Developmental studies of the leaves of Sagittaria latifolia and their relationship to the leaf-base theory of monocotyledonous leaf morphology (original) (raw)

Comparative mophology and anatomy of the leaf

The genera and species of Piperaceae show a considerable structural diversity of leaves and especially stems. This paper presents a comparative morphological and anatomical study of the leaves and stems of three common Brazilian species of this family (Peperomia dahlstedtii C.DC., Ottonia martiana Miq. and Piper diospyrifolium Kunth), the vegetative organs of which have previously been little studied. The collected plant material was fixed in FAA, cut freehand and stained in safranin and astra blue. P. dahlstedtii is an epiphyte and has a herbaceous stem with whorled leaves phyllotaxis and a polystelic structure, a multiseriate adaxial leaf epidermis and calcium oxalate monocrystals in parenchyma and collenchyma petiole cells. O. martiana and P. diospyrifolium showed strong similarities, both being terrestrial plants, with alternate phyllotaxis, stele with medullary bundles and dorsiventral leaves with an epidermis and subepidermic layer. In O. martiana the stomatal complex is staurocytic and presented silica crystal sand in paren-chyma petiole and midrib cells. In P. diospyrifolium the stomatal complex is tetracytic and there are calcium oxalate raphide crystals in the parenchyma of the petiole and midrib cells. On the other hand, the three species show some structural likenesses in that all have hypostomatic and dorsiventral leaves, oily cells in petiole and mesophyll, secre-tory trichomes and an endodermis with Casparian strips. RESUMEN Los géneros y las especies de Piperaceae muestran una notoria diversidad estructural en sus hojas, y en particular en tallos. Este trabajo presente presenta un estudio comparativo morfológico y anatómico del tallo y hoja de tres especies de esta familia (Peperomia dahlstedtii C.DC., Ottonia martiana Miq. y Piper diospyrifolium Kunth) que son frecuen-tes en los bosques brasileños, sin que sus órganos vegetativos hubiesen sido previamente examinados anatómicamente. El material fue fijado en FAA, cortado a mano y coloreado con safranina y azul de astra. P. dahlstedtii es un epífito que posee un tallo herbáceo con filotaxia verticilada y estructura polistélica, hoja con epidermis adaxial multiseriada y monocristal de oxalato de calcio en células parenquimáticas y colenquimáticas del pecíolo. O. martiana y P. diospyrifolium presentan muchas semejanzas, siendo ambas plantas terrestres con filotaxia alterna, estela con haces medulares y hoja dorsiventral con epidermis y subepidermis. En O. martiana el aparato estomático es estaurocítico y presenta cristal de sílice en células parenquimáticas del pecíolo y vena media. En P. diospyrifolium el aparato estomá-tico es tetracítico con presencia de rafidios en la parénquima del pecíolo y vena media. Por otro lado, las tres especies muestran cierta semblanza estructural, como hojas hipostomáticas y dorsiventrales, células con aceite en el peciolo y lámina, tricomas glandulares y endodermis provista de banda de Caspary.

On the mechanisms of development in monocot and eudicot leaves

New Phytologist

Comparisons of concepts in monocot and eudicot leaf development are presented, with attention to the morphologies and mechanisms separating these angiosperm lineages. Monocot and eudicot leaves are distinguished by the differential elaborations of upper and lower leaf zones, the formation of sheathing/nonsheathing leaf bases and vasculature patterning. We propose that monocot and eudicot leaves undergo expansion of mediolateral domains at different times in ontogeny, directly impacting features such as venation and leaf bases. Furthermore, lineage-specific mechanisms in compound leaf development are discussed. Although models for the homologies of enigmatic tissues, such as ligules and stipules, are proposed, tests of these hypotheses are rare. Likewise, comparisons of stomatal development are limited to Arabidopsis and a few grasses. Future studies may investigate correlations in the ontogenies of parallel venation and linear stomatal files in monocots, and the reticulate patterning of veins and dispersed stoma in eudicots. Although many fundamental mechanisms of leaf development are shared in eudicots and monocots, variations in the timing, degree and duration of these ontogenetic events may contribute to key differences in morphology. We anticipate that the incorporation of an ever-expanding number of sequenced genomes will enrich our understanding of the developmental mechanisms generating eudicot and monocot leaves.

