Dendritic cells and airway epithelial cells at the interface between innate and adaptive immune responses (original) (raw)

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Biology of Lung Dendritic Cells at the Origin of Asthma Cover Page

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The role of dendritic and epithelial cells as master regulators of allergic airway inflammation Cover Page

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Dendritic cells in asthma: a function beyond sensitization Cover Page

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Dendritic cells and epithelial cells: linking innate and adaptive immunity in asthma Cover Page

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Recent progress in the biology of airway dendritic cells and implications for understanding the regulation of asthmatic inflammation Cover Page

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The role of dendritic cells in asthma Cover Page

Studying the function of dendritic cells in mouse models of asthma

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2010

Dendritic cells (DCs) are known to play a crucial role in the induction of allergic asthma in mouse models. Their antigen presentation capacity, linked to their capacity to prime naïve T cells and polarize them towards a Th1, Th2, Th17 or Treg profile, allows them to efficiently initiate an immune response to allergens. Airway dendritic cells also play a crucial role in the local restimulation of circulating effector T cells upon allergen challenge. Given their important implication in pathogenesis of asthma in mice models, the study of environmental and pharmacologic effects on DCs function is now a blooming field. There is therefore a critical need for a stable, yet flexible animal model to investigate the effects of various environmental factors (endotoxins, pollutants, etc.) or pharmacologic molecules on DCs and subsequently on their role in asthma pathogenesis. This chapter presents an approach using a reliable animal model of asthma that has the advantage to allow intervention...

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Studying the function of dendritic cells in mouse models of asthma Cover Page

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Role of regulatory dendritic cells in allergy and asthma Cover Page

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Opinion: Taking our breath away: dendritic cells in the pathogenesis of asthma Cover Page

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Pulmonary CD103+ dendritic cells prime Th2 responses to inhaled allergens Cover Page