the low-pressure region of the mass analyzer (transmission efficiency) [7-10].
The optimization of working parameters controlling the transfer of an analyte from the separation into the spray capillary at the liquid junction interface is a complex problem. The numerical models of hydrodynamic flow, electric field strength and the consequential mass transfer provide a valuable insight into the function of the miniaturized device. The results revealed that the most important parameter is the electric field strength inside the gap between the separation and spray capillaries. In a strong electric field, the analyte leaving the separation capillary is immediately transferred into the spray capillary at its maximum concentration. Although the losses of analyte outside the interface are dominant in this case, the sprayed concentration determines the detection sensitivity. Since only a small amount of the sprayed material enters mass spectrometer, the losses at the interface do not influence the sensitivity. At low electric field strength the total amount of analytes is transferred into the spray capillary. In this case, however, the analytes enter the capillary slowly and, as a result, are significantly diluted. The electric field strength, pressure and dimensions determine the mass transfer in the interface and must be considered when the optimum conditions of an analysis are chosen. Several fold improvement in sensitivity and efficiency of the method can be expected when working under the optimum conditions.
Analytical Characterization of the Electrospray Ion Source in the Nanoflow Regime
Analytical Chemistry, 2008
A detailed characterization of a conventional low-flow electrospray ionization (ESI) source for mass spectrometry (MS) using solution compositions typical of reversed-phase liquid chromatography is reported. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the pulsating regime consistently provided better ESI-MS performance than the cone-jet regime for the interface and experimental conditions studied. This observation is supported by additional measurements showing that a conventional heated capillary interface affords more efficient sampling and transmission for the charged aerosol generated by a pulsating electrospray. The pulsating electrospray provided relatively constant MS signal intensities over a wide range of voltages, while the signal decreased slightly with increasing voltage for the cone-jet electrospray. The MS signal also decreased with increasing emitter-interface distance for both pulsating and cone-jet electrosprays due to the expansion of the charged aerosol plume. At flow rates below 100 nL/min the MS signal increased with increasing flow rate due to increased number of gas-phase ions produced. At flow rates greater than 100 nL/min, the signal reached a plateau due to decreasing ionization efficiency at larger flow rates. These results suggest approaches for improving MS interface performance for low-flow (nano-to micro-) electrosprays.
An LC/MS Method Providing Improved Sensitivity: Electrospray Ionization Inlet
Analytical chemistry, 2017
Electrospray ionization inlet (ESII) combines positive aspects of electrospray ionization (ESI) and solvent-assisted ionization (SAI). Similar to SAI, the analyte solution is directly introduced into a heated inlet tube linking atmospheric pressure and the initial vacuum stage of the mass spectrometer. However, unlike SAI, in ESII a voltage is applied to the solution through a metal union linking two sections of fused silica tubing through which solution flows into the inlet. Here, we demonstrate liquid chromatography (LC) ESII/MS on two different mass spectrometers using a mixture of drugs, a peptide standard mixture, and protein digests. This LC-ESII/MS approach has little dead volume and thus provides excellent chromatographic resolution at mobile phase flow rates from 1 to 55 μL min(-1). Significant improvement in ion abundance and less chemical background ions were observed relative to ESI for all drugs and peptides tested at flow rates from 15 to 55 μL min(-1). At a low inlet ...
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications, 1996
A simple self-aligning liquid junction-electrospray interface for coupling a capillary electrophoresis (CE) system to an atmospheric pressure ionization (API) mass spectrometer (CE-MS) was developed. In contrast to previous liquid junction interfaces, the self-aligning liquid junction interface simplifies the precise alignment of the CE capillary and the sprayer needle and uses a positive make-up flow. Several capillary CE-MS applications were run using both the self-aligning liquid junction interface and the widely used sheath flow interface for comparison purposes. The electrospray stability of the self-aligning liquid junction interface is consistently better even when non-volatile electrolyte solutions are used. At first, some band broadening was obtained with the self-aligning liquid junction interface. Experiments with different CE buffer systems suggested that this band broadening was caused by the materials used in constructing the interface. By using a more inert material for the sprayer needle, the self-aligning liquid junction exhibits excellent electrophoretic resolution, comparable sensitivity, and higher signal-to-noise ratios when run under the same conditions as the sheath flow interface.
A chemometrics approach has been used for evaluating the effect of four experimental parameters when coupling capillary electrophoresis (CE) to electrospray ionizationmass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Electrospray voltage, sheath-liquid flow rate, nebulizing gas flow rate, and spray needle position in respect to the MS orifice were varied according to a full factorial design. In addition to main effects, two interaction effects could be identified as significant when measuring the peak intensity of the analytes, from a sample mixture containing peptides and pharmaceuticals. The first interaction effects, between the nebulizing gas flow rate and the sheath-liquid flow rate, and the second interaction effect, between the nebulizing gas flow rate and the spray position, could further explain the impact that these variables have on the spray performance. The number of theoretical plates and the baseline noise were also measured. The sheath-liquid flow was found to significantly affect the separation efficiency, while the noise level mainly was controlled by the nebulizing gas flow. The same factorial design was also used for a CE capillary with lower internal diameter (ID) and the effects of the same variables were compared on those capillaries using equal injection volume for both capillaries. Similar trends were obtained in both capillaries but capillary ID was shown to be a significant variable when evaluating both capillaries in a single model. It was found that a capillary with 25 mm ID provided improved CE-MS performance over than corresponding 50 mm ID capillary. Enhanced sensitivity was obtained using the narrow-bore capillary, and at lower sheath-liquid flow rate the 25 mm ID capillary also gave rise to more efficient peaks.