Leaf anatomy and its implications for phylogenetic relationships in Taxaceae s. l

Journal of Plant Research, 2014

The comparative study on leaf anatomy and stomata structures of six genera of Taxaceae s. l. was conducted. Leaf anatomical structures were very comparable to each other in tissue shape and their arrangements. Taxus, Austrotaxus, and Pseudotaxus have no foliar resin canal, whereas Amentotaxus, Cephalotaxus, and Torreya have a single resin canal located below the vascular bundle. Among them, Torreya was unique with thick-walled, almost round sclerenchymatous epidermal cells. In addition, Amentotaxus and Torreya were comprised of some fiber cells around the vascular bundle. Also, Amentotaxus resembled Cephalotaxus harringtonia and its var. nana because they have discontinuous fibrous hypodermis. However, C. fortunei lacked the same kind of cells. Stomata were arranged in two stomatal bands separated by a mid-vein. The most unique stomatal structure was of Taxus with papillose accessory cells forming stomatal apparatus and of Torreya with deeply seated stomata covered with a special filament structure. Some morphological and molecular studies have already been discussed for the alternative classification of taxad genera into different minor families. The present study is also similar to these hypotheses because each genus has their own individuality in anatomical structure and stomata morphology. In conclusion, these differences in leaf and stomata morphology neither strongly support the two tribes in Taxaceae nor fairly recognize the monogeneric family, Cephalotaxaceae. Rather, it might support an alternative classification of taxad genera in different minor families or a single family Taxaceae including Cephalotaxus. In this study, we would prefer the latter one because there is no clear reason to separate Cephalotaxus from the rest genera of Taxaceae. Therefore, Taxaceae should be redefined with broad circumscriptions including Cephalotaxus.

The Differentiation of Perianth Morphologies in Monocotyledonous Plants

Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topical Issues Vol. I, 2006

flowering plants, expression of an A-function gene specifies sepal formation in whorl 1. The combination of A-and B-function genes specifies the formation of petals in whorl 2, Band C-function genes specify stamen formation in whorl 3, and expression of C-function genes alone determines the formation of carpels in whorl 4. (B) In contrast, many monocot plants, exemplified by the Liliaceae species, have two whorls of almost identical petaloid organs, called tepals. A modified ABC model was proposed by van Tunen et al. (1993) to explain the flower morphology of monocots such as tulip. In this model, class B genes are expressed in whorl 1 as well as in whorls 2 and 3; therefore, the organs of whorl 1 and whorl 2 have the same petaloid structure.

Convergent morphology and anatomy in the microphyllous leaves of selected heathland Myrtaceae and Asteraceae

Trees-structure and Function, 2023

Key message We examined leaves of a suite of microphyllous woody plants and describe a little-known form of leaf peltation for the first time and also investigate strongly reflexed leaves in two distantly related lineages. Abstract Plants cope with a range of environmental conditions, especially related to water relations, and have developed an array of physiological and structural solutions to maintain a functional water balance. There has been considerable recent work on physiological solutions to water deficit but little attention paid to leaf characteristics. In many species there is a change in leaf form from seedlings to adults. We examine such changes in several small-leaved species from the distantly related Asteraceae and Myrtaceae, some of which develop micropeltate or reflexed leaves as adults. All are native to dry or seasonally dry sites. Three major morphological groups were recognised as follows: (1) leaves erect, nonpeltate and scalelike (Ozothamnus hookeri), (2) leaves erect and peltate (Phaenocoma prolifera, Regelia inops), (3) Leaves reflexed (Olearia lepidophylla, Ozothamnus scutellifolius, Ozothamnus reflexifolius, Melaleuca diosmifolia). The microphyllous peltation in P. prolifera and R. inops in the absence of a meristematic fusion/bridge differs from typically peltate leaves. These smallleaved taxa occur in open, high light environments which are very different from the mesic, shaded understorey habitats of typical peltate-leaved plants. Many small-leaved species have leaves closely appressed to the stem and often with recurved margins. The erect leaves are functionally similar to reflexed leaves. Environmental filtering leads to superficially similar plant forms that may have somewhat different ontological origins. Such morphological forms are examples of convergent evolution in distantly related species but within each family are likely phylogenetically related.

Leaf morphological strategies of seedlings and saplings of Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae), Laguncularia racemosa (Combretaceae) and Avicennia schaueriana (Acanthaceae) from Southern Brazil

