Summary of Current Radiometric Calibration Coefficients for Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+, and EO-1 ALI Sensors (original) (raw)
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Proceedings of IGARSS '94 - 1994 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
The reflectance-based method is used to determine an absolute-radiometric calibration of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper for the solar reflective portion of the spectrum. Results are given for data collected at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico on 1992-08-15 and 1993-10-2 1. These results are compared to those obtained from applying an identical approach to data collected in 1984, 1985, and 1988. Results indicate sensor degradation in the first three bands with greatest degradation at the shortest wavelengths. The reflectance-based method is also to be used for the in-flight, absolute-radiometric calibration of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) to be launched on the Earth Observing System's AM1 platform. We describe the anticipated improvements to the reflectance-based method and their application and impact on the calibration of ASTER. These improvements should allow the absolute calibration of ASTER at the 3% level.
Remote Sensing, 2014
This study evaluates the radiometric consistency between Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) using cross calibration techniques. Two approaches are used, one based on cross calibration between the two sensors using simultaneous image pairs, acquired during an underfly event on 29-30 March 2013. The other approach is based on using time series of image statistics acquired by these two sensors over the Libya 4 pseudo invariant calibration site (PICS) (+28.55°N, +23.39°E). Analyses from these approaches show that the reflectance calibration of OLI is generally within ±3% of the ETM+ radiance calibration for all the reflective bands from visible to short wave infrared regions when the ChKur solar spectrum is used to convert the ETM+ radiance to reflectance. Similar results are obtained comparing the OLI radiance calibration directly with the ETM+ radiance calibration and the results in these two different physical units (radiance and reflectance) agree to within ±2% for all the analogous bands.
Radiometric Calibration of the Landsat MSS Sensor Series
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2000
Multispectral remote sensing of the Earth using Landsat sensors was ushered on July 23, 1972, with the launch of Landsat-1. Following that success, four more Landsat satellites were launched, and each of these carried the Multispectral Scanner System (MSS). These five sensors provided the only consistent multispectral space-based imagery of the Earth's surface from 1972 to 1982. This work focuses on developing both a consistent and absolute radiometric calibration of this sensor system. Cross-calibration of the MSS was performed through the use of pseudoinvariant calibration sites (PICSs). Since these sites have been shown to be stable for long periods of time, changes in MSS observations of these sites were attributed to changes in the sensors themselves. In addition, simultaneous data collections were available for some MSS sensor pairs, and these were also used for cross-calibration. Results indicated substantial differences existed between instruments, up to 16%, and these were reduced to 5% or less across all MSS sensors and bands. Lastly, this paper takes the calibration through the final step and places the MSS sensors on an absolute radiometric scale. The methodology used to achieve this was based on simultaneous data collections by the Landsat-5 MSS and Thematic Mapper (TM) instruments. Through analysis of image data from a PICS location and through compensating for the spectral differences between the two instruments, the Landsat-5 MSS sensor was placed on an absolute radiometric scale based on the Landsat-5 TM sensor. Uncertainties associated with this calibration are considered to be less than 5%.
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2004
A coordinated effort on the part of several agencies has led to the specification of a definitive radiometric calibration record for the Landsat-5 thematic mapper (TM) for its lifetime since launch in 1984. The time-dependent calibration record for Landsat-5 TM has been placed on the same radiometric scale as the Landsat-7 enhanced thematic mapper plus (ETM+). It has been implemented in the National Landsat Archive Production Systems (NLAPS) in use in North America. This paper documents the results of this collaborative effort and the specifications for the related calibration processing algorithms. The specifications include (i) anchoring of the Landsat-5 TM calibration record to the Landsat-7 ETM+ absolute radiometric calibration, (ii) new time-dependent calibration processing equations and procedures applicable to raw Landsat-5 TM data, and (iii) algorithms for recalibration computations applicable to some of the existing processed datasets in the North American context. The cross-calibration between Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETM+ was achieved using image pairs from the tandem-orbit configuration period that was programmed early in the Landsat-7 mission. The time-dependent calibration for Landsat-5 TM is based on a detailed trend analysis of data from the on-board internal calibrator. The new lifetime radiometric calibration record for Landsat-5 will overcome problems with earlier product generation owing to inadequate maintenance and documentation of the calibration over time and will facilitate the quantitative examination of a continuous, near-global dataset at 30-m scale that spans almost two decades. 