Descriptions of species of Stegelleta Thorne, 1938 (Nematoda, Rhabditida, Cephalobidae) from California, New Zealand and Senegal, and a revision of the genus (original) (raw)

Description of a new and two known species of Cephaloboides Rahm, 1928 (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) from India, with discussion on the taxonomy of the genus

Zootaxa, 2017

A new species of Rhabditidae, collected from manure, is described and illustrated. Cephaloboides anisospiculus sp. n., an amphimictic species with a 1:1 sex ratio, is characterized by a small to medium-sized body (female: L = 0.5–0.7 mm, a = 13.6–20.0, b = 2.7–3.6, c = 15.4–22.7, c’ = 1.0–1.8, V = 51.2–60.9), finely striated, punctated cuticle; slightly raised labial papillae; stoma with slightly anisomorphic metastegostom; presence of epiptygma; eggs measuring 37–42 x 20–24 µm; slightly protruded vulval lips with cuticular flaps; rectum 16–19 µm long; males with small, stout, slightly arcuate spicules with hood-like capitula and genital papillae in 1/2/(1+3)+2+P configuration; bursa leptoderan, greatly reduced and not enveloping the caudal spike. C. curvicaudatus (Schneider, 1866) Zullini, 1982 is also redescribed, with an emended diagnosis. The present population of C. curvicaudatus shows a few minor differences viz., relatively smaller ‘b’ value, presence of elongate capitula of ...

The genera Cervidellus Thorne, 1937 and Stegelletina Andrássy, 1984 (Nematoda: Cephalobidae) from Iran, with description of S. kheirii sp. n

Russian Journal of Nematology

One new and one known species of the genus Stegelletina and three species of the genus Cervidellus were found in soil samples from Iran. Stegelletina kheirii sp. n. is characterized by its convex-conoid tail with subacute terminus and by its anterior structure: labial probolae slender-conical with a single bifurcation, primary axils with single triangular guarding piece appearing as two refractive V-shaped elements, lip margins in secondary axils with four pairs of rounded tines, without refractive elements. S. kheirii sp. n. is close to S. similis and S. devimucronata but differs from both mainly in the shape of the tail terminus and absence of a V-shaped element in each secondary axil. Scanning electron microscopic study of C. neftasiensis and C. vexilliger showed that the extension of the lateral field on the tail and width of the phasmid opening are variable characters. S. devimucronata and C. cancellatus were also found and described here.

A new genus and species of the family rhabdolaimidae (nematoda), with descriptions of two known species and taxonomic discussion

Journal of nematology, 2012

A new genus, one new and two known species belonging to family Rhabdolaimidae are described and illustrated. Mediolaimus n. gen. is characterized by small-sized body; papilliform outer labial and cephalic sensilla; long, tubular stoma with stegostom having relatively larger dorsal and smaller sub ventral denticles at same level; cylindrical pharynx with expanded basal bulb having thickened lumen; didelphic gonad having outstretched ovaries; elongate-conoid tail with hemispherical terminus without mucro or spinneret and caudal glands obscure. Mediolaimus obtusicaudatus n. gen. n. sp. is characterized by stoma with a relatively larger dorsal denticle and two fine subventral denticles at same level; amphidelphic reproductive system with outstretched ovaries; tail elongate conoid with smooth hemispherical terminus and absence of male. Rhabdolaimus terrestrisde Man, 1880 and Udonchus tenuicaudatusCobb, 1913 are described with additional details. The inter population variations are discus...

Description of two new and one known species of the closely related genera Cruznema Artigas, 1927 and Rhabpanus Massey, 1971 (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) with a discussion on their relationships

Nematology, 2012

A new and a known species of Cruznema and a new species of the closely related Rhabpanus are described and illustrated. Cruznema helalii sp. n. is characterised by medium- to large-sized, robust individuals (L = 0.75-1.21 mm), punctate cuticle, sudden narrowing of body posterior to vulva, uterus with embryonating eggs, cuticularised and angular vulval lips, a pair of lateral cuticular flaps extending from anterior vulval lip up to anal opening, rounded peloderan, half-closed bursa and eight pairs of genital papillae in 2/2 + (P + 4) or 2/2 + (P + 3) + 1 configuration with precloacal papillae anteriorly directed. Cruznema tripartitum, the most commonly occurring species, is redescribed. Rhabpanus uniquus sp. n. is characterised by medium-sized, plump females (L = 0.61-0.63 mm, a = 11.0-11.2), punctate cuticle, six lateral lines, sexual dimorphism in lip region, anisomorphic metastegostom, presence of short post-uterine sac, a short conoid tail with small terminal spike, male with spi...

Description of Paracrobeles deserticola sp. n. and Nothacrobeles hebetocaudatus sp. n. (Nematoda: Rhabditida: Cephalobidae) from Iran and the phylogenetic relationships of these two species

Two new species of nematodes belonging to the family Cephalobidae (Nematoda, Rhabditida) are described from natural areas in the province of Kerman, Iran. Paracrobeles deserticola sp. n. is characterized by its body length of 0.48–0.60 mm in females and 0.47–0.66 mm in males, cuticle annulated and weakly tessellated into rectangular blocks with striae discontinuous across annulations, lateral field with two wings, areolated, separated by a narrow groove, lip region slightly offset, 15–20 μm wide, lips asymmetrical with two long seta-like processes arising from its margin, primary axils bearing one triangular-elongate guard process, secondary axils with two setiform guard processes with one originating from each lip, labial probolae bifurcated with long and smooth prongs having a small basal ridge, stoma 11–14 μm long, metacorpus swollen, spermatheca 33–50 μm long, post-uterine sac 60–96 μm long or 2.9–4.5 times the corresponding body diameter, vulva located slightly posterior to mid...