The initial phase of a plant life cycle is a short and critical period, when individuals are more vulnerable to environmental factors. The morphological and anatomical study of seedlings and saplings leaf type enables the understanding of species strategies of fundamental importance in their establishment and survival. The objective of this study was to analyze the structure of seedlings and saplings leaf types of three mangrove species, Avicennia schaueriana, Laguncularia racemosa, Rhizophora mangle, to understand their early life adap-tive strategies to the environment. A total of 30 fully expanded cotyledons (A. schaueriana and L. racemosa), 30 leaves of seedlings, and 30 leaves of saplings of each species were collected from a mangrove area in Guaratuba Bay, Paraná State, Brazil. Following standard methods, samples were prepared for morphological (leaf dry mass, density, thickness) and anatomical analysis (epidermis and sub-epidermal layers, stomata types, density of salt secretion glands, palisade and spongy parenchyma thickness). To compare leaf types among species one-way ANOVA and Principal Component Analysis were used, while Cluster Analysis evaluated differences between the species. We observed significant structural differences among species leaf types. A. schaueriana showed the thickest cotyledons, while L. racemosa presented a dorsiventral structure. Higher values of the specific leaf area were observed for seedlings leaves of A. schaueriana, cotyledons of L. racemosa and saplings leaves of A. schaueriana and R. mangle. Leaf density was similar to cotyledons and seedlings leaves in A. schaueriana and L. racemosa, while R. mangle had seedlings leaves denser than saplings. A. schaueriana and R. mangle showed hypostomatic leaves, while L. racemosa amphistomatic; besides, A. chaueriana showed diacytic stomata, while L. racemosa anomocytic, and R. mangle ciclocytic. Seedling leaves were thicker in R. mangle (535 µm) and L. racemosa (520 µm) than in A. schaueriana (470.3 µm); while saplings leaves were thicker in L. racemosa (568.3 µm) than in A. schaueriana seedlings (512.4 µm) and R. mangle (514.6 µm). Besides, seedlings leaves palisade parenchyma showed increasing thickness in L. racemosa (119.2 µm) < A. schaueriana (155.5 µm) < R. mangle (175.4 µm); while in saplings leaves as follows R. mangle (128.4 µm) < A. schaueriana (183.4 µm) < L. racemosa (193.9 µm). Similarly, seedlings leaves spongy parenchyma thickness values were as follows A. schaueriana (182.6 µm) = R. mangle (192.8 µm) < L. racemosa (354.4 µm); while in saplings were A. schau-eriana (182.6 µm) = R. mangle (187.3 µm) < L. racemosa (331.3 µm). The analyzed traits, in different combinations , represent morphological adjustments of leaf types to reduce water loss, eliminate salt excess, increase the absorption of light, allowing a higher efficiency on the maintenance of physiological processes in this initial growth stage. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (1): 305-317. Epub 2016 March 01.

Evolution and Function of Leaf Venation Architecture: A Review

Annals of Botany, 2001

The leaves of extant terrestrial plants show highly diverse and elaborate patterns of leaf venation. One fundamental feature of many leaf venation patterns, especially in the case of angiosperm leaves, is the presence of anastomoses. Anastomosing veins distinguish a network topologically from a simple dendritic (tree-like) pattern which represents the primitive venation architecture. The high degree of interspeci®c variation of entire venation patterns as well as phenotypic plasticity of some venation properties, such as venation density, indicate the high selective pressure acting on this branching system. Few investigations deal with functional properties of the leaf venation system. The interrelationships between topological or geometric properties of the various leaf venation patterns and functional aspects are far from being well understood. In this review we summarize current knowledge of interrelationships between the form and function of leaf venation and the evolution of leaf venation patterns. Since the functional aspects of architectural features of dierent leaf venation patterns are considered, the review also refers to the topic of individual and intraspeci®c variation. One basic function of leaf venation is represented by its contribution to the mechanical behaviour of a leaf. Venation geometry and density in¯uences mechanical stability and may aect, for example, susceptibility to herbivory. Transport of water and carbohydrates is the other basic function of this system and the transport properties are also in¯uenced by the venation architecture. These various functional aspects can be interpreted in an ecophysiological context.

Leaf and inflorescence peduncle anatomy: a contribution to the taxonomy of Rapateaceae

Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2014

The anatomy of leaves and inflorescence peduncles was studied in species of Monotrema (4), Stegolepis (1) and Saxofridericia (1), aiming to contribute to the taxonomy of Rapateaceae. The form and structure of leaf blade midrib and the form of the inflorescence peduncle are diagnostic characteristics for the studied species. Monotrema is distinguished by: epidermal and vascular bundle outer sheath cells containing phenolic compounds in both organs; leaf blade with palisade and spongy chlorenchyma, arm-parenchyma, and air canals between the vascular bundles; leaf sheath with phenolic idioblasts in the mesophyll; inflorescence peduncle with tabular epidermal cells and air canals in the cortex and pith. Such characteristics support the recognition of Monotremoideae, which includes Monotrema. Stegolepis guianensis is distinguished by thick-walled epidermal cells and a plicate chlorenchyma in both organs; leaf blade with subepidermal fiber strands in abaxial surface and a heterogeneous mesophyll; inflorescence peduncle with rounded epidermal cells, a hypodermis with slightly thick-walled cells, and a pith with isodiametric cells and vascular bundles. Saxofridericia aculeata is distinguished by papillate epidermal cells in both organs; unifacial leaf blade with subepidermal fiber strands in both surfaces and a regular chlorenchyma; leaf sheath with a hypodermis in both surfaces and fiber bundles in the mesophyll; inflorescence peduncle with an undefined cortex and a hypodermis with thick-walled cells. S. guianensis shares few characteristics with S. aculeata, supporting their placement in different tribes.