643 Résumé. Un effort coordonné impliquant plusieurs agences a mené à la détermination d'une table d'étalonnage radiométrique permanente pour la durée de vie du capteur « thematic mapper » (TM) de Landsat-5 depuis son lancement en 1984. La table d'étalonnage tributaire du temps pour TM de Landsat-5 a été ramenée à la même échelle radiométrique que le capteur « enhanced thematic mapper plus » (ETM+) de Landsat-7. Elle a été implantée dans les systèmes NLAPS (« National Landsat Archive Production Systems ») utilizés en Amérique du nord. Cet article documente les résultats de cet effort de collaboration et les spécifications des algorithmes de traitement d'étalonnage qui lui sont associés. Les spécifications incluent (i) l'ancrage de la table d'étalonnage TM de Landsat-5 par rapport à l'étalonnage radiométrique absolu de ETM+ de Landsat-7, (ii) de nouvelles équations d'étalonnage tributaires du temps et procédures applicables aux données brutes TM de Landsat-5 et (iii) des algorithmes pour le calcul du ré-étalonnage applicables à certains des ensembles de données traités existant dans le contexte de l'Amérique du nord. L'étalonnage croisé entre les données TM de Landsat-5 et les données ETM+ de Landsat-7 a été résolu en utilizant des couples d'images de la période où les satellites avaient été programmés pour opérer en orbite tandem, au début de la mission de Landsat-7. L'étalonnage tributaire du temps de TM de Landsat-5 est basé sur une analyse de tendance détaillée des données du calibreur interne à bord. La nouvelle table d'étalonnage radiométrique couvrant la durée de vie de Landsat-5 va permettre de résoudre les problèmes rencontrés dans la génération
Thermal infrared radiometric calibration of the entire Landsat 4, 5, and 7 archive (1982–2010)
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2012
Landsat's continuing record of the thermal state of the earth's surface represents the only long term (1982 to the present) global record with spatial scales appropriate for human scale studies (i.e., tens of meters). Temperature drives many of the physical and biological processes that impact the global and local environment. As our knowledge of, and interest in, the role of temperature on these processes have grown, the value of Landsat data to monitor trends and process has also grown. The value of the Landsat thermal data archive will continue to grow as we develop more effective ways to study the long term processes and trends affecting the planet. However, in order to take proper advantage of the thermal data, we need to be able to convert the data to surface temperatures. A critical step in this process is to have the entire archive completely and consistently calibrated into absolute radiance so that it can be atmospherically compensated to surface leaving radiance and then to surface radiometric temperature. This paper addresses the methods and procedures that have been used to perform the radiometric calibration of the earliest sizable thermal data set in the archive (Landsat 4 data). The completion of this effort along with the updated calibration of the earlier (1985-1999) Landsat 5 data, also reported here, concludes a comprehensive calibration of the Landsat thermal archive of data from 1982 to the present.
Reflectance-based calibration and validation of the landsat satellite archive
REFLECTANCE-BASED CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION OF THE LANDSAT SATELLITE ARCHIVE SANDEEP KUMAR CHITTIMALLI 2016 The primary objective of this project was to consistently calibrate the entire Landsat series to a common reflectance scale by performing cross-calibration corrections from Landsat-8 OLI to Landsat1 MSS. A consistent radiance-based calibration was already performed from Landsat-8 OLI through Landsat-1 MSS using bright targets and dark targets. The MSS radiance-based calibration results showed an uncertainty of about ±5%. Typically to convert from radiance to reflectance a solar model is used. Unfortunately, there are numerous solar models, all with various levels of accuracies. It was also seen that there is a data format inconsistency for different types of MSS data that impact the radiometric uncertainty of the products when compared to Landsat-8 OLI data. One of the advances Landsat-8 OLI has over to earlier missions is a solar model independent reflectance calibration. He...
Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETM+ absolute radiometric calibration using the reflectance-based method
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
The reflectance-based method of vicarious calibration has been used for the absolute radiometric calibration of the Landsat series of sensors since the launch of Landsat-4. The reflectance-based method relies on ground-based measurements of the surface reflectance and atmospheric conditions at a selected test site nearly coincident with the imaging of that site by the sensor of interest. The results of this approach are presented here for Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+). The data have been collected by two groups, one from the University of Arizona and the other from South Dakota State University. The test sites used by the University of Arizona group for this work are the Railroad Valley Playa, Lunar Lake Playa, and Roach Lake Playa all of which are in Nevada, Ivanpah Playa in California, and White Sands Missile Range, NM. The test site for the South Dakota State group is a grass site in Brookings, SD. The gains derived from dates using these sites spanning the period from 1984 to 2003 are presented for TM and for the period of 1999 to 2003 for ETM+. Differences between the two groups are less than the combined uncertainties of the methods, and the data are thus treated as a single dataset.
The Landsat program has been producing an archive of thermal imagery that spans the globe and covers 30 years of the thermal history of the planet at human scales (60-120 m). Most of that archive's absolute radiometric calibration has been fixed through vicarious calibration techniques. These calibration ties to trusted values have often taken a year or more to gather sufficient data and, in some cases, it has been over a decade before calibration certainty has been established. With temperature being such a critical factor for all living systems and the ongoing concern over the impacts of climate change, NASA and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) are leading efforts to provide timely and accurate temperature data from the Landsat thermal data archive. This paper discusses two closely related advances that are critical steps toward providing timely and reliable temperature image maps from Landsat. The first advance involves the development and testing of an autonomous procedure for gathering and performing initial screening of large amounts of vicarious calibration data. The second advance discussed in this paper is the per-pixel atmospheric compensation of the data to permit calculation of the emitted surface radiance (using ancillary sources of emissivity data) and the corresponding land surface temperature (LST).