The hyphenation of CE with MS is nowadays accepted as a powerful analytical approach. Employing ESI, the most common interface, one challenge is to provide quantitative information, which is quite a difficult task, as it is linked, among other factors, to suction and dilution effects. In the coaxial ESI configuration, the suction effect has been presented in literature as stemming from nebulizing gas (NG) flow rate and drying gas temperature. But as this interface consists in three concentric capillaries, allowing for BGE, sheath liquid (SL) and NG mixing, it is demonstrated herein that other parameters are also involved in this suction effect: the CE capillary protrusion from the interface needle, SL flow rate, and overall BGE flow rate and velocity profile. Whereas NG flow rate is the parameter affecting suction to a greater extent, separation capillary protruding length, SL, and overall BGE flow rate have a significant additional impact on this phenomenon. It is shown that SL flow rate can affect suction differently according to the NG velocity, which may be explained by modification of the Taylor cone geometry. Furthermore, it appears that suction effect is noticeably favored by a parabolic velocity profile of the BGE, again probably due to the Taylor cone shape modification. Finally, the temperature gradient created by the contact between the heated NG and the separation capillary enhances this effect.
Design, optimisation, and evaluation of a sheath flow interface for automated capillary electrophoresis-electrospray-mass spectrometry A sheath-flow capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) system utilizing a fully integrated large-bore stainless-steel emitter electrode tapered at the end for micro-ionspray operation has been developed and evaluated. A separation capillary with an outer diameter of up to 360 mm was inserted into the electrode thus forming a void volume of less than 15 nL between the capillary end and the electrospray ionisation (ESI) tip. The sheath liquid, usually methanol-water (80:20) with 0.1% formic acid for positive ion mode or methanol for negative ion mode, was delivered at 0.5-1.0 mL/ min. Unlike previously reported CE-MS interfaces, the CE-MS probe was incorporated directly onto an Applied Biosystems/MDS SCIEX orthogonal-spray Turbo "V" ion source for ease of use and automatic operation. This integration enables fast and facile coupling and replacement of the separation capillary without interrupting the ion source configuration, and the sheath liquid supply. The reusable electrospray electrode was precisely fabricated and aligned with the length of the nebulizing gas tube for improved reproducibility. Automation was achieved through software control of both CE and tandem MS (MS/MS) for unattended batch sample analysis. The system was evaluated for attomole-to low femtomole-level profiling of model peptides and protein mixtures, bisphosphates, as well as antiviral nucleosidic drugs in cellular extracts.
Analytical Chemistry, 2012
Combining electrospray ionization (ESI) and solvent assisted inlet ionization (SAII) provides higher ion abundances over a wide range of concentrations for peptides and proteins than either ESI or SAII. In this method, a voltage is applied to a union connector linking tubing from a solvent delivery device and the fused silica capillary, used with SAII, inserted into a heated inlet tube of an Orbitrap Exactive mass spectrometer (MS). The union can be metal or polymeric and the voltage can be applied directly or contactless. Solution flow rates from less than a 1 μL min −1 to over 100 μL min −1 can be accommodated. It appears that the voltage is only necessary to provide charge separation in solution, and the hot MS inlet tube and the high velocity of gas through the tube linking atmospheric pressure and vacuum provides droplet formation. As little as 100 V produces an increase in ion abundance for certain compounds using this method relative to no voltage. Interestingly, the total ion current observed with SAII and this electrosprayed inlet ionization (ESII) method are very similar for weak acid solutions, but with voltage on, the ion abundance for peptides and proteins increase as much as 100-fold relative to other compounds in the solution being analyzed. Thus, switching between SAII (voltage off) and ESII (voltage on) provides a more complete picture of the solution contents than either method alone.
A simple and durable sheath liquid interface for capillary zone electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (CZE-ESI-MS) has been developed. This interface utilized a beveled tip emitter and was found to be more sensitive than the conventional sheath liquid interface. The use of a beveled tip reduces the optimal flow rate and therefore decreases sample dilution. The interface utilized a 380 mm inner diameter and 400 mm outer diameter beveled tapered tip. Because of the large inner diameter and outer diameter of the tip, the interface is robust and can be easily implemented. The performance of this interface for CZE-ESI-MS and micelle electrokinetic capillary electrophoresis-electrospray-mass spectrometry, as demonstrated by the analysis of synthetic drugs and triazine mixtures, was significantly better than results obtained using a conventional sheath liquid interface.