A Study of Fundamental Limitations to Statistical Detection of Redshifted H I From the Epoch of Reionization (original) (raw)
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Power spectrum extraction for redshifted 21-cm Epoch of Reionization experiments: the LOFAR case
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2010
One of the aims of the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) Epoch of Reionization (EoR) project is to measure the power spectrum of variations in the intensity of redshifted 21-cm radiation from the EoR. The sensitivity with which this power spectrum can be estimated depends on the level of thermal noise and sample variance, and also on the systematic errors arising from the extraction process, in particular from the subtraction of foreground contamination. We model the extraction process using realistic simulations of the cosmological signal, the foregrounds and noise, and so estimate the sensitivity of the LOFAR EoR experiment to the redshifted 21cm power spectrum. Detection of emission from the EoR should be possible within 360 hours of observation with a single station beam. Integrating for longer, and synthesizing multiple station beams within the primary (tile) beam, then enables us to extract progressively more accurate estimates of the power at a greater range of scales and redshifts. We discuss different observational strategies which compromise between depth of observation, sky coverage and frequency coverage. A plan in which lower frequencies receive a larger fraction of the time appears to be promising. We also study the nature of the bias which foreground fitting errors induce on the inferred power spectrum, and discuss how to reduce and correct for this bias. The angular and line-of-sight power spectra have different merits in this respect, and we suggest considering them separately in the analysis of LOFAR data.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2014
The detection of the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) in the redshifted 21-cm line is a challenging task. Here we formulate the detection of the EoR signal using the drift scan strategy. This method potentially has better instrumental stability as compared to the case where a single patch of sky is tracked. We demonstrate that the correlation time between measured visibilities could extend up to 1 − 2 hr for an interferometer array such as the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), which has a wide primary beam. We estimate the EoR power based on cross-correlation of visibilities across time and show that the drift scan strategy is capable of the detection of the EoR signal with * sourabh@rri.res.in † sethi@rri.res.in arXiv:1407.4620v1 [astro-ph.IM] 17 Jul 2014 comparable/better signal-to-noise as compared to the tracking case. We also estimate the visibility correlation for a set of bright point sources and argue that the statistical inhomogeneity of bright point sources might allow their separation from the EoR signal.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021
Current attempts to measure the 21cm Power Spectrum of neutral hydrogen during the Epoch of Reionization are limited by systematics which produce measured upper limits above both the thermal noise and the expected cosmological signal. These systematics arise from a combination of observational, instrumental, and analysis effects. In order to further understand and mitigate these effects, it is instructive to explore different aspects of existing datasets. One such aspect is the choice of observing field. To date, MWA EoR observations have largely focused on the EoR0 field. In this work, we present a new detailed analysis of the EoR1 field. The EoR1 field is one of the coldest regions of the Southern radio sky, but contains the very bright radio galaxy Fornax-A. The presence of this bright extended source in the primary beam of the interferometer makes the calibration and analysis of EoR1 particularly challenging. We demonstrate the effectiveness of a recently developed shapelet model of Fornax-A in improving the results from this field. We also describe and apply a series of data quality metrics which identify and remove systematically contaminated data. With substantially improved source models, upgraded analysis algorithms and enhanced data quality metrics, we determine EoR power spectrum upper limits based on analysis of the best ∼14-hours data observed during 2015 and 2014 at redshifts 6.5, 6.8 and 7.1, with the lowest 2 upper limit at z=6.5 of Δ 2 ≤ (73.78 mK) 2 at = 0.13 h Mpc −1 , improving on previous EoR1 measurement results.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2015
We confirm our recent prediction of the "pitchfork" foreground signature in power spectra of highredshift 21 cm measurements where the interferometer is sensitive to large-scale structure on all baselines. This is due to the inherent response of a wide-field instrument and is characterized by enhanced power from foreground emission in Fourier modes adjacent to those considered to be the most sensitive to the cosmological H i signal. In our recent paper, many signatures from the simulation that predicted this feature were validated against Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) data, but this key pitchfork signature was close to the noise level. In this paper, we improve the data sensitivity through the coherent averaging of 12 independent snapshots with identical instrument settings and provide the first confirmation of the prediction with a signal-to-noise ratio > 10. This wide-field effect can be mitigated by careful antenna designs that suppress sensitivity near the horizon. Simple models for antenna apertures that have been proposed for future instruments such as the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array and the Square Kilometre Array indicate they should suppress foreground leakage from the pitchfork by ∼ 40 dB relative to the MWA and significantly increase the likelihood of cosmological signal detection in these critical Fourier modes in the three-dimensional power spectrum.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2015
