Audiovisual Phonologic-Feature-Based Recognition of Dysarthric Speech (original) (raw)

Automatic dictation software with reasonably high word recognition accuracy is now widely avail- able to the general public. Many people with gross motor impairment, including some people with cerebral palsy and closed head injuries, have not enjoyed the benet of these advances, because their general motor impairment includes a component of dysarthria: reduced speech intelligibility caused by neuromotor impairment. These motor impairments often preclude normal use of a keyboard. For this reason, case studies have shown that some dysarthric users may nd it easier, instead of a key- board, to use a small-vocabulary automatic speech recognition system, with code words representing letters and formatting commands, and with acoustic speech recognition models carefully adapted to the speech of the individual user. Development of each individualized speech recognition system remains extremely labor-intensive, because so little is understood about the general characteristics of dysarthric s...


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