Long range magnetic ordering with giant magnetic moments in Pt doped NiMn thin films (original) (raw)
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Effect of submonolayer coverage of Fe and Mn films on the magnetization direction of
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We study by extensive Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and Green function (GF) method some properties of a system composed of three thin ferromagnetic (FM) films coupled to each other by an antiferromagnetic (AF) interface exchange interaction in the presence of a magnetic field H perpendicular to the film surfaces. The films have a triangular lattice structure with Ising spins. In the simplest case, where all interactions except the interface ones are FM and taken to be equal to J ¼ 1; and the interface interactions between the second (middle) film and its neighboring first and third films, J 12 and J 23 ; are equal to À1; the ðT; HÞ-phase diagram obtained by MC simulations shows several interesting features. While for H smaller than the critical value H t there observed a second-order phase transition at a finite T from the AF ordering to paramagnetic phase, for H > H t the transition becomes of first-order. The field H t depends on the interface interactions and the film thickness. The hysteresis cycle measured in the transition region by field-heating and field-cooling shows a two-step cycle which may have important practical applications in magnetic recording. An analytical calculation by the GF method using an Ising-like model has been performed for the same system. The obtained self-consistent layer magnetizations are in excellent agreement with the MC ones.
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Phys Rev B, 2005
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