Detection of 21 cm emission of Hi from the epoch of reionization, at redshifts z > 6, is limited primarily by foreground emission. We investigate the signatures of wide-field measurements and an all-sky foreground model using the delay spectrum technique that maps the measurements to foreground object locations through signal delays between antenna pairs. We demonstrate interferometric measurements are inherently sensitive to all scales, including the largest angular scales, owing to the nature of wide-field measurements. These wide-field effects are generic to all observations but antenna shapes impact their amplitudes substantially. A dish-shaped antenna yields the most desirable features from a foreground contamination viewpoint, relative to a dipole or a phased array. Comparing data from recent Murchison Widefield Array observations, we demonstrate that the foreground signatures that have the largest impact on the Hi signal arise from power received far away from the primary field of view. We identify diffuse emission near the horizon as a significant contributing factor, even on wide antenna spacings that usually represent structures on small scales. For signals entering through the primary field of view, compact emission dominates the foreground contamination. These two mechanisms imprint a characteristic pitchfork signature on the "foreground wedge" in Fourier delay space. Based on these results, we propose that selective down-weighting of data based on antenna spacing and time can mitigate foreground contamination substantially by a factor ∼ 100 with negligible loss of sensitivity.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013
The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope Epoch of Reionization experiment is an ongoing effort to measure the power spectrum from neutral hydrogen at high redshift. We have previously reported an upper limit of (70 mK) 2 at wavenumbers of k ≈ 0.65 h Mpc −1 using a basic piecewise-linear foreground subtraction. In this paper we explore the use of a singular value decomposition to remove foregrounds with fewer assumptions about the foreground structure. Using this method we also quantify, for the first time, the signal loss due to the foreground filter and present new power spectra adjusted for this loss, providing a revised measurement of a 2σ upper limit at (248 mK) 2 for k = 0.50 h Mpc −1 . While this revised limit is larger than previously reported, we believe it to be more robust and still represents the best current constraint on reionization at z ≈ 8.6.
Foreground and Noise Removal from HI fluctuations at Large Redshifts
Probing the large scale structures in the universe at larger redshifts by studying the fluctuations in the red-shifted 21 cm emission from neutral hydrogen atom (HI) at earlier epochs, has drawn attention quite for a long time. Studies conducted in this area has shown that the measurement of visibility correlation function at different frequencies and baselines allow a direct relationship with the power spectrum of density fluctuations of the HI distribution thereby providing a method for studying large scale structures at large red-shifts. Recent works has also explored the possibilities of using visibility correlation measure of the red-shifted 21 cm emission as an estimator for the Epoch of Re-ionization (EoR) power. However, the direct correlation of visibilities as obtained from the correlator will have the foreground and noise components which are to be removed. This work addresses the problem of foreground source and noise removal from the visibility correlation, making use of the fast decaying property of the visibility correlation of HI emission. Also, we have proposed a scheme for extracting the signal iteratively so that the waiting time for obtaining large chunks of data to estimate the weak HI emission signal can be avoided.
Power Spectrum Sensitivity and the Design of Epoch of Reionization Observatories
The Astrophysical Journal, 2005
Recent theoretical developments for observing the Epoch of Reionization (EOR) have concentrated on the power spectrum signature of redshifted 21 cm emission. These studies have demonstrated the great potential of statistical EOR observations, however, the sensitivity calculations for proposed low frequency radio arrays have been highly approximate. The formalism developed for interferometric measurements of the cosmic microwave background can be extended to three dimensions to naturally incorporate the line-of-sight information inherent in the EOR signal. In this paper we demonstrate how to accurately calculate the EOR power spectrum sensitivity of an array, and develop scaling relationships which can be used to guide the design of EOR observatories. The implications for antenna distribution, antenna size, and correlator requirements on the EOR sensitivity are detailed.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2014
A number of experiments are currently working towards a measurement of the 21 cm signal from the Epoch of Reionization. Whether or not these experiments deliver a detection of cosmological emission, their limited sensitivity will prevent them from providing detailed information about the astrophysics of reionization. In this work, we consider what types of measurements will be enabled by a next-generation of larger 21 cm EoR telescopes. To calculate the type of constraints that will be possible with such arrays, we use simple models for the instrument, foreground emission, and the reionization history. We focus primarily on an instrument modeled after the ∼ 0.1 km 2 collecting area Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) concept design, and parameterize the uncertainties with regard to foreground emission by considering different limits to the recently described "wedge" footprint in k-space. Uncertainties in the reionization history are accounted for using a series of simulations which vary the ionizing efficiency and minimum virial temperature of the galaxies responsible for reionization, as well as the mean free path of ionizing photons through the IGM. Given various combinations of models, we consider the significance of the possible power spectrum detections, the ability to trace the power spectrum evolution versus redshift, the detectability of salient power spectrum features, and the achievable level of quantitative constraints on astrophysical parameters. Ultimately, we find that 0.1 km 2 of collecting area is enough to ensure a very high significance ( 30σ) detection of the reionization power spectrum in even the most pessimistic scenarios. This sensitivity should allow for meaningful constraints on the reionization history and astrophysical parameters, especially if foreground subtraction techniques can be improved and successfully